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The Coming Federal Election.

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  • Dutton purchased bank shares day before GFC bailout: report

    By Olivia Ireland

    Workplace Minister Murray Watt has questioned Opposition Leader Peter Dutton’s share purchases in the depths of the global financial crisis when he bought bank stocks at low prices.

    Declarations to parliament reveal Dutton bought shares involving the big banks the day before Labor announced a bailout in 2009, reports.

    Speaking this morning in Canberra, Watt said the article raises significant questions about Dutton’s conduct during the GFC when he was shadow minister for finance, competition policy and deregulation.

    “This is a guy who had no real history of trading in bank shares, but he entered into an absolute frenzy of buying and selling bank shares over a very small period of time that just happened to coincide with the time that the Rudd government was planning and delivering multi-billion dollar bank bailouts,” Watt said

    “I think it is highly unusual that we see a senior member of the opposition at the time who has no history of buying and selling bank shares, all of a sudden take a great interest on the day of a record low share value and the day before a large bailout is announced by the government that only a small number of people know about.”

    Watt said it was up to Peter Dutton to explain what happened to the Australian people.

    “Is this some really incredible coincidence, or is there something more to it?”


    • Originally posted by Random Rooster View Post

      Thanks for telling me who i am, what my views are and what countries i have never visited. Got the numbers for tomorrow nights Lotto too?
      Hey Randy, Been enjoying your posts and the latest by Red, too, is damning - Insider trader building that $300m portfolio. Sky will be right onto that! Just imagine if it was Albo? Jaxie will be in full rationalisation mode.

      What are your thoughts on China's system of governance as outlined by me at #457. Sal touts Capitalism as the superior system but China is Capitalism regulated by the party - corruption of all kinds, where it exists, is drastically dealt with - up against the wall is the penalty for greedy individuals defrauding the people, as it should be. Their system has already proven itself to be superior, that's why we have Western hostility.

      It was the same with the miraculous achievement of the 5 Year Plans in the Soviet Union which transformed Russia from being the sick man of Europe into an industrial superpower. That could not be allowed to continue. Enter Hitler with the tacit support of the West.

      Of course there are those who will protest, "Nah, nah, it wasn't that, the West knew it was an evil evil system from the get go".


      • Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact

        mmm the infamous Nazi Germany - Soviet Union Non aggression Pact - The Partition of Poland which was invaded by both Nazi Germany(West) and Soviet Union(East) and Carve up of Europe - Nazi Germany Western Europe and Soviet Union Eastern Europe including the Soviet Union annexing the Baltic States (Latvia , Estonia and Lithuania).

        The Baltic republics declared their aim for sovereignty: Estonia in November 1988, Lithuania in May 1989 and Latvia in July 1989. .The Baltic Way, that took place on 23 August 1989, became the biggest manifestation of opposition to the Soviet rule. In December 1989, the Congress of People's Deputies of the Soviet Union condemned the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact and its secret protocols as "legally untenable and invalid.

        I bet Liber Paddo didn't know about the above I highlighted

        Ah yes the infamous Soviet 5 year plans.

        A couple of examples below to remind folk of the cruelty and suffering folk suffered under these despot dictatorship commo regimes.

        White Sea–Baltic Canal (227 km's )- Built by 126k or so Gulag Inmates where over 25,000 died - conditions were brutal and harsh to say the least and food rations were barely sufficient - the old Russian Thin Soup and a few grams of black bread twice a day - 16 to 18 hour days 6 and 1/2 days per week - "reforging" so called "class enemies" through "corrective labour"

        Another Soviet Union 5 Year Plan "Idea" - Collectivisation "Collective Farming" - or better Known as "Collective Starving"

        The infamous Holodomor (Forced Famine) in Ukraine where over 5 million Ukrainians perished in the Genocide against Ukrainians. - sounds familiar - Feb 22 2022 another attempt.

        Teams of Commo Party Hoods/Crooks forced the farming folk to relinquish their land, personal property, and housing to collective farms and anyone resisting were either shot or deported along with their families to one of the growing number of Gulags across the Soviet Union aptly described by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn in his masterpiece book "The Gulag Archipelago"

        The manuscripts for the book were smuggled out of the Soviet Union and printed as a Book in the democratic free West - I remember when it came out - The despot Soviet Union regime arrested Solzhenitsyn and charged him with treason on February 12, 1974, and he was then exiled from the Soviet Union the following day.

        The book was written on personal experiences and those of other inmates

        While serving as a Captain in the Red Army during WW2/Great Patriotic War, Solzhenitsyn was arrested by SMERSH ( Red Army Counter Intelligence) and sentenced to eight years in the Gulag and then internal exile (special settlements for those released from Gulags) for criticising Soviet leader Joseph Stalin in a private letter.

        Last edited by King Salvo; 02-25-2025, 09:27 PM.


        • Capitalism is Government Controlled in China ? - mmm reportedly they have the most Billionaires with 814 - wake up the Chinese Love and Worship Capitalism - been bitten by the Capitalist Bug Big Time as anyone knows - just need to get rid of communism and have political parties , free elections and freedom of the press, speech, religion and association etc.

          Rocket Man in North Korea should embrace Capitalism as well.

          Not sure why you're wanting folk to be put up against a wall and shot commo despot regime style though

          You don't want your beloved China going back to the old days of Despot Commo Mao's Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution where over 80 million perished.

          Or Supporting and Backing Despot Commo Dictators like Pol Pot (Khmer Rouge) that Mao and Xiaoping did - Cambodia - "Year Zero" where 3 million perished - Despot Pot's targets where previous military and political leadership folk, middle-class professionals, businesspeople, intellectuals and ethnic, linguistic, or religious minorities

          (Above )The Two despots meet - Old Despot Mao (Left) and his protégé Trainee Despot Pot (Centre)

          (Below) Trainee Despot Pot meeting his new mentor in Chinese Commo Leader Despot Deng Xiaoping - Old Despot Mao went to the great old commo's home underground i.e Hell where he could catch up with old mate Stalin and his hero Lenin

          Last edited by King Salvo; 02-25-2025, 03:09 PM.


          • The Coalition will invest $9 Billion into Medicare

            February 23, 2025

            An elected Dutton Coalition Government will invest an historic $9 billion into Medicare to fix Labor’s healthcare crisis and ensure all Australians have timely and affordable access to a doctor.

            Under Labor’s bulk billing crisis, it has never been harder and more expensive to see a doctor. Australians are now paying 45 per cent more to see their GP, as bulk billing has collapsed from 88 per cent under the Coalition, to 77 per cent under Anthony Albanese.

            This has had a serious impact on Australians’ access to healthcare at a time when they can least afford it. Last financial year alone saw 40 million fewer bulk billed GP visits under Labor, in comparison to the Coalition’s last year in government.

            This crisis has forced 1.5 million Australians to avoid seeing a doctor in 2023-24, adding further demand to already under-pressure hospitals across the country.

            The Coalition recognises the urgent need for better access to bulk billed services in the middle of Labor’s healthcare crisis.

            That is why a Dutton Coalition Government will match the $8.5 billion investment into Medicare dollar-for-dollar to fix Labor’s mess and restore bulk billing back up to Coalition levels.

            This investment builds on the $500 million commitment already announced by the Coalition to restore critical Medicare funding for mental health support, after it was slashed in half by the Albanese Government. We continue to call on Labor to match this funding and support vulnerable Australians with more complex or chronic mental health conditions.

            The Coalition welcomes the Government’s decision to finally listen to our calls to address the health workforce crisis with a comprehensive package of training measures. The Coalition led the way with our $400 million plan to grow a strong pipeline of homegrown GPs, which will provide junior doctors who choose to train as a GP in the community with financial incentives, assistance with leave entitlements and training support, to help fill the shortages in our suburbs and regional areas.

            In Government, the Coalition increased hospital funding by 16 per cent and established the now $22 billion Medical Research Future Fund which has delivered cutting edge research, medical breakthroughs and advancements for all Australians.

            The Coalition supported the additional $1.7 billion in funding for the public hospital system, because we know that Labor’s primary care crisis is putting unprecedented pressure on our hospitals.



            • We will deliver a stronger economy with low inflation

              Inflation is a huge problem for Australia.

              Australia’s core inflation is higher than the US, Singapore, Germany, Japan, Italy, South Korea, Canada, France, and the entire Euro area (as at September 2024).

              The reason interest rates have gone up 12 times is because the Government can’t control its spending – and because of its reckless energy policy.

              Labor Budgets have lifted spending by a staggering $347 billion – or $33,000 per Australian household.

              The Reserve Bank Governor has sounded the alarm on inflation being home-grown.

              A Liberal government will deliver a back-to-basics economic plan.

              This includes reining in inflationary spending, winding back regulatory roadblocks, lower taxes and more affordable and reliable energy.

              We will also stand up for consumers, small businesses and farmers by delivering stronger penalties for anti-competitive behaviour in the supermarket and hardware sectors.



              • We will deliver cheaper energy

                Labor’s ‘renewables only’ policy continues to drive-up power prices.

                Electricity and gas prices have gone up by 32 per cent (without rebates) and 36 per cent respectively (as at November 2024).

                Renewables have a role to play in our energy system.

                But we can’t rely on weather-dependent energy alone.

                We need power 24/7 – especially for our hospitals, factories and freezers that need to operate around the clock.

                Australia has three energy goals:
                Cheaper power. Consistent power. Cleaner power.

                We won’t achieve these goals under Labor’s ‘renewables only’ policy, but we can achieve all three.

                By following the other top 20 economies in the world which use zero-emission nuclear power or are taking steps to put it in their mix.

                And by ramping-up domestic gas production for affordable and reliable energy in the more immediate term.

                You can read more about our plan to secure Australia’s energy and economic future at



                • We will deliver more affordable housing

                  Under Labor, the aspiration of home ownership has become out of reach.

                  Interest rates and rents have had their highest increases in over a decade.

                  Building approvals have fallen to their lowest level in over a decade.

                  At the same time, Labor has brought one million more people to Australian in just two years. Just 350,000 homes were constructed in that time.

                  Further, red tape and union corruption have added to costs and delays.

                  Labor has also revealed it is looking to introduce new housing taxes (including changes to negative gearing), which would reduce investment and push up rents.

                  The Coalition is determined to restore the dream of home ownership.

                  We will boost housing supply, rebalance migration, incentivise first home buyers and take pressure off interest rates and rents.

                  We will unlock up to 500,000 new homes by investing $5 billion to fund essential infrastructure like water, power, and sewerage at housing development sites.

                  And to further address supply constraints, the Coalition will freeze any further changes to the National Construction Code for 10 years.

                  At a time of high inflation, Labor has increased the compliance burden for new housing projects, adding up to $60,000 to the price of a new home.

                  Our freeze on red tape will provide certainty and let builders get on with the job of building more homes for Australians.

                  Amidst a housing crisis, Labor has brought in one million people in just two years. A new person is migrating to Australia every 46 seconds.

                  While we celebrate the contribution of migrants, our program needs to be well managed.

                  To alleviate pressure on the housing market, we will:
                  • Implement a two-year ban on foreign investors and temporary residents purchasing existing homes.
                  • Reduce permanent migration – from 185,000 to 140,000 for two years (then 150,000 in year three and 160,000 in year four).
                  • Return the refugee and humanitarian program planning level to the long-term average – from 20,000 to 13,750.
                  • Reduce the numbers of foreign students at metropolitan universities, increase the student visa fee and apply it to foreign students who change providers.

                  By rebalancing the migration program, the Coalition would free up almost 40,000 additional homes in the first year.

                  And well over 100,000 homes in the next five years.

                  A Coalition Government will allow Australians to access up to $50,000 from their super to buy their first home. The money initially withdrawn from super will need to be returned when the house is sold to support retirement.

                  Under Labor, interest rates remain high because of homegrown inflation which has been consistently higher than other major economies.

                  We will take pressure off interest rates by responsibly managing the economy, including reducing wasteful spending.



                  • We will deliver safer communities

                    A Coalition Government will provide much needed leadership in tackling knife crime.

                    We will work with states and territories to develop uniform knife laws across all jurisdictions.

                    Laws which give police the powers to stop and search using detector wands – like Queensland’s ‘Jack’s Law’.

                    And laws which limit and restrict the sale and possession of knives to minors and dangerous individuals.

                    A Coalition Government will also make it an offence to use mobile phone and computer networks to cause an intimate partner or family member to fear for their personal safety, to track them using spyware, or engage in coercive behaviours.

                    We will toughen the bail laws that apply to these new Commonwealth offences.

                    A Coalition Government will make it illegal to post material glamourising violence, drug and property crimes to increase a person’s notoriety.

                    It will take a Coalition Government – once again – to stop the people smugglers and to deport criminals.

                    It will also take a Coalition Government to turn the tide of anti-Semitism afflicting our country.

                    Anti-Semitism is not just a threat to one segment of our community.

                    It’s a threat to our social cohesion and democratic values.

                    Some of the most strident anti-Semitic standard-bearers have come from our university campuses.

                    We will also provide the moral and political leadership which makes it abundantly clear that we expect the law to be enforced readily – not reluctantly – against those inciting hatred and violence.



                    • We will deliver quality healthcare

                      Our health system is facing significant challenges.

                      We have a serious shortage of GPs. Under Labor, the GP bulk billing rate has dropped 11 per cent. 240,000 Australians are going without the extended mental health support they need.

                      A Dutton Government will:
                        • Guarantee the growing funding of Medicare.
                        • Support Australians to receive healthcare in a timely way wherever they live.
                        • Grow our GP workforce through new incentive payments, entitlements and training support.
                        • Restore the number of Medicare-subsidised mental health sessions from 10 to 20 on a permanent basis.
                        • Support Australians to access suicide prevention services.
                        • Invest in cancer treatments, such as specialist cancer nurses to support Australians with Ovarian Cancer – the deadliest cancer affecting women.
                        • Invest in cutting-edge medical research to drive treatment breakthroughs and advancements for Australians.
                        • Deliver new investments in best-practice women’s health issues, such as endometriosis, menopause and peri-menopause.
                        • Support regional health worker attraction, recruitment and retention initiatives.
                        • Conduct a review of women-specific health items funded under Medicare and the PBS to ensure the best support is provided to Australian women.
                        • Continue support for the timely access to medicines through community pharmacies.

                      These priorities will ensure we deliver quality healthcare.



                      • The above Plans and Policies are far superior to the Laboring On Libertarians ones - Not sure why anyone would not vote 1 for a Lib/Nats candidate in their electorate and 1 above the line for the Libs/Nats in the senate.

                        Surely 3 years of Albo's dysfunctional team is more than enough - I have heard even staunch Laboring on Libertarians say they that they won't mind losing the election if it means getting rid of Albo permanently - I Can't see Albo hanging around on the back benches either - he can concentrate on growing his residential portfolio.


                        • Jeez, sounds like Paradise. Strange that their last term was so hamfisted, scandal ridden, amateurish and even criminal (Robodebt)?

                          Loving the stories about Ms Sal - a Kulak no doubt who saw/sees no good whatsoever in a Socialist system, not even her free tertiary education - that's FREE folks, no HECS. A FREE university education! Anyone qualified is entitled to something similar and free healthcare for all as well, no gap payments either. Medicos working for the good of the community. A FREE medical education and she wasn't even a member of the Komsomol? Strange indeed since we know that the Party keeps all of the cream, gorging themselves on all the good stuff as the rest of the population struggles along on their knees in despair waiting for the door knock at midnight.

                          If one is adventurous enough and humanitarian enough, it is possible to get a free medical education today in Cuba - they take all comers from around the world but if successful you need to sign an undertaking that your skills will be plied in the 3rd world for a period of time. I dunno, maybe it's a Commo plan for World Government? Ya never know.


                          • Well after reading Sals posts on the Libs policies, then its a no brainer, its the Coalition all the way.

                            I am amused by Dutton talking about healthcare/medicare- any care! I mean he is the chief butcher of a party that loves ripping the liver of out free public healthcare.

                            For the life of me all i can think about are the words by a certain ex Murdoch backed PM .....

                            “No cuts to education, no cuts to health, no change to pensions, no change to the GST and no cuts to the ABC or SBS.”

                            and i think Abbott is more trustworthy than Dutton!


                            • The only thing that is free is the air and space - someone is paying for it

                              University/College wasn't as as free as you think in the Soviet Union - Very competitive entry exams and if accepted then you had the costs of textbooks and other required educational resources required for the course plus living expenses - rent /food /clothes/travel etc. The University your studying at could also be a long way away from where you normally resided.

                              There would also be senior students keeping a check on your progress in the course - failure in any subject was not tolerated

                              Being your favourite a " Centralised Planned Economy" on graduation you were sent to work anywhere in the Soviet Union- not your choice where that was - Mrs Salvo had Friends at her University that were sent to work in Kazakhstan / Dagestan / Uzbekistan / Estonia / Latvia/ Belarus etc

                              That's why it was free for - Uni's/Colleges were the producers of the workforce for the Soviet Union.

                              You would have loved theses 3 subjects below as they taught these every year from what we call Kindergarten right through to University/College - Got to keep brainwashing folk - Non stop brainwashing- State TV/Propaganda Posters
                              • History of Communism
                              • History of the Soviet Union
                              • Marxist -Leninist Theory

                              Don't think you would like these though being a conchie/shirker - No For King and Country for you.

                              Compulsory Military Training for all last 2 years of High School - years 11 and 12 as we would call it plus more serious Military Training for all in University/College irrespective of what course you were undertaking including those doing medical degrees

                              Mrs Salvo Graduated as a T-72 Tank Commander with a Rank the equivalent of a Captain


                              • What has the Soviet Union got to do with the Federal Election?

