Corrupt as all get out it seems. BB, Jaxie and the congas will be incommunicado for a while now. I remember their fan boy reverence of yesteryear, all now a cruel illusion!
But an illusion created by our right wing MSM who dubbed her "Our Glad" after her predecessor jumped after lying to ICAC. They sold her to the heights of popularity and then, when she was exposed as Maguire's partner (in crime) they doubled down and sold the damsel misled angle to the Sheeple who still, according to the vox pop on the ABC tonight, think that she's had a rough deal and is innocent. That means, despite the damning evidence a large chunk of Aussie Sheeple still prefer their emotions. Are we the dumbest humans on Earth? Our media is supposed to inform us, not fool us.
Aren't those Libs priceless? They hate ICAC because of all the political parties they are the most egregious money lovers. And considering the corruption in Oz business generally, that's no surprise. Maguire had multiple properties but still wanted more and more and wanted taxpayer money to help him acquire more. And the mugs will still vote for them. Not that the Catholic Right that dominates the ALP in NSW is much better.
Scummo jumped up and down in parliament excoriating ICAC and lauding Our Glad a while back but the media, faced with the irrefutable, has now turned. They had to because they need to recast themselves as even handed so that their next Tory sales job will have a little cred. And there'll be a next one because libs and their media are the ruling class in Dumbville.
But an illusion created by our right wing MSM who dubbed her "Our Glad" after her predecessor jumped after lying to ICAC. They sold her to the heights of popularity and then, when she was exposed as Maguire's partner (in crime) they doubled down and sold the damsel misled angle to the Sheeple who still, according to the vox pop on the ABC tonight, think that she's had a rough deal and is innocent. That means, despite the damning evidence a large chunk of Aussie Sheeple still prefer their emotions. Are we the dumbest humans on Earth? Our media is supposed to inform us, not fool us.
Aren't those Libs priceless? They hate ICAC because of all the political parties they are the most egregious money lovers. And considering the corruption in Oz business generally, that's no surprise. Maguire had multiple properties but still wanted more and more and wanted taxpayer money to help him acquire more. And the mugs will still vote for them. Not that the Catholic Right that dominates the ALP in NSW is much better.
Scummo jumped up and down in parliament excoriating ICAC and lauding Our Glad a while back but the media, faced with the irrefutable, has now turned. They had to because they need to recast themselves as even handed so that their next Tory sales job will have a little cred. And there'll be a next one because libs and their media are the ruling class in Dumbville.