Originally posted by Random Rooster
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Whitlam effectively removed the Crown from the Constitution. Changed Royal Stiles. Mind you the constitution 1900 UK has been bastardized since the 50s. some reading is required only because its too long to explain in a thread. Gough also ratified the Lima convention - effectively ensuring all Trade and Manufacturing off shored in the future. So much for supporting the worker hey?
Bob the fiddler Created the Australia Act - solidified the work Gough did and sold us out to the UN - incorporated us. Things like "The Queen of Australia, The Commonwealth of Australia - all corporations registered in the US. Ths country is a business. And we dont own or run it.
Beazley just confirmed what all politicians know...We are sold to the UN.This is quoted and gazetted in Parliament. More reading.
There hasnt been a straight election for 50 years. The recent NSW State election was a farce as was the recent 3 Federals. OI only quote those because Ive seen evidence suggesting foul play. For example...Boxes of ballot in mail in voting being removed by staff in their private vehicles and taken home...thats a no no due to no chain of custody. Lots of independent candidates had votes not counted at the last State election for NSW. I was a scrutineer and had many a fights/arguments with electoral officials..over protocol and rules.t. (Thats not Tom...Tom's Federal but you get the gist).
So Ive tried to summarize and answer your questions. You have some reading to do and that will tell you more. I encourage everyone to do the same as I did to wake up and realise whats going on. We are slaves.
Now in relation to the Voice. Gven all Ive mentioned, we do not want the sign up our First Nations to the Corporation - which is what contracting them to the Constitution will do. We want them to remain sovereign owners (The country was never claimed under Terra Nullius - it was occupied and always belonging to some one before the British.) The corporation needs them signed up...then ALL the land (not just whites) will go to the UN. Mabo would be rolling n his grave.
Our First Nations people do not need a Treaty. Because thats what this is....Surrender and Contract. Look at whats happened to Indigenous Nations that have signed one in Canada, NZ, and US for starters.
No they want us divided, broke and then dead.
I hope Ive been able to explain my view. Ive used information to do that but of course I dont want to go too much into t because its alot to absorb - especially if ts the first time youve heard it.
Oh and for context - we do need a Constitution...we the people need to have one that cares for all regardless of Race and color. This current one inst the answer - in case anyone thinks Im not anti Constitution.
But the point is if you trust corrupt corporate government then you deserve everything you get.