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The Coming Federal Election.

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  • Yeah, yeah, yeah, no need to rehash the msm coverage, we'll learn nothing from that and I'm afraid the scenario is not at all clear. How was contact made and by whom? Any Israeli, declared or not, contacting a muslim area hospital has gotta be sus and coming so hot on the heels of the exploding caravan we should wonder if this is not part of a more intense manufacturing of consent to the resumption of Israel's offensive because that's what's in store. They want River to the Sea. The Trumpster has lent a sympathetic ear so it will be back to the job at hand.

    Of course it also is an election helper for the Libs - Albo is weak and unable to protect Oz citizens from terrorists. Look we've truck loads of explosives driving around our cities and terrorist medicos we can't trust if and when the caravan is exploded!!

    We should not accept as gospel ANYTHING that we hear from the msm including now. the ABC, there is an orchestrated attitude here that seeks to deny any delving into Israeli culpability for war crimes. Disappointing that Albo has not acted on the ICC decision re Trump but of course pollies here, including Albo, are also named by the ICC and rightly so. The US has never been a signatory, exceptionalism again. I does insist, however, that others face the Court. Hypocrisy can't hide.
    Last edited by Paddo Colt 61; 02-13-2025, 02:45 PM.


    • Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post
      What about Dutton wrapping himself in the Israeli flag when the Libs fought tooth and nail for 18c of the RDA - the right to be a bigot. They thought, at the time, it would most concern Muslims (Fraser's mistake, according to the Dut). Anti Semitism in OZ runs at about 9% roughly the same as anti Sikh so it's not a runaway issue. However 51% of Lib voters have issues with Muzzies (compared to 25% of ALP voters. Most of those presumably blue collar). The "all the way with Israel is less an attempt to garner Jewish votes (Jews already vote for the Libs at at a rate of 5 to 1) as it is a not so subtle dog whistle to anti muslim sentiment in the base and elsewhere.

      The case of the 2 nurses at Bankstown Hospital is, on the face of it, anti muslim dirty tricks perpetrated by Israeli intelligence. Given Netanyahu's unexpected ("unexpected" because who woulda thought that we were even on the radar) comments on Australia's leniency re Palestinians and their street protests, why should we not be skeptical of the msm hoo ha?

      An Israeli "influencer" contacts a public hospital in a densely populated muslim area of Sydney which is seething with shock and resentment at the genocide perpetrated on kinsmen in Gaza. He is able to get 2 young staff on line. How much was edited and how much provocation preceded the nurses' comments are not known but something have must provoked it even "Hi' I'm an Israeli influencer". Maybe it was" There are a lot of Arab staff there in that hospital how do yez go with Jewish patients seeing that you arabs are getting your arses kicked?
      I call it an egregious set up at this point, aimed at the ever so gullible sheeple, much like the "Exploding caravan" that we've heard nothing about since the "devastating and shocking" msm and ABC reports.

      The Zionist lobby is using the msm (willing partners btw) and Murdoch has largely cowed the more independent media. The Latouf episode tells us quite clearly that Palestinian voices have been suppressed in our ABC due in large part to the insistence of the Lib appointment (and no doubt, Tory) Buttrose. Fearing for their jobs, the underlings fall into line as usual.

      It's been the case since Murdoch media applied the blowtorch to the national broadcaster years ago with spurious charges of bias. The ABC has increasingly surrendered its independence which is bad news for all of us.
      Wow you certainly have lost it


      • It might seem that way to a gullible rusted on right wing Murdoch flunky fogie who appears to have given no thought at all to history and "terrorist crises" of the past like Children overboard, Dr. Mohammed Haneef and the London Bomb plot and now the gagging and wrongful dismissal of Antoinette Lattouf by the ABC. The Libs/Murdoch involved in each of them. Sky is focussing on her "$10000 court wardrobe" ffs. What's that about? They'll be on Media Watch on Monday night but that would involve too much Cognitive dissonance for you to watch old boy. Why am I even talking to you when I've ditched the other ignoramus who keeps quoting the msm?

        Why don't we just tag you as anti ALP, rusted on reactionary in thrall to his own rags to riches claptrap and hear no more from you. We can all tune into Sky, we don't need an intermediary..
        Last edited by Paddo Colt 61; 02-13-2025, 03:10 PM.


        • Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post
          It might seem that way to a gullible rusted on right wing Murdoch flunky fogie who appears to have given no thought at all to history and "terrorist crises" of the past like Children overboard, Dr. Mohammed Haneef and the London Bomb plot and now the gagging and wrongful dismissal of Antoinette Lattouf by the ABC. The Libs/Murdoch involved in each of them. Sky is focussing on her "$10000 court wardrobe" ffs. What's that about? They'll be on Media Watch on Monday night but that would involve too much Cognitive dissonance for you to watch old boy. Why am I even talking to you when I've ditched the other ignoramus who keeps quoting the msm?

          Why don't we just tag you as anti ALP, rusted on reactionary in thrall to his own rags to riches claptrap and hear no more from you. We can all tune into Sky, we don't need an intermediary..
          LOL Bravo PC Bravo Bravo
          When you trust your television
          what you get is what you got
          Cause when they own the information
          they can bend it all they want

          John Mayer


          • Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post
            It might seem that way to a gullible rusted on right wing Murdoch flunky fogie who appears to have given no thought at all to history and "terrorist crises" of the past like Children overboard, Dr. Mohammed Haneef and the London Bomb plot and now the gagging and wrongful dismissal of Antoinette Lattouf by the ABC. The Libs/Murdoch involved in each of them. Sky is focussing on her "$10000 court wardrobe" ffs. What's that about? They'll be on Media Watch on Monday night but that would involve too much Cognitive dissonance for you to watch old boy. Why am I even talking to you when I've ditched the other ignoramus who keeps quoting the msm?

            Why don't we just tag you as anti ALP, rusted on reactionary in thrall to his own rags to riches claptrap and hear no more from you. We can all tune into Sky, we don't need an intermediary..
            Oh dear Pado you have gone a long way down the rabbit hole and it seems old mate is either edging you on or has joined you .I'm not anti any party except maybe the greens but to think that the libs set up the two nurses to make some sort of conspiracy is next level .But each to there own


            • Discuss...


              • Originally posted by Rooster1908 View Post

                Oh dear Pado you have gone a long way down the rabbit hole and it seems old mate is either edging you on or has joined you .I'm not anti any party except maybe the greens but to think that the libs set up the two nurses to make some sort of conspiracy is next level .But each to there own
                Didn't say the Libs 08. Murdoch maybe, though he did tell a UK parliamentary committee that the exposure of his employee dirty tricks keeping the story of a murdered girl hot was the most shameful day of his life. Probably over that shame by now. Possibly elements of the Jewish lobby here are responsible. The lobby is very agitated and in denial re the barbarity in Israel. Best, however, to ask the "influencer" who exposed the evil affair.

                Why does Murdoch and other msm have such influence on so many (you included)?

                The Libs' natural constituency is about 15% of the electorate. To get that to 50% + they need to divide the community and they do that using fear. THINGS LIKE YOU CAN'T TRUST DOCTORS NOW ESPECIALLY MUZZIES, BLACK GANGS TERRORISE MELBOURNE etc. It's ubiquitous. The msm, owned by the rich, take an active role in that, a lead one really.

                Like shoe size and height, Intelligence forms a Normal Curve and on that curve 50% are beneath the Mean (average intelligence) and a good chunk not much above it. These are mostly the people with whom fear resonates and for no good reason. I'll give you an example of the target audience. Back in the day when I was at North Sydney Boys' High, a fellow arrived in Industrial Arts who had been retrained after BHP quit Newcastle. He had a room locally and went home on weekends to Cardiff. One afternoon he was saying that if could get to Hornsby by 4pm he'd be home by 6. I asked if he no longer had the local room.
                "Yeah, still got it" he said "but I'm not using it because ever since 9/11 my wife is afraid to leave the house".

                Now that's pretty stupid. Can you imagine Osama blindfold and sticking pins into a world map.

                "What is our next target Mohammed?"

                " It is Cardiff effendi"

                " Excellent, the UK is our enemy".

                "No it's Cardiff in Newcastle Australia effendi!

                I mean what a dope and what about hubby, how stupid was he? But not exceptional. Common really. There's two to start and the fear was palpable here, it was like we were America. I should know about that lot, I taught them for 50 years. Because they have little interest in any cerebral activity and little critical sense, they accept totally what is put to them by media and have actually become reliant on the bullshit as their reality. Einstein predicted that in time the rich would control all media and there would be nothing but propaganda. Looks like he was right, it's where we are now.
                Last edited by Paddo Colt 61; 02-13-2025, 08:52 PM.


                • Originally posted by Rooster1908 View Post

                  Oh dear Pado you have gone a long way down the rabbit hole and it seems old mate is either edging you on or has joined you .I'm not anti any party except maybe the greens but to think that the libs set up the two nurses to make some sort of conspiracy is next level .But each to there own
                  The loony left (and this old bloke is very extreme think Greens extreme) ALWAYS try to cover uncomfortable facts with their tawdry conspiracy theories. You can set your clock by it.

                  But, the main point is that's irrelevant! It's what is in these health professionals hearts that matter, and for them being open about that...we are all better for it. The haters are exposing themselves for what they are. And thats good.
                  #We Stand with ourJewish community#


                  • We should listen to a poster who's more than comfortable with the genocide in Palestine. You got form on this. Most people, when sufficiently revved up, will react emotionally. Whether it's heartfelt is questionable in the circumstances.

                    Are different points of view conspiracy theories? Please define or we'll have the term abused even more than now. Won't hold my breath, it's a too easy slur when you got nothing to offer..


                    • Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post

                      Didn't say the Libs 08. Murdoch maybe, though he did tell a UK parliamentary committee that the exposure of his employee dirty tricks keeping the story of a murdered girl hot was the most shameful day of his life. Probably over that shame by now. Possibly elements of the Jewish lobby here are responsible. The lobby is very agitated and in denial re the barbarity in Israel. Best, however, to ask the "influencer" who exposed the evil affair.

                      Why does Murdoch and other msm have such influence on so many (you included)?

                      The Libs' natural constituency is about 15% of the electorate. To get that to 50% + they need to divide the community and they do that using fear. THINGS LIKE YOU CAN'T TRUST DOCTORS NOW ESPECIALLY MUZZIES, BLACK GANGS TERRORISE MELBOURNE etc. It's ubiquitous. The msm, owned by the rich, take an active role in that, a lead one really.

                      Like shoe size and height, Intelligence forms a Normal Curve and on that curve 50% are beneath the Mean (average intelligence) and a good chunk not much above it. These are mostly the people with whom fear resonates and for no good reason. I'll give you an example of the target audience. Back in the day when I was at North Sydney Boys' High, a fellow arrived in Industrial Arts who had been retrained after BHP quit Newcastle. He had a room locally and went home on weekends to Cardiff. One afternoon he was saying that if could get to Hornsby by 4pm he'd be home by 6. I asked if he no longer had the local room.
                      "Yeah, still got it" he said "but I'm not using it because ever since 9/11 my wife is afraid to leave the house".

                      Now that's pretty stupid. Can you imagine Osama blindfold and sticking pins into a world map.

                      "What is our next target Mohammed?"

                      " It is Cardiff effendi"

                      " Excellent, the UK is our enemy".

                      "No it's Cardiff in Newcastle Australia effendi!

                      I mean what a dope and what about hubby, how stupid was he? But not exceptional. Common really. There's two to start and the fear was palpable here, it was like we were America. I should know about that lot, I taught them for 50 years. Because they have little interest in any cerebral activity and little critical sense, they accept totally what is put to them by media and have actually become reliant on the bullshit as their reality. Einstein predicted that in time the rich would control all media and there would be nothing but propaganda. Looks like he was right, it's where we are now.
                      You to also seem to have a issue with Jews in general and that's not healthy. Not aware of your heritage and reasons but myself being part indigenous , part anglo and wait for it a small part Jew because of my indigenous birth mother's side , I think have less hate in my soul than you have in your little finger .What did they do to you that makes you hate them , what did the Ukrainians do to you.The hate in you seems all call Ukraine's Nazis but support terrorism of Russia invasion.You call Jews terrorists and yea Indo agree they went way to far in defence they they were the ones who were attacked .You call your own supposed country men sheepies and other comments simply for having different outlook on what's happening than you .As before Pado your education doesn't make you right or wrong .Just means you have an opinion


                      • I apologise 08 I was disrespectful. Didn't you toss out The Voice.

                        You're wrong about my attitude to Jews. I am anti Israel and anti Zionist however. Jews, like others, do not think alike.

                        I am not anti Ukraine, the poor buggers didn't realise what they were getting themselves into. The deposed Government were against involvement with the EU and with NATO, it got couped by the US. I am anti US as was Malcolm Fraser.


                        • Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post
                          I apologise 08 I was disrespectful. Didn't you toss out The Voice.

                          You're wrong about my attitude to Jews. I am anti Israel and anti Zionist however. Jews, like others, do not think alike.

                          I am not anti Ukraine, the poor buggers didn't realise what they were getting themselves into. The deposed Government were against involvement with the EU and with NATO, it got couped by the US. I am anti US as was Malcolm Fraser.
                          I did vote no you are correct .Myself and many others tossed out the voice .Pity some don't accept the not all or possibly not most indigenous wanted the voice to get up .And why shouldn't Ukraine be part of EU or NATO, because Russia demands so? I am also not find of USA but believe that they are a necessary evil and the best of a bad bunch .We can't stand by ourselves if needed and one day it will be again , that's the world we live in .I believe a greater percentage of Aussies would believe and prefer to have a Allie in them then to put or trust in that China or someone else won't one-day decide they want what we have .


                          • Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post
                            I apologise 08 I was disrespectful. Didn't you toss out The Voice.

                            You're wrong about my attitude to Jews. I am anti Israel and anti Zionist however. Jews, like others, do not think alike.

                            I am not anti Ukraine, the poor buggers didn't realise what they were getting themselves into. The deposed Government were against involvement with the EU and with NATO, it got couped by the US. I am anti US as was Malcolm Fraser.
                            Israel is the Jewish state and a Zionist is someone who advocates for an independent Jewish state where Jewish people can live in safety. I think it's pretty clear your opinion of and prejudices against Jewish folk.

                            The President of Ukraine at the time, Pro Russia Viktor Yanukovych, reneged on signing the European Union - Ukraine Association Agreement (Political Association and Free Trade Agreement). The Verkhovna Rada (Ukraine Parliament) voted overwhelmingly for the finalisation of this agreement with the EU.

                            Hence the Euromaidan/Revolution of Dignity Protests as a result of Yanukovych's decision not to sign the European Union - Ukraine Association Agreement instead choosing closer ties with Russia and the Eurasian Economic Union - Of course it was later discovered that Yanukovych was pressured by Russia not to sign the agreement with the EU.

                            Russia took advantage of the "Power Vacuum" following the Euromaidan/Revolution of Dignity Protests with the annexation of the Crimea and backing, funding and arming Pro Russian Paramilitaries in the Donbas.

                            Tin Foil Hat Conspiracy theorists bollocks saying the West/US was involved

                            The Verkhovna Rada ( Ukraine Parliament ) in 2010 voted to abandon the goal of NATO membership and re-affirm Ukraine's neutral status, while continuing its co-operation with NATO which started in 1991.

                            Ukraine as a independent sovereign country is free to apply to join any organisation they so wish as the days of requiring Moscow approval ended when the Soviet Union Collapsed. Something you mate Putin has never got over keeps rambling on about it that it was the " was the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the century"

                            All those Soviet/Warsaw block countries couldn't wait to leave it and all voted overwhelmingly to do so as well.

                            Gorbachev's USSR: The Events That Led To The Collapse Of The Soviet Union | M.A.D World | Timeline

                            You said you were anti capitalist and banged on about wealth distribution as well but we find out recently you're the opposite - you love accumulating wealth

                            USA USA USA USA


                            • Originally posted by Rooster1908 View Post

                              I did vote no you are correct .Myself and many others tossed out the voice .Pity some don't accept the not all or possibly not most indigenous wanted the voice to get up .And why shouldn't Ukraine be part of EU or NATO, because Russia demands so? I am also not find of USA but believe that they are a necessary evil and the best of a bad bunch .We can't stand by ourselves if needed and one day it will be again , that's the world we live in .I believe a greater percentage of Aussies would believe and prefer to have a Allie in them then to put or trust in that China or someone else won't one-day decide they want what we have .
                              The Europeans thought they had a ironclad allie in the US- that isn't working out too well. Maybe we can become the 52nd US state after Canada becomes the 51st?

                              Better for Australia to stand on its own feet because Uncle Sam has some serious loyalty issues


                              • Originally posted by King Salvo View Post

                                Israel is the Jewish state and a Zionist is someone who advocates for an independent Jewish state where Jewish people can live in safety. I think it's pretty clear your opinion of and prejudices against Jewish folk.
                                Ultra orthodox Jews have a different view......



