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Terrorist attacks in Israel

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  • Originally posted by King Salvo View Post

    The usual response from those on X is that "The Whole World Supports Palestine" - Of course it is pointed out to them by many that is not the case. - Very questionable who they actually support - the Pally's and or Islamic Jihadist Hamas or both.
    Actually no- the Musk owned X algorithms seems to promote mainly pro-Russian views. He of course is having a each way bet, dog whistling to the far white with his Nazi salute, as did Steve Bannon.

    What did Sky News Australia have to say about it? " Theres a picture of the Queen as a child giving the Nazi salute, does that make her a Nazi? If everyone is a Nazi then nobody is a Nazi and that only serves to weaken what a Nazi really is"

    Reminds me of a certain poster/parrot here who uses the same analogy for racism. Polly want a cracker!


    • Not directly about the Hamas/Israel war, but there is another awful report of 70 Christians being tied up and beheaded by an Islamic Extremist group in Kananga in central Africa.

      Ah, the religion of peace strikes again. But, I'm sure they had their reasons.

      MSM been strangely quiet, can't think why...
      #We Stand with ourJewish community#


      • Did anyone get a chance to watch Q & A last night?

        A Jewish woman of 4 boys told Albo that he hadn't done enough to help the Jewish community. She said her family and the Jewish community didnt feel safe after the recent events and what was he going to d about it.

        The moderator asked the woman what she wants to see happen (good question)....her answer " anyone who is a non citizen and displays antisemetic behaviour should be immediately deported" "everyone who becomes a citizen must sign a pledge that they will not engage in racist or antisemetic behavior" " anyone who is caught engaging in antisemtic behaviour should face strong penalties.

        the answer
        1. there has been no non citizen charged , detained or suspected of anti-semetic crimes
        2. everyone must sign a pledge at the citizen ceremony that they will accept our rule of law
        3. those who have been caught in the latest attacks are being prosecuted to the full extent of the law

        Not good enough for her and she kept shaking her head in disgust......she wanted to see Fk knows what?

        To even things out (because a semite includes Arabs- although im sure Sal will have his own definition) they also had a Muslim man who said they had experienced Islamophobia and wanted to know what the PM was going to do about it. I was waiting for every non-white or Christian person in the audience to air their grievances too! My son reminded me of the story my mother told him of the time i came home from school with my brand new double scoop Graham Nicholls cricket bat that someone wrote "WOG" in texter with big letters on the front. I should have complained to Malcom Fraser about it, not the schools cricket coach!

        However the funniest of the night was a old white anglo guy, no doubt a 3AW/2GB listener who complained that Albo wasn't forceful enough with the Chinese re the incident in the Tasman Sea. Albo pointed out that while he had raised the issue with China and asked for an explanation, he had to understand the fact is China were in full compliance with international law and international practices- added to the fact that China gives Australia access to many sea routes in their waters. Well the old boy wasn't happy with that!! You could see he wanted his government to be more forceful-anything less than a threat to bomb Beijing was never going to be adequate. He is probably on the phone to Clinton Maynard now demanding Australia show China who is boss.....then will take off to K Mart to buy his $6 toaster that was made in China!


        • The Jewish person does have a point though noting Bankstown Hospital /Rise of Antisemitisms in Universities and Attacks on Jewish Schools and Synagogues.

          If you think someone signing a pledge will abide by all laws is rather naïve.

          The hate crimes laws have only recently been updated - The Laboring On Libertarians took their time to do this - worried about the seats they could lose in areas with significant number of Muslims - Note Fatima Payman being suspended by the Laboring on Libertarians and then quitting and forming her own party "Australia Voice"

          Which waters are these that China allegedly gives Australia Access to - Theirs or are they International Waters ? - China maintains they have ownership of the South China Sea including various islands they have been building military basis on and have been rather aggressive about it for quite a while now disregarding International Maritime Law - "Freedom of Navigation"

          Can you remember the last time China undertook Naval Military Drills in the Tasman Sea ?

          On 11 February, a Chinese air force J-16 fighter released flares just 30 metres in front of an Australian P-8A Poseidon surveillance aircraft, in what the Department of Defence has described as an ‘unsafe and unprofessional’ interaction. Such interactions with China’s military are now becoming normal. The flare release, reported on 13 February, was the fifth known incident of unsafe behavior by the Chinese military towards the Australian Defence Force since 2022.

          mmm I think someone is brainwashing you about China


          • Originally posted by King Salvo View Post
            The Jewish person does have a point though noting Bankstown Hospital /Rise of Antisemitisms in Universities and Attacks on Jewish Schools and Synagogues.

            If you think someone signing a pledge will abide by all laws is rather naïve.

            The hate crimes laws have only recently been updated - The Laboring On Libertarians took their time to do this - worried about the seats they could lose in areas with significant number of Muslims - Note Fatima Payman being suspended by the Laboring on Libertarians and then quitting and forming her own party "Australia Voice"


            Which waters are these that China allegedly gives Australia Access to - Theirs or are they International Waters ? - China maintains they have ownership of the South China Sea including various islands they have been building military basis on and have been rather aggressive about it for quite a while now disregarding International Maritime Law - "Freedom of Navigation"


            Can you remember the last time China undertook Naval Military Drills in the Tasman Sea ?

            On 11 February, a Chinese air force J-16 fighter released flares just 30 metres in front of an Australian P-8A Poseidon surveillance aircraft, in what the Department of Defence has described as an ‘unsafe and unprofessional’ interaction. Such interactions with China’s military are now becoming normal. The flare release, reported on 13 February, was the fifth known incident of unsafe behavior by the Chinese military towards the Australian Defence Force since 2022.

            mmm I think someone is brainwashing you about China
            Well all Australians are required to abide by the laws, not just those becoming citizens from other countries. If not then you get prosecuted, charged and if bad enough jail- unless your first name is Gladys and you are the premier of the state. Maybe the hate crime laws should have been changed a decade earlier- after all there was 930 verified cases on Islamophobia Register Australia between 2014-2021. Maybe they should have been changed during Covid, when the Australian National University survey of more than 3,000 people of Asian background found that 84.5 per cent of Asian Australians reported at least one instance of discrimination between January and October in 2020. Maybe Pauline Hanson should have been prosecuted when she wore a burka to parliament- a stupid stunt that offended Muslims because she wanted the burka banned.

            However now all of a sudden it's a national emergency, but better late than never. What does it show? Maybe that Australians are still racist as fk? After all we soon could have a PM who said in 2016 that the Coalition government of Malcolm Fraser had made “a mistake” when it allowed Lebanese Muslims fleeing civil war to emigrate to Australia. Yes Sal, thats Malcolm Fraser of the coalition government

            Re China- Australia uses the same international law to travel through South China Sea that China uses to travel through the Tasman Sea. The Australian government has stated China's action were unacceptable and has demanded answers as to why it happened with so little warning forcing passenger jets to change course. What more do you want to see happen? We cannot hurt them economically, we cannot hurt them military wise, hell we can't even rely on the United States anymore- just ask Ukraine, Europe and Canada!


            • For those who may be interested. I'll post it in 2 parts

              ‘Unfeasible’: How seven years of Hamas planning were dismissed by Israel

              Daily Telegraph London

              February 28, 2025

              ​​​​​​Jerusalem: Israel’s military has formally apologised for the “historic failure” of October 7, 2023, as it revealed Hamas had been planning the massacre for at least seven years.

              The army’s internal inquiry into the disaster released on Friday (AEDT) concluded that its senior leadership was comprehensively duped by the terror group into thinking it lacked the intent and capacity to launch a full-scale attack.

              It also revealed how opportunities to thwart the terror operation were missed on the night before it began, with officers judging the warning signs “not time-critical”.

              ​​​​​​The report criticised a “flawed intelligence culture that was based on assumptions of certainty and fact, with commanders becoming ‘addicted’” to certain types of intelligence.

              As a result, Hamas and its affiliates were able to terrorize Israeli communities for several hours, killing nearly 1000 civilians, more than 400 security personnel, and kidnapping 251 hostages.

              The detailed lessons-learnt exercise found that the IDF’s Gaza division was “overwhelmed” for much of the day and that it took until approximately 12pm for any reinforcements to arrive on the scene.

              ​​​​​​Caught up personally in fighting street battles against Hamas, senior officers were unable to build a coherent picture of what was happening and were forced to rally their troops using mobile phones and Google Maps.

              “The IDF failed in its first and foremost mission to protect Israel’s borders and protect Israeli civilians,” said a senior military official.

              “Far too many civilians died that morning, that day, asking in their hearts ‘where is the IDF’? We completely understand that.”

              Ordered by the Israeli military top brass, the inquiry’s publication is likely to heap more pressure on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to launch a wider probe into potential political failings that led to the attack, which he has so far stalled several times.

              It accompanies 41 individual investigations into specific incidents that took place on October 7, which in recent days senior officers have been presenting to the survivors of the communities affected.

              Here are the report’s key findings.

              Seven Years in the planning

              Until the morning of October 7, Israel’s military considered Gaza a “secondary threat”.

              It was much more concerned – and devoted its manpower accordingly – to the danger posed by Hezbollah on its northern border and the wider menace of Iran. There was also the ever-simmering tension in the occupied West Bank.

              But given that Gaza was openly run by a jihadist terror group which swore death to Israel in its founding charter, how did the IDF allow this to happen?

              The answer points to arguably the most chilling aspect of the report: that Hamas engaged in a near decade-long exercise to lull Israel into a false sense of security.

              Everything it did in this period, the IDF now believes, was devoted to this goal.

              Documents and other intelligence gathered in Gaza since the start of the war have, the military says, allowed analysts to build up a detailed timeline of the plot.

              It believes that the fundamental concept of a mass attack to achieve “liberation” was first settled upon in November 2016.

              An initial plan was then worked on from July the next year, which was approved two years later in July 2019.

              A more detailed operational plan was brought forward in 2021 and a readiness committee established in early 2022.

              From that point, there were several moments at which Hamas might have pressed the button, the IDF believes, each time calculating their own readiness and the chances of surprising and overwhelming the Israelis.

              During this period, Israel was operating an informal policy of carrot and stick in Gaza.

              It eased economic restrictions to an extent and allowed a certain number of Gazans into Israel to work. The idea was that Gazan civilians would have something to lose if Hamas started a war.

              At the same time, every few years the IDF launched a major operation to “keep the terrorists’ heads down”, attacking rocket facilities, tunnels and personnel.

              But we now know that Hamas was using the improved economic situation as a cover to build up its forces.And, at the same time, each IDF offensive operation was exploited as an opportunity to work out the gaps in their enemy’s knowledge of them and their infrastructure.

              In short, the IDF concluded, Hamas’ civil governance of Gaza did not merely take place alongside its covert build-up of forces.

              Instead, it was an integral part of the deception, conning Israel into thinking the group was content to keep things quiet.

              “The basic mistake is that we thought that on the other side of the fence there was pragmatism,” said an IDF official.

              The report refers particularly to Yahwa Sinwar, the mastermind of the attack, as someone Israel had believed to be pragmatic.

              It also lays bare how Israel took the wrong message from its 2021 Guardian of the Walls operation in Gaza, erroneously believing it had left Hamas in a state of “operational distress”, whereas in reality the terror group had been conserving its firepower.

              The result was that Israel arranged its manpower – roughly four battalions – to deal with a small handful of potential infiltrations by Hamas fighters.

              They thought that rocket fire would be the main threat, for which, of course, there was the state-of-the-art Iron Dome interception system.

              This, plus the billion or so dollars they had spent on their hi-tech perimeter wall, made them feel safe with a relatively small number of troops in the area.

              The report found that the IDF had “excessive confidence” in this barrier and, as such, reduced troop numbers to conserve resources.

              “We thought that was good enough,” said the official. “We thought that any major shift in the picture would be preceded by an intelligence update.”

              “The assessment was that Hamas did not want a full-scale war and that it lacked capacity for an attack on this scale.”

              Chance to thwart attack missed

              The IDF now understands that senior Hamas fighters knew about the plan to launch a mass murder and kidnapping attack on Israel for about two years.

              But only at the very pinnacle of the organisation’s Gaza leadership did they know the precise time.

              During the night of October 6, the evening before shabbat, the Jewish day of rest, that changed.

              Fighters stole through the darkened streets to rally at assembly points where they received weapons, ammunition and orders.

              This week the IDF admitted that: “During the night there were early warning signs.”

              In particular, they noticed a mass activation of SIM cards on the Israeli network, as well as “changes in normal behaviour”.

              Did they also receive tip-offs from human sources on the ground? Even in a “frank” lessons-learnt exercise, that is not the sort of thing the IDF will discuss.

              Either way, phone calls were made, including to the commander of the northern brigade of the Gaza division at about 4am.

              But in the end it was decided that whatever was going on in Gaza, it was not “time critical” – perhaps an exercise by Hamas or activity in preparation for an imagined IDF operation.

              Describing a set of overnight conversations that were “not very rare”, the IDF official said: “We thought something may be going on, but nothing on the scale of October 7 because we never thought that was an option.”

              In short, the military hierarchy was so convinced in its broader assessment that Hamas had no appetite for a full-scale war, that it would take more than some activated SIM cards and a bit of “unusual activity” to shake them out of that mindset.

              Stressing that the IDF received other signals that night which confused the picture, the official said: “Nothing was strong enough to change the prior assumptions.” He added: “It was an out-of-concept surprise.”

              The report put it this way: “The Intelligence Directorate failed to detect Hamas’ concrete decision to execute the attack and its preparations in the days prior, and did not issue an intelligence warning indicating the possibility of an offensive operation by Hamas in the Gaza Strip.”


              • Part 2- I found the time frame and the IDF reaction times extraordinary

                How the attack unfolded

                But at 6.29am on October 7, 2023, Hamas held the two trump cards craved by all military commanders throughout history: surprise and overwhelming force.

                ​​​​​​The IDF believes that in the following hours between 5000 and 5600 terrorists passed through the security fence to wreak havoc, murder and abduct, under a barrage of 4694 rockets and mortars.

                The attack was organised in three waves.

                The first saw about 1500 hardened Hamas terrorists stream through the security fence between about 6.30am and 7am and head straight for the nearby Israeli villages and kibbutzim, as well as IDF outposts.

                The second wave, launched between 7 and 9am, comprised about 2500 fighters and had the aim of pushing further into Israel, with ambitious targets such as Be’er Sheva, Ashkelon and various airforce bases.

                This included Hamas and other terrorist groups who had not been given prior warning of the attack but who quickly got involved.

                The third wave started at about 9am and included a mixture of terrorists and ordinary Palestinians, the IDF report says, who had heard the call of Hamas top brass Mohammed Deif at 7.58am to join the slaughter of about 1500 individuals in total.

                “Whoever has a gun, get it out, because its time has come,” Deif had said. “Whoever has no gun, get a knife or an axe.”

                In total, it is thought there were 59 points of infiltration into Israel.

                The first wave of fighters are thought to have been the most focused – murdering with abandon, but also kidnapping more than 250 hostages in those early hours and dragging them back into Gaza by roughly midday.

                ​​​​​​And while the subsequent waves did not push as far into Israel as had been intended, they succeeded in flooding the area known as the Gaza envelope with heavily armed terrorists, taking up defensive positions around key junctions and conurbations, thus making it a nightmare for the military to respond.

                “The result was that there were several hours during which the Gaza Division was overwhelmed,” said an official.

                “The IDF was caught by surprise – this enabled the enemy to perform that massacre and abduction spree.”

                One of the report’s key findings is that it took until after midday for any reinforcements to arrive on the battlefield, arguably a shocking indictment of an advanced military in a geographically small country.

                Meanwhile, commanders who were already on the ground found it almost impossible to build up a coherent picture as to what was going on.

                Many were engaged in fighting the enemy at close-quarters themselves, rather than dealing with the larger tactical picture.

                This is partly because it is the custom of IDF officers to fight from the front, but also because of the desperate situation.

                No fewer than three brigade commanders were killed in action in those hours, as well as several battalion commanders and a number of company commanders.

                As far as individual units had any coherent shape, they were impossibly stretched throughout that morning, with, on average, a single battalion responsible for four or five different villages.

                Some of the fiercest fighting took place around Kfar Aza, Be’eri and Re’im.

                “For at least 10 hours we ceased to be efficient enough and were overrun by terrorists,” said the official.

                Hamas’s tactical victory was nigh on complete.

                The fightback

                By 3pm there were still hundreds of terrorists at large in Israeli territory.

                Having begun to build a picture of the scale of the invasion, IDF soldiers tasked with trying to get a grip on the situation were appalled at how heavily armed their enemy seemed to be.

                They had also taken up positions in and among the remaining civilians, forcing impossible decisions upon front-line commanders as to whether to fire.

                “They came in with so much ammo, RPGs, PK machine guns, mortars, grenades,” said a defence official.

                “So you could have terrorists in one room, firing out at IDF and a family sheltering in the next room. It was very, very, very difficult.”

                The same applied to air support.

                An attack helicopter and armed UAVs arrived on the scene relatively early in the morning.

                But in reality, without a coherent military structure on the ground to direct fire, the IDF found it hard to engage the enemy in an accurate way.

                The question of friendly fire casualties, among civilians and soldiers, has haunted the military since that day – not least because some have sought to blame the heavy death toll on the Israeli counter-attack.

                This week the IDF official acknowledged that “we had some”, but added that it was “very, very seldom”.

                As the afternoon progressed, more and more soldiers entered the area, as well as armed civilians anxious to lend a hand.

                Many of these had not been ordered, but were acting under their own initiative, the IDF said.

                Eventually, defensive lines were established near the breached perimeter fence, both to prevent any more terrorists breaking out, and to kill or capture gunmen trying to get back in.

                By midnight it is thought that there were “tens” of terrorists still at large in Israel.

                The infiltration was not declared officially over until October 9.

                The strategic picture for Hamas

                The trauma of October 7 and the controversy surrounding Israel’s military response has tended to push careful analysis of why Hamas perpetrated the massacre in the first place to the sidelines.

                However, the IDF believes it now understands the strategic goals behind the worst slaughter of Jews since the Holocaust.

                As part of its intelligence appraisal of the disaster, analysts believe Hamas had a shopping list of outcomes from the attack.

                At its most basic, they wanted to “rattle” Israel, to cause it damage and put it through the horror of abducting hostages.

                More ambitiously, Hamas hoped to stir up support among Arab Israelis and Palestinians living in the West Bank, effectively putting the country in a state of civil war.

                However, their ultimate goal, the IDF intelligence assessment suggests, was to bring about the destruction of the state of Israel by prompting Hezbollah to launch an all-out offensive from Lebanon, and ultimately to bring in Iran.

                Neither, of course, happened.

                Hezbollah began firing munitions across the border on October 8, but until the escalation and – at least temporary – defeat last year, the Shiite militia group was measured in its attacks.

                In the words of an IDF official: “Hamas’s miscalculation was that they thought the support they would get from Hezbollah would be much more than what they got on the day.”

                Iran, meanwhile, fired two large rocket attacks on Israel, but not launched the kind of military action that would come close to threatening the existence of the Jewish state.

                Both Netanyahu and US President Donald Trump have now made the elimination of Hamas a red line in their approach to the future of Gaza, despite the remaining 24 living hostages the terror group holds.

                Leaving aside for a moment the comprehensive destruction of the enclave and death of tens of thousands of civilians, it is hard to see how the tactical victory of October 7 improved Hamas’ strategic situation.

                What next?

                The IDF launched this inquiry itself as a fact finding tool to improve future performance, not to hunt down culprits.

                However, that does not mean that individuals will not be held to account.

                Many senior officers with questions to answer about the failings that led up to October 7, and the failings on the day, are still in post.

                It is expected that some sackings will take place, but that these will be a matter for the incoming IDF chief of staff, the retired Major Gen Eyal Zamir.

                The outgoing chief, Lieutenant General Herzi Halevi, effectively sacked himself in contrition for the IDF’s failures once he felt that Israel’s wars in the north and the south were under control.

                This comes alongside a deep soul-searching exercise about the IDF’s relationship with intelligence.

                ​​​​​​“We became addicted to the precise intelligence information we received,” said a military official, adding that it gave commanders the impression they “knew everything”.

                The IDF’s Intelligence Directorate has also admitted to “overconfidence” and “not enough doubt”.

                In recent years the directorate’s balance of activity has shifted from pure intelligence, such as work to understand the enemy, to planning operations to harm the enemy, which brought about a number of successes.

                ​​​​​​While it will not abandon this altogether, a shift back to its core role is expected.

                Since 2018, the report found, the Intelligence Directorate had been in possession of information suggesting a large-scale Hamas attack.

                However, they dismissed this as an “unrealistic or unfeasible plan, reflecting Hamas’s long-term aspirations rather than an actionable threat.”

                Although this week’s report looks only at the army – and indeed only at the army’s southern command – it will inevitably pile pressure on the politicians who set Israel’s overall strategy on Gaza to face scrutiny.

                Netanyahu has repeatedly fought off attempts to launch the full governmental inquiry that so many of the families of the dead are calling for.

                This week’s military publication may only increase the public appetite for such an exercise.


                • Isn't it ironic that wars are never started by children however its the children who suffer the most?

                  However there's always a silver lining, for some, to every conflict.....the following was posted by Donald John Trump on his instagram account:


                  It doubles as a great recruitment ad for every terror organisation in the Middle East. The vision at the end of the 2 fat old pigs taking in some Gaza sun is sure to stir up a frenzy amongst the Jihad Joes


                  • @ Random Rooster....i haven't and don't intend to read all of your lengthy cut n pastes in this thread. But I think I get some gist of what you seem to be trying to say.

                    If, as I suspect, it is more victim blaming and providing some "tactical " analysis of terror plots and execution, that's a bit low.

                    We have people in this country trying to grieve and recover from the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust. On top of that is the home grown (and imported) Islamic extremism making daily life scary and upsetting for them. They certainly don't need the sort of insensitive propagandering you are submitting.

                    I started this thread to support our Jewish friends. I would ask that you respectfully delete the long winded cut n pastes above. If you really feel compelled to publish same on this forum, please find/start an alternative thread.

                    Thanks in advance.
                    #We Stand with ourJewish community#


                    • Originally posted by Jacks Fur Coat View Post
                      @ Random Rooster....i haven't and don't intend to read all of your lengthy cut n pastes in this thread. But I think I get some gist of what you seem to be trying to say.

                      If, as I suspect, it is more victim blaming and providing some "tactical " analysis of terror plots and execution, that's a bit low.

                      We have people in this country trying to grieve and recover from the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust. On top of that is the home grown (and imported) Islamic extremism making daily life scary and upsetting for them. They certainly don't need the sort of insensitive propagandering you are submitting.

                      I started this thread to support our Jewish friends. I would ask that you respectfully delete the long winded cut n pastes above. If you really feel compelled to publish same on this forum, please find/start an alternative thread.

                      Thanks in advance.
                      I started the my post with " for those who may be interested"..... for those who are not then fine-dont read it. If you bothered to read it then you would see it's about the report that the IDF made public- not just some one sided Murdoch Media lying rants.

                      If you think its propaganda and offensive then report it-and if the moderators agree then they can delete it. I always thought propaganda was information, biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view. For example you posting more than once that Albo stacked western Sydney with Palestinian refugees to get their votes and sway the results, even after it was established they weren't eligible to vote.

                      Maybe you should also email and ask the Daily Telegraph in London and ask for a apology for making a lead story to their million plus subscribers, for all the reasons you stated above. I mean the same publisher was reported for false allegations of Islamic extremism back in 2019 and they duly made a public apology,so they are fair when they know they have done wrong.

                      I do feel touched about your sensitivity towards our fellow human beings. You're a very caring loving person. Would be twice as good if you could apply it to all who have been killed and injured.


                      • Israel blocks entry of all humanitarian aid into Gaza

                        BBC Report

                        Israel has blocked the entry of all humanitarian aid into Gaza as it demands Hamas agree to a US plan for a ceasefire extension.

                        (Dont want to post the rest and upset anyone)

                        What a great "negotiating" sure inspired by the Orange Hungry Hungry Hippocrite. Does using hunger as a weapon get you a Noble Peace Prize? Didnt pan out to well for a certain dictator back in the late 30s and 40s


                        • Originally posted by Random Rooster View Post
                          Israel blocks entry of all humanitarian aid into Gaza

                          BBC Report

                          Israel has blocked the entry of all humanitarian aid into Gaza as it demands Hamas agree to a US plan for a ceasefire extension.

                          (Dont want to post the rest and upset anyone)

                          What a great "negotiating" sure inspired by the Orange Hungry Hungry Hippocrite. Does using hunger as a weapon get you a Noble Peace Prize? Didnt pan out to well for a certain dictator back in the late 30s and 40s

                          You're right that is terrible of Israel. Why couldn't they instead maybe just parachute in and kill a few and rape a few, burn a few, kidnap and starve and beat a few.

                          I know Hamas were very quick to send aid to Israel after they were attacked. They have been criticised unfairly. Terrorism? Get over it!
                          #We Stand with ourJewish community#


                          • Originally posted by Jacks Fur Coat View Post

                            You're right that is terrible of Israel. Why couldn't they instead maybe just parachute in and kill a few and rape a few, burn a few, kidnap and starve and beat a few.

                            I know Hamas were very quick to send aid to Israel after they were attacked. They have been criticised unfairly. Terrorism? Get over it!
                            So you support the blocking of aid to civilians? That's a bit uncharitable but I guess that's one way of clearing out the land so the building of Mar-A-Gaza can commence.


                            • Originally posted by Random Rooster View Post

                              So you support the blocking of aid to civilians? That's a bit uncharitable but I guess that's one way of clearing out the land so the building of Mar-A-Gaza can commence.
                              Hell no mate, I'm with you. Bugger Israel they should be doing everything they can to provide comfort and security to the good people of Gaza. Sure they voted in a terrorist governing body and danced on the streets after 7/10 and jeered and mocked the released hostages. But, for Chrissakes if we can't hold Israel to a different standard than the rest of the world, who can we??
                              #We Stand with ourJewish community#


                              • Originally posted by Jacks Fur Coat View Post

                                Hell no mate, I'm with you. Bugger Israel they should be doing everything they can to provide comfort and security to the good people of Gaza. Sure they voted in a terrorist governing body and danced on the streets after 7/10 and jeered and mocked the released hostages. But, for Chrissakes if we can't hold Israel to a different standard than the rest of the world, who can we??
                                So yeah you're fine with it.

                                Well lets hold every citizen accountable for the illegal actions of the government because they voted that government in? Bloody hell the USA should have been wiped out half a dozen times in the last 50 years if that was the case! Whether you like it or not the history of that region didn't start with the terrorist act Hamas committed on 7/10.

                                Why don’t you just admit that you don’t believe everyone’s life is equal—that if someone comes from a vastly different background than you or has a different skin color than you or they have a different culture than you , then you see them as less valuable?

                                If the above statement is wrong then you give absolutely no indication that it is.

