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Clive Palmer: An Australian Hero

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  • Clive Palmer: An Australian Hero

    Me mates down at the RSL reckon us Anzacs saved the world from the communists and alquaeda when we gave it to them nazis on that place in Turkey where Johnny Howard said our nation was born. Thank God we still have legends like Palmer who is looking out for us battlers against the socialis latte sippers from the inner cities. If he runs for election i'm gonna get myself upto Queensland and buy me a gun and defend our borders from boats.
    Can you imagine Abott finishing a speach on the sanctity of womens bodies and handing the mike to Clive to talk about industrial reform and handing it to Twiggy to talk about land rights to hand it to Katter to talk about corporal punishment to hand it to Barnaby to talk about eugenics.............SIG HEIL
    If Abott wasn't such a hard nut i'd call palmer for pm.
    Last edited by vsnighpoo; 05-10-2012, 03:51 PM.

  • #2
    Are you the Red Skull?

