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The Coming Federal Election.

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  • Originally posted by Random Rooster View Post

    So the article is all bs or you didn't bother reading it?
    You are becoming more and more lucid, reasonable and persuasive Randy but someone like Salvatore needs to be totally ignored or he's going to sabotage this thread. His posts are annoyingly prolific but irrelevant to this thread discussion. As in the past we are flooded with cut and pastes from Right Wing sites thundering on about Soviet communism and it is torturous as MR complained but that's the tactic. It is staggering that Mr. C thought that Sal's were worthwhile contributions and that he was intelligent when, in truth, it is more like reading the erratic ramblings of someone on the spectrum.

    We need to not respond to his future off topic posts other than with a firm "Irrelevant" comment.


    • Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post

      You are becoming more and more lucid, reasonable and persuasive Randy but someone like Salvatore needs to be totally ignored or he's going to sabotage this thread. His posts are annoyingly prolific but irrelevant to this thread discussion. As in the past we are flooded with cut and pastes from Right Wing sites thundering on about Soviet communism and it is torturous as MR complained but that's the tactic. It is staggering that Mr. C thought that Sal's were worthwhile contributions and that he was intelligent when, in truth, it is more like reading the erratic ramblings of someone on the spectrum.

      We need to not respond to his future off topic posts other than with a firm "Irrelevant" comment.
      I think you have me confused with 1908 .


      • Originally posted by Random Rooster View Post

        It seems like you want not just your own opinion, but also your own version of the facts.

        The more i read your posts the more i think you may be the long lost sixth Marx brother, just behind Gummo and Zeppo
        Nope, not my version as they are historical facts, unlike your mates' propaganda-laden fictional tales which you even question on here and he thinks he is a Marx Brother -Karl's that is.

        Hard to accept. I know for Libertarian folk being centralists (either left or right) and who like to cherry-pick a position from either the right or left of the political spectrum that suits their particular view at the time or that they can benefit from.

        A classic example - one of the dudes at work - a so-called lefty (really a Libertarian) - wanted taxes to be raised across the board for increased funding for "social welfare programs" plus the Medicare levy raised to 3% etc.

        When the tax cuts were announced, I asked him if he agreed with this. Oh yes, he said, as he pays way too much tax already, and it's better in his pocket than in the government's coffers as they will waste it (very Kerry Packerish).

        Oh, what about the increased funding for" social welfare programs" and the increase to the Medicare levy etc. you were advocating for - - a moment of silence - mmm, I am sure the government can find savings to increase the funding for these.


        • So, so far we’ve learnt that:

          Australia is a capitalist country. Big reveal there!

          Right wingers who label people with opposing views lefties are actually wrong. There are no lefties in a capitalist economy or society.

          The ALP was originally formed to overthrow capitalism but has learnt the error of its ways.

          As for the upcoming federal election….??


          • Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post

            You are becoming more and more lucid, reasonable and persuasive Randy but someone like Salvatore needs to be totally ignored or he's going to sabotage this thread. His posts are annoyingly prolific but irrelevant to this thread discussion. As in the past we are flooded with cut and pastes from Right Wing sites thundering on about Soviet communism and it is torturous as MR complained but that's the tactic. It is staggering that Mr. C thought that Sal's were worthwhile contributions and that he was intelligent when, in truth, it is more like reading the erratic ramblings of someone on the spectrum.

            We need to not respond to his future off topic posts other than with a firm "Irrelevant" comment.
            Paddo, please do not use stereotypes to describe people diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. It’s one of my pet hates. People on the spectrum are some of the most interesting, intelligent, fair and logical people you will ever find.


            • Originally posted by King Salvo View Post

              My main issue with Trump then was Ukraine and still is - Slava Ukraini

              The Democrats Ideology in the US is Liberalism and their supporters are known as Liberaltarians

              As mentioned before the Labor type political parties (AUS/UK/Canada/USA etc) were founded on Marxist - Leninist ideology and principles from the Trade Union movement who wanted a political say and representation in Parliament but have moved away from this philosophy to embrace capitalism and liberalism.

              So you would be a Liberaltarian. - Liberaltarians are neither left or right.

              They advocate for a much smaller government; one that is limited to protecting individuals from coercion and violence. Libertarians tend to embrace individual responsibility, oppose government bureaucracy and taxes, promote private charity, tolerate diverse lifestyles, support the free market, and defend civil liberties.

              True lefties (Marxist-Leninists) see both the Republicans and Democrats as their so called enemies

              The term leftists in that sense could only be used to describe followers of Marxism - Leninism and despite what a certain posters says on here they are not this as we all know.

              Of course, Marxism-Leninism was never going to take hold in the West, which had already sorted out their parliamentary systems compared to places where it first did (notwithstanding the countries it was forced upon - the Soviet Union) when those countries were ruled by Emperors or Czars etc. without parliaments or relatively new ones - The Russian Duma was only first created in 1905.

              All I know about Medicare is from Mrs Salvo's perspective that it is unsustainable in it's current format and needs a significant increase in funding - The practice she works at have cut down significantly on bulk billing
              Thanks for the explanation on Trump. I studied The Russian and Chinese Revolutions as part of my Modern History unit in Year 12, so I have a fair knowledge of the background of Lenin-Marxism. I also have an economics degree.


              • Originally posted by mightyrooster View Post

                The feeling I get is most will vote ALP or Greens or Teals. It’s a matter of which one. It’s not a protest vote as such as most just don’t like Dutton as he’s too far to the right. Other Liberal candidates who are more moderate would be seen differently.
                The latest Resolve poll suggests its closer than your feelings indicate. At least you admit 99% of your sample are left leaning and, at the least, hate Mr. Dutton. So could be a false reality.

                What party will you be putting No: 1 on the ballot paper for the Federal Election? (Note - this is the female only result).

                ALP - 24%
                LNP - 35%
                GRN - 18%
                ONP - 8%
                IND - 9%
                OTH - 7%
                #We Stand with ourJewish community#


                • Originally posted by Jacks Fur Coat View Post

                  The latest Resolve poll suggests its closer than your feelings indicate. At least you admit 99% of your sample are left leaning and, at the least, hate Mr. Dutton. So could be a false reality.

                  What party will you be putting No: 1 on the ballot paper for the Federal Election? (Note - this is the female only result).

                  ALP - 24%
                  LNP - 35%
                  GRN - 18%
                  ONP - 8%
                  IND - 9%
                  OTH - 7%
                  As I said to Crab in a later post, this does not mean Albanese will win. You must have missed that. As for this parenting forum, it’s made up of women who joined upon having children. The political thread is only one thread in about 100 threads amongst different topics on the forum. It’s Australia wide. I can only go on what I read. I actually do not contribute to the political thread. I’m more interested in the Travel, Finances, Relationships, Parenting threads. But I do read through it and always wonder to myself why they are all anti Libs. It was the same with Abbott and ScoMo. I agree the election is 50 / 50, but I personally will not be voting for Dutton.


                  • Originally posted by mightyrooster View Post

                    As I said to Crab in a later post, this does not mean Albanese will win. You must have missed that. As for this parenting forum, it’s made up of women who joined upon having children. The political thread is only one thread in about 100 threads amongst different topics on the forum. It’s Australia wide. I can only go on what I read. I actually do not contribute to the political thread. I’m more interested in the Travel, Finances, Relationships, Parenting threads. But I do read through it and always wonder to myself why they are all anti Libs. It was the same with Abbott and ScoMo. I agree the election is 50 / 50, but I personally will not be voting for Dutton.
                    Yes, I posted that poll not to suggest a Coalition victory, rather to show that a lot of Australian women are happy to vote for Mr Dutton.

                    The one quality I look for in a leader is strength. Above all else, and I admit I'm not a woman myself. But I think strength in a leader is what a lot of women value too. That's why many have turned off Albanese.
                    #We Stand with ourJewish community#


                    • Originally posted by Jacks Fur Coat View Post

                      Yes, I posted that poll not to suggest a Coalition victory, rather to show that a lot of Australian women are happy to vote for Mr Dutton.

                      The one quality I look for in a leader is strength. Above all else, and I admit I'm not a woman myself. But I think strength in a leader is what a lot of women value too. That's why many have turned off Albanese.
                      I think you’ll find the attributes most (and I mean most, not all) women look for are compassion and empathy.


                      • Originally posted by mightyrooster View Post

                        I think you’ll find the attributes most (and I mean most, not all) women look for are compassion and empathy.
                        In a leader?
                        #We Stand with ourJewish community#


                        • Originally posted by Jacks Fur Coat View Post

                          In a leader?
                          Yes. Men want macho. They don’t want a wussy leader. Women like intelligence and compassion, mixed in with obvious leadership as you say. It’s the argument I tried to make with Salvo. We have busy lives. As much as society has changed we are still the ones left lumbered with most of the household budgeting / shopping / parenting, Dealing with schools and doctors regularly with sick kids, expected to take the day off when children are sick, and all this while still trying to hold onto a job. It’s not the old days where kids with behavioural differences are just ignored and categorised as just being naughty. We also have social media to contend with and the impact it has on our kids. Abbott and Dutton come across as hard nosed macho men from an old age. They’re more interested in talking about foreign affairs and stopping the boats and slashing funds to areas women need and rely on. They are blokey, bullish and have very much a boys club philosophy. They focus on bashing woollies for not supplying Australia Day merch which is all well and good and nationalistic but we really want them to actually just bash them for continually ripping us off and treating us like idiots as they continue to gauge us with their duopoly stranglehold. Yes they have families but I’m not talking about that, I’m referring to their personalities and demeanour. Their priorities. ScoMo was just smug and arrogant. All about himself. The Liberal version of Rudd.


                          • Originally posted by mightyrooster View Post

                            Yes. Men want macho. They don’t want a wussy leader. Women like intelligence and compassion, mixed in with obvious leadership as you say. It’s the argument I tried to make with Salvo. We have busy lives. As much as society has changed we are still the ones left lumbered with most of the household budgeting / shopping / parenting, Dealing with schools and doctors regularly with sick kids, expected to take the day off when children are sick, and all this while still trying to hold onto a job. It’s not the old days where kids with behavioural differences are just ignored and categorised as just being naughty. We also have social media to contend with and the impact it has on our kids. Abbott and Dutton come across as hard nosed macho men from an old age. They’re more interested in talking about foreign affairs and stopping the boats and slashing funds to areas women need and rely on. They are blokey, bullish and have very much a boys club philosophy. They focus on bashing woollies for not supplying Australia Day merch which is all well and good and nationalistic but we really want them to actually just bash them for continually ripping us off and treating us like idiots as they continue to gauge us with their duopoly stranglehold. Yes they have families but I’m not talking about that, I’m referring to their personalities and demeanour. Their priorities. ScoMo was just smug and arrogant. All about himself. The Liberal version of Rudd.
                            I just want a leader who has the courage of his/her convictions and puts Australia first.

                            But thank you MR, I appreciate you being open and honest with what's behind the Dutton dislike. That, in itself, takes courage in an open forum.

                            Whilst I may see some of the reasoning as a bit misguided, you have every right to express your opinion.

                            I think if you looked a bit deeper you would find Mr Abbott and Mr Dutton have more compassion and empathy than you think. And the points of criticism are also positives in some aspects at least, as well.

                            I don't want to open a historical critique of a who did what when tennis match.

                            But one final point, if Aussie women truly care about our economic state and cost of living, (which of course they do), they won't be supporting a return of the current Government.
                            #We Stand with ourJewish community#


                            • Originally posted by King Salvo View Post

                              Nope, not my version as they are historical facts, unlike your mates' propaganda-laden fictional tales which you even question on here and he thinks he is a Marx Brother -Karl's that is.

                              Hard to accept. I know for Libertarian folk being centralists (either left or right) and who like to cherry-pick a position from either the right or left of the political spectrum that suits their particular view at the time or that they can benefit from.

                              A classic example - one of the dudes at work - a so-called lefty (really a Libertarian) - wanted taxes to be raised across the board for increased funding for "social welfare programs" plus the Medicare levy raised to 3% etc.

                              When the tax cuts were announced, I asked him if he agreed with this. Oh yes, he said, as he pays way too much tax already, and it's better in his pocket than in the government's coffers as they will waste it (very Kerry Packerish).

                              Oh, what about the increased funding for" social welfare programs" and the increase to the Medicare levy etc. you were advocating for - - a moment of silence - mmm, I am sure the government can find savings to increase the funding for these.
                              If you cant even get the definition of a "leftist" right then everything that follows is poppycock.

                              Try not to deviate away from the topic- these random drivel rants you love to go into prove nothing besides you love to read and re-read and re-read your own posts


                              • Originally posted by Jacks Fur Coat View Post

                                I just want a leader who has the courage of his/her convictions and puts Australia first.

                                But thank you MR, I appreciate you being open and honest with what's behind the Dutton dislike. That, in itself, takes courage in an open forum.

                                Whilst I may see some of the reasoning as a bit misguided, you have every right to express your opinion.

                                I think if you looked a bit deeper you would find Mr Abbott and Mr Dutton have more compassion and empathy than you think. And the points of criticism are also positives in some aspects at least, as well.

                                I don't want to open a historical critique of a who did what when tennis match.

                                But one final point, if Aussie women truly care about our economic state and cost of living, (which of course they do), they won't be supporting a return of the current Government.
                                Thanks Jack. The cost of living cannot be attributed to Labor alone. It is a global phenomenon and mostly the result of Covid and the war in Ukraine. Ironically the spending of the Morrison govt as a result of Covid contributed to that crisis. They had their reasons and the spending was mostly justified but was rushed policy on the run and was therefore quite wasteful in areas. If Labor had done the same, the Libs would be up in arms. The tax changes started by Morrison / Frydenberg were much needed. Albanese amending them was even better IMO of course. Labor could do better in the cost of living crisis. The changes to Medicare are also welcome but I worry about the sustainability of it all. I don’t trust Dutton with Medicare at all. The Lbs have already allowed the PHI government rebate (introduced by Howard) to be eroded away. I’m pretty sure it was Abbott who stopped indexing it. I could be wrong on that. Please correct me if I’m wrong. I’m sure Salvo will lol!

                                Finally, Im a supporter of immigration but I strongly believe it now needs to be eased back. It’s done its job since Covid but now we need to reel it in a bit.

