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Jizzy's 2023 Japan diary

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  • #16
    Izzy brings a lot of this strife on himself if his some of his intemperate and strident posts are anything to go by.

    Fronting up to authority half pissed and truculent is not recommended under any circumstances but especially if one is white, privileged and seeking to curry favour from brown people. My modest advice would be to lock up the spirits and the Limoncello and don't even think about the craft beers, the alcohol content of which could be dynamite.

    All of this "walking into bars" and "multiple rounds of free liquor" is a definite concern and no wonder that Voods fears for the possible dire consequences of all that. The booze never gives "great vibes on how to do things properly" that's for sure. More likely to lead to an AVO. I hope the new husband hasn't been monstered Matt Lodge style.

    There is some talk that Jaxie has the occasional issue with the brown employees at the Merrylands RSL after a long Chicken Parmi lunch and a luckless turn on the machines.
    Last edited by Paddo Colt 61; 07-31-2023, 04:31 PM.


    • #17
      Ahh yes, I see you know your judo well.

      But what of the daughters predicament, being 300% Jap/Aus/Italo ? I feel our fantasian friend is just trying to appeal to more readers with this tale.

      What this story needs is a trip to the seaside to meet with salt of the water types and their take on how to handle this situation. That’s what movie goers want


      • #18
        Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post
        Izzy brings a lot of this strife on himself if his some of his intemperate and strident posts are anything to go by.

        Fronting up to authority half pissed and truculent is not recommended under any circumstances but especially if one is white, privileged and seeking to curry favour from brown people. My modest advice would be to lock up the spirits and the Limoncello and don't even think about the craft beers, the alcohol content of which could be dynamite.

        All of this "walking into bars" and "multiple rounds of free liquor" is a definite concern and no wonder that Voods fears for the possible dire consequences of all that. The booze never gives "great vibes on how to do things properly" that's for sure. More likely to lead to an AVO. I hope the new husband hasn't been monstered Matt Lodge style.

        There is some talk that Jaxie has the occasional issue with the brown employees at the Merrylands RSL after a long Chicken Parmi lunch and a luckless turn on the machines.
        Mods - how much race-baiting and racism is acceptable from this idiot...time for a wake-up call?
        #We Stand with ourJewish community#


        • #19
          Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post
          Izzy brings a lot of this strife on himself if his some of his intemperate and strident posts are anything to go by.

          Fronting up to authority half pissed and truculent is not recommended under any circumstances but especially if one is white, privileged and seeking to curry favour from brown people. My modest advice would be to lock up the spirits and the Limoncello and don't even think about the craft beers, the alcohol content of which could be dynamite.

          All of this "walking into bars" and "multiple rounds of free liquor" is a definite concern and no wonder that Voods fears for the possible dire consequences of all that. The booze never gives "great vibes on how to do things properly" that's for sure. More likely to lead to an AVO. I hope the new husband hasn't been monstered Matt Lodge style.

          There is some talk that Jaxie has the occasional issue with the brown employees at the Merrylands RSL after a long Chicken Parmi lunch and a luckless turn on the machines.
          One of your best mate!
          FVCK CANCER


          • #20
            I'm in a pretty fragile state right now (will probably take the week off - lotsa head noise going on) so I won't say much just now. Have got stuff I'd like to share about all this though.

            Since old mate's been quoted, I'll respond to his assertion that I fronted up to the cops pissed and bring everything on myself:

            1. I was not pissed while visiting my daughter (during which time her step-dad called the cops as he was PLOTTING to try and get me arrested, but I didn't fall for his trap). I see my daughter during the day (while 100% sober) and then hit the turps at night because it's all so farking painful and I need an out. Self-medication... sure, I'll own that. However, 99% of the reason I do this is so that I remember Japan as a fun place with cool people rather than thinking all the locals are like my daughter's step-dad (who would probably pip Tom Waterhouse and Elon Musk in a contest for world's most punchable face).

            2. Who's giving me multiple rounds of free liquor? The one free drink I got was from one of my best mate's (previous) in-laws because we clicked and I'm one of the few people in town who they could discuss divorce with, without copping a heap of BS prejudice (and having people using derogatory words to describe their daughter/grandchildren). FWIW I forgot it was in my bag before going through the bag check (when leaving) so skulled it before getting on the plane. It was just a cheap bottle (and small - single serve), but damn it was smooth!


            • #21
              I’ve followed this thread with interest from the get go and haven’t said anything

              Firstly and of least importance no surprise Jaxxx has come in to play the forum nark

              Having been through a family law case myself ( fortunately my Daughter lives with me ) I know how highly emotive my charged things can be I know ism posted his story last year at that time we had gone through some things regarding Mrs Walkers own Daughter Hearing isms story made us realise how lucky we were I mentioned this to MR in pm and I also contacted ism in pm as I genuinely felt for him ( as Voods has fairly pointed out there is another side to this story we have not heard but that does not mean isms version isn’t spot on the money I know this through my own experience )
              After speaking with ism and hearing everything he had to say I encouraged him to stand up for himself as what had been in isms words he ran the risk of losing his Daughter ( if he already hasn’t ) he needed to do this for his Daughter to see that he would fight for her As I explained maybe she wants to see that maybe she thinks he doesn’t care So with what I’ve said in mind I respect that ism has gone over there and done this Hopefully his Daughter will realise To be honest this is pretty fcuked up shit as by isms account this is a young girl about my own Daughters age potentially being mind fcuked by the Mother and step father

              I will admit at times I’ve thought similar to PC on things being the way they are and isms behaviour at times in here for wanting a better way to put it makes people question what he says and have a bit less empathy for the situation Bottom line is there is a teenage girl potentially being mentally abused here so on this one maybe people should all lay off at least in this thread anyway Fire away at the limoncello and craft beer drinker in another thread but this really is one of those threads where if you haven’t got something nice to say best move on and say nothing

              I’m up late as I’ve had a shitty day dealing with insensitive and selfish people messing me around Then when you call them out on it they play victim Way too much of this goes on in the world Fortunately for me this issue is easily dealt with you just get rid of them and don’t deal with them But one would be lying to say things like that hurt when it happens with people you liked and have helped out But disappointment is a part of life that we all at times have to come yo terms with I’m sure this won’t be the last time someone lets me down or messes me around. I mention this as maybe this is why I’ve chosen now to come on and comment

              To me family Is everything ( it’s been nice just to sit at home tonight with mine and watch the soccer it puts things in perspective ) and as much as I enjoy poking fun at ism and will continue to do so in other threads I hope this works out and both he and his Daughter get a happy ending to all of this

              Last edited by Andrew Walker; 08-01-2023, 02:47 AM.
              When you trust your television
              what you get is what you got
              Cause when they own the information
              they can bend it all they want

              John Mayer


              • #22
                Originally posted by Andrew Walker View Post
                I’ve followed this thread with interest from the get go and haven’t said anything

                Firstly and of least importance no surprise Jaxxx has come in to play the forum nark

                Having been through a family law case myself ( fortunately my Daughter lives with me ) I know how highly emotive my charged things can be I know ism posted his story last year at that time we had gone through some things regarding Mrs Walkers own Daughter Hearing isms story made us realise how lucky we were I mentioned this to MR in pm and I also contacted ism in pm as I genuinely felt for him ( as Voods has fairly pointed out there is another side to this story we have not heard but that does not mean isms version isn’t spot on the money I know this through my own experience )
                After speaking with ism and hearing everything he had to say I encouraged him to stand up for himself as what had been in isms words he ran the risk of losing his Daughter ( if he already hasn’t ) he needed to do this for his Daughter to see that he would fight for her As I explained maybe she wants to see that maybe she thinks he doesn’t care So with what I’ve said in mind I respect that ism has gone over there and done this Hopefully his Daughter will realise To be honest this is pretty fcuked up shit as by isms account this is a young girl about my own Daughters age potentially being mind fcuked by the Mother and step father

                I will admit at times I’ve thought similar to PC on things being the way they are and isms behaviour at times in here for wanting a better way to put it makes people question what he says and have a bit less empathy for the situation Bottom line is there is a teenage girl potentially being mentally abused here so on this one maybe people should all lay off at least in this thread anyway Fire away at the limoncello and craft beer drinker in another thread but this really is one of those threads where if you haven’t got something nice to say best move on and say nothing

                I’m up late as I’ve had a shitty day dealing with insensitive and selfish people messing me around Then when you call them out on it they play victim Way too much of this goes on in the world Fortunately for me this issue is easily dealt with you just get rid of them and don’t deal with them But one would be lying to say things like that hurt when it happens with people you liked and have helped out But disappointment is a part of life that we all at times have to come yo terms with I’m sure this won’t be the last time someone lets me down or messes me around. I mention this as maybe this is why I’ve chosen now to come on and comment

                To me family Is everything ( it’s been nice just to sit at home tonight with mine and watch the soccer it puts things in perspective ) and as much as I enjoy poking fun at ism and will continue to do so in other threads I hope this works out and both he and his Daughter get a happy ending to all of this

                Good post Andy. This is about ism and his daughter. I think people need to be more sensitive to what is happening here. The craft beer and other ‘jokes’, if that’s what they are meant to be, should be kept out of this thread.


                • #23
                  Calling someone "paedo" should also be kept out. Surely Izzy could not have expected that to go through to the keeper? Some humility on his part is well in order. I might soften after an apology.

                  Anyway, we've all had our trials. I was an early casualty of the Family Law Act and was restricted to every other weekend access after assaulting my wife's lover. I still relish the memory - He comes out of my house, "I want to have a talk to you....I love...." he says then whack! The big Paddo king hit! Most uncivilised. Wife screaming over another man shocked me.

                  Did me no good in the long run but maybe restricted access was going to be the situation whatever. Ex partners, especially female, want you to disappear if at all possible (as Izzy's ex clearly does) and I was too young then to honestly examine my role in the breakup. That came years later. Iz needs to do that - self examine. For whatever reason some animus is felt towards him and he needs to honestly consider why that might be. Self pity hampers emotional healing. Ego often affects the best interests of the children.
                  Last edited by Paddo Colt 61; 08-01-2023, 02:09 PM.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post
                    Calling someone "paedo" should also be kept out. Surely Izzy could not have expected that to go through to the keeper? Some humility on his part is well in order. I might soften after an apology.

                    Anyway, we've all had our trials. I was an early casualty of the Family Law Act and was restricted to every other weekend access after assaulting my wife's lover. I still relish the memory - He comes out of my house, "I want to have a talk to you....I love...." he says then whack! The big Paddo king hit! Most uncivilised. Wife screaming over another man shocked me.

                    Did me no good in the long run but maybe restricted access was going to be the situation whatever. Ex partners, especially female, want you to disappear if at all possible (as Izzy's ex clearly does) and I was too young then to honestly examine my role in the breakup. That came years later. Iz needs to do that - self examine. For whatever reason some animus is felt towards him and he needs to honestly consider why that might be. Self pity hampers emotional healing. Ego often affects the best interests of the children.
                    Paddo, yes the paedo thing was uncalled for and I remember saying that at the time. Lol at the king hit.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post
                      Calling someone "paedo" should also be kept out. Surely Izzy could not have expected that to go through to the keeper? Some humility on his part is well in order. I might soften after an apology.

                      Anyway, we've all had our trials. I was an early casualty of the Family Law Act and was restricted to every other weekend access after assaulting my wife's lover. I still relish the memory - He comes out of my house, "I want to have a talk to you....I love...." he says then whack! The big Paddo king hit! Most uncivilised. Wife screaming over another man shocked me.

                      Did me no good in the long run but maybe restricted access was going to be the situation whatever. Ex partners, especially female, want you to disappear if at all possible (as Izzy's ex clearly does) and I was too young then to honestly examine my role in the breakup. That came years later. Iz needs to do that - self examine. For whatever reason some animus is felt towards him and he needs to honestly consider why that might be. Self pity hampers emotional healing. Ego often affects the best interests of the children.
                      Fair enough PC Most of us called issmout on that I also looked back at your initial post It’s not that bad and their are some words of wisdom in it just like there are in the above post and I did address that there are times I’ve thought similar due to isms style It’s just your writing style that came across as a little off to me and I’ve decided to not get involved here by putting the soft slipper inwith our limoncello drinking friend But I’m not Jaxx it is not my place to judge those who have and it is why I addressed and recognised what both you and Voods had said

                      Now onto our mutual friend the mouth of Merrylands aka Jaxxx Your comment on him in this gave me the only laugh I had all day yesterday and early this morning So thanks
                      When you trust your television
                      what you get is what you got
                      Cause when they own the information
                      they can bend it all they want

                      John Mayer


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Andrew Walker View Post

                        Fair enough PC Most of us called issmout on that I also looked back at your initial post It’s not that bad and their are some words of wisdom in it just like there are in the above post and I did address that there are times I’ve thought similar due to isms style It’s just your writing style that came across as a little off to me and I’ve decided to not get involved here by putting the soft slipper inwith our limoncello drinking friend But I’m not Jaxx it is not my place to judge those who have and it is why I addressed and recognised what both you and Voods had said

                        Now onto our mutual friend the mouth of Merrylands aka Jaxxx Your comment on him in this gave me the only laugh I had all day yesterday and early this morning So thanks
                        Now I know why he turned on me


                        • #27
                          This visitation was particularly stressful so sorry that I haven't detailed the facts as throughly as I shoulda. As a bit of a catch-up, I'm gonna cover a few positive aspects of the trip. Unfortunately my main purpose of visiting (seeing my daughter) was a complete bust due to the reasons above.

                          I'm not here to character assassinate anybody (or argue about Russia/China) but to be clear... the alienation tactics being used are completely unacceptable. As noted previously, I'm working on a book about this stuff but haven't quite worked out what I wanna do with the experiences yet. Every time I think I've got the story/vibe covered, it takes a new twist.

                          Anyhow events...

                          - I stayed in an onsen town (Yamanaka onsen in Ishikawa prefecture). Beautiful! Tiny town but I visited an awesome jazz bar run by a lady who's no joke got the same age and birthday as me. RIDICULOUSLY good bar for a town that size and cocktails were only 8 bucks. I sat at the bar talking to some random Hungarian dude (a local) while slamming down cocktail after cocktail. Talked to the owner a bit too. TBH one thing I find Australia really lacks is these owner-operated bars where you can just sit at the bar, meet a heap of new people straight away and talk to the owner about their business (which I always find interesting). Oh and the sound system was INSANE for any of the audiophiles out there. All 70's Marantz gear with a vacuum tube pre-amp attached and lotsa jazz vinyls playing. The owner's a tech nerd who set it all up herself so most of our chit-chat was about the audio gear. I had a go on the piano and people pretended that my repertoire of ~5 jazz tunes (including vocals) was awesome. It was not and I should been hooked... the locals were very polite.

                          - Did I mention Tsuruga? I caught up with my fishing friends in Tsuruga. Also went to my favourite bar in town (called Tree) and caught up with a heap of old friends. It felt a bit like a 10th sequel to one of those movies where all the old team get back together for one final heist as we're all grown up with kids now. Back in the day it was WILD. Today it's more quiet. A long-term local was running an English conversation session there so I sorta hijacked it as I was arriving. There were many looks of amazement when I told people 'no... I am not an English teacher... happy to have a chat and a beer, but I can't teach you anything' (tiny town so most people had only ever met foreigners who are English teachers). Oh yeah... the $8 cocktails were available there too. Seems to be the going rate! I took the liberty of shaking a few myself while the owner was out the back (she's an old friend and is used to my antics). Oh and I brought limoncello + a local Canberra gin for the bar.

                          - Did I describe the barber? Got an AMAZING scissors cut from a barber in Tsuruga who I'd never used before (I'd always assumed his shop was the cheap, high-volume place). Went there because a close friend's shop has MOVED! I thought he was just closed but he's MOVED - totes devo!!! Anyhow for ~$20 I got a solid cut, shampoo and straight razor shave (baby's bottom style... best shave ever). People might be seeing a theme here. I dunno why but IMO Japan is VERY affordable for what you get, particularly with current exchange rates. People assume SE Asia's dirt cheap but TBH my recent visits to Vietnam have been EXPENSIVE! Sure you can get a $5 pho from some street vendor (which has been sitting there in the sun all day, adding a heap of folkie charm and a hipster story to your journey) but as soon as you enter a good restaurant, I find it costs an arm and a leg for look sometimes quite good food. However, I find that where I travel to in Japan, the prices are damn good for the ridiculously high quality of service you get.

                          - Other things? Nothing all that notable! I was a little depressed so did some retro gaming buy-ups that I won't bore people with. Mostly Mega Drive, Saturn and Dreamcast games. Highlights (if there's any gamers here) include Outrun, Crazy Taxi, House of the Dead 2, Shining Force III, Space Channel 5, Dance Dance Revolution, Albert Odyssey, Air and a heap of popular fighters. I had many of these already but one particular shop I hit up had soooo many mint quality games that I couldn't resist. Needless to say, my mancave is currently being refitted (which includes the installation of a 20" BVM that a friend gave me).


                          That's all I guess. It's a weird relationship that I have with Japan now but my main interest now is my daughter's welfare. 99% of my time was spent fighting with courts and getting them to do stuff about her welfare. She's a minor so I don't wanna say too much. However she's been hurt both physically and mentally by the step-dad. I have no personal grievances with him. However he's made it clear that he's a right-wing nationalist who's trying to teach her to self-loathe and reject her Australian heritage.

                          As AW said... I can't just sit around and not fight for her. Some serious bullshyte's going down and while there was an 'incident', I think that (within the boundaries of the law) I made it clear to my daughter that I'm gonna continue to fight for her. She shouldn't be ashamed of her heritage (on either side) and I'm now cashed up so can hook her up with a house, uni degree and travel when she reaches 18 and is in a position to go her own way. None of this is about taking sides or trying to hurt my ex... it's all 100% about making sure my daughter has access to everything that my son (who is thriving in comparison) does.

                          Couldn't care less about the step-dad and would never lift a finger against him as he's not worth it. If me giving my daughter access to her father, knowledge of her family/culture and access to more money that he'll only ever dream of (which I've earned for her BTW!!!
                          She drives my career aspirations as I NEED to provide for her) triggers him then that's entirely on him.


                          • #28
                            You could definitely write a book Ism. I'm a bit of a writer myself I would never have the discipline or patience to do it. But you can articulate the commonplace and make it readable, and can punch out paras pretty quickly.
                            #We Stand with ourJewish community#


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Jacks Fur Coat View Post
                              You could definitely write a book Ism. I'm a bit of a writer myself I would never have the discipline or patience to do it. But you can articulate the commonplace and make it readable, and can punch out paras pretty quickly.
                              Thanks mate.

                              Yes right now my goal is to put together a chapter summary and an introduction so that I can test the water with a few publishers. A cousin is an Oxford-educated editor and author so I think she'll be able to give me some tips once I've got a really rough chapter summary / intro.

                              My challenges right now are:

                              - The story is fluid, so the chapters may change once I get started.

                              - I'm still picking a style for it. There's many ways to tell a story, so I wanna get a few opinions about what others would like (rather than what I'd like) before I move forward.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by ism22 View Post

                                Thanks mate.

                                Yes right now my goal is to put together a chapter summary and an introduction so that I can test the water with a few publishers. A cousin is an Oxford-educated editor and author so I think she'll be able to give me some tips once I've got a really rough chapter summary / intro.

                                My challenges right now are:

                                - The story is fluid, so the chapters may change once I get started.

                                - I'm still picking a style for it. There's many ways to tell a story, so I wanna get a few opinions about what others would like (rather than what I'd like) before I move forward.
                                Good luck to you.

                                Someone I went to school with has had a couple of books published (had no idea she would ever become an author). Both are described as 'fictionalised memoirs' as its about her life growing up in this small town with actual events , with all the names changed. As its a very small town the locals know who is who largely in the book, and its caused a bit of consternation with some. As its not all flattering. I recognise most of the 'characters ' incl my brother and best friend.

                                Would yours potentially be along these lines?
                                #We Stand with ourJewish community#

