Originally posted by mightyrooster
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The Coming Federal Election.
Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post
No you're talking about the dimwits who seem to believe that the party of Capital will turn things around. Will have the cochonnes to tell the RBA to pull its head in because people are suffering. The ning nongs who have no interest in politics whatsoever but who now realise that that $800,000 mortgage probably wasn't such a good idea.
Originally posted by Crab View Post
Or maybe the large anti -Dutton female vote who "I just don't like the look of him ...'.'contingent .
Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View PostI'm with Salvatore for once. Dirty tricks ALP traducing the the reputation of young but idealistic Queensland ex- Copper. A young bloke trying to get ahead of the crippling COL to put food on the table for his family. And where's the evidence for those toxic claims of insider malfeasance? The facts are that there was just a brief window between rock bottom bank share prices and a bailout announcement and ol' Pete took a big risk at that point - there was a chance of a stuff up at his stockbrokers for example. Clearly his windfall was a mere stroke of luck - could've happened to anybody. People have to prove malfeasance when they call into question the integrity of an LNP politician, they're not like the Shortens of this world, clearly corrupt, feathering their own nests and deserving of the constant unsubstantiated muck thrown and published for the best part of 3 years.
The whole thing is a Labor stunt (forget the facts) and it's 18 years old as well and there is a Statute of Limitations on Insider trading isn't there? There should be in the case of LNP speculators because making money is in their DNA and there needs to be no limit on aspiration. ALP snouts are different, pure greed drives them 'cos they've had nothing all their lives. They're the ones who who should have the blowtorch applied now. How underhand, dredging up a scandal at this time even if there might have been a little carelessness - no class that lot.
Of course Handy Andy Charlton is accumulating wealth hand over fist that the Libertarian suckers who vote for him in that electorate could only ever dream of accumulating . The old commo's from the era of Laboring On's Marxist - Leninist Wealth Distribution ideology must be rolling in their paupers graves.
Originally posted by King Salvo View Post
Typical Laboing On Libertarian Trick in flinging mud and hoping it sticks. - They know they are in trouble come the soon to be held federal election.
Of course Handy Andy Charlton is accumulating wealth hand over fist that the Libertarian suckers who vote for him in that electorate could only ever dream of accumulating . The old commo's from the era of Laboring On's Marxist - Leninist Wealth Distribution ideology must be rolling in their paupers graves.
Then Sarah Ferguson stunned him by putting him on the spot for details (he wasn't expecting this on the ABC) and he went to water...
The ALPs pre pre-election campaign is the gift that just keeps on giving.#We Stand with ourJewish community#
Originally posted by Jacks Fur Coat View PostSpeaking of hilarious, and its one if those moments when partisan politics is put aside, and we collectively cringe.
You gotta see this, Albo on the trail trying to woo back blue collar workers....on Valentines Day. You can't help but laugh.
Albo's ode to Tradies
Laboring on was red
But now they are blue
We now love the capitalist money
And so will you too
Poor Albo will have to struggle on in retirement on 300k per annum CPI Indexed and taxed at 10% in his $ 4.3 million central coast weekender.
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Originally posted by King Salvo View Post
Albo and Liber Paddo's favourite workers - Tradies
Albo's ode to Tradies
Laboring on was red
But now they are blue
We now love the capitalist money
And so will you too
Poor Albo will have to struggle on in retirement on 300k per annum CPI Indexed and taxed at 10% in his $ 4.3 million central coast weekender.
https://www.homebeautiful.com.au/hom...h-wales-house/#We Stand with ourJewish community#
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Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View PostI'm with Salvatore for once. Dirty tricks ALP traducing the the reputation of young but idealistic Queensland ex- Copper. A young bloke trying to get ahead of the crippling COL to put food on the table for his family. And where's the evidence for those toxic claims of insider malfeasance? The facts are that there was just a brief window between rock bottom bank share prices and a bailout announcement and ol' Pete took a big risk at that point - there was a chance of a stuff up at his stockbrokers for example. Clearly his windfall was a mere stroke of luck - could've happened to anybody. People have to prove malfeasance when they call into question the integrity of an LNP politician, they're not like the Shortens of this world, clearly corrupt, feathering their own nests and deserving of the constant unsubstantiated muck thrown and published for the best part of 3 years.
The whole thing is a Labor stunt (forget the facts) and it's 18 years old as well and there is a Statute of Limitations on Insider trading isn't there? There should be in the case of LNP speculators because making money is in their DNA and there needs to be no limit on aspiration. ALP snouts are different, pure greed drives them 'cos they've had nothing all their lives. They're the ones who who should have the blowtorch applied now. How underhand, dredging up a scandal at this time even if there might have been a little carelessness - no class that lot.
There's no statute of limitations on insider trading. In any event it's a real nothing story. It wont lose Dutton 1 vote or gain Albo 1 vote.
Really both the candidates are pretty boring....but considering what's happening around the world i think boring is a good thing!
Originally posted by Random Rooster View Post
I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic or not?
There's no statute of limitations on insider trading. In any event it's a real nothing story. It wont lose Dutton 1 vote or gain Albo 1 vote.
This example is comparable to that dude in the ABS who was trading on the stockmarket, using data that he had access to before it was released. It's not even intelligent, it's just 'dude working in government makes money by buying shyte that he knows will go up in value once a policy's announced'. If he were a public servant working on that policy and was found to have bought shares in banks then he'd be sacked and likely be facing criminal charges. They could also (for example) have professional ramifications such as being struck-off & banned from practicing if he were a lawyer.
It's pretty blatant corruption and shows Dutton's character. He likes to sell himself as Mr Compliance... Mr ex-cop who will tolerate no BS. However in reality he's a corrupt fark who's taking the p!ss. Further, his lack of an apology / explanation despite being caught red handed again tells you his attitude to dishonesty.
Dirt squad or not... don't shoot the messenger! The (Liberal) Prime Minister of the day received notice of this purchase and shoulda sacked him from the party while informing the AFP, to investigate any wrongdoing. It shows how gutless the Liberal party is when it comes to such incidents. It may even have been something that Turnbull ignored because he didn't wanna put the right of the party offside... he wanted to remain PM unchallenged. We'll never know but again, it was a gutless move.
When it comes to rooting for a winning, I only do that an claim bragging rights when it's the footy.
When it's politics... I take corruption very seriously... whether it be Shanghai Sam or Privileged Pete. As voters, I think we should demand better. Dutton's not boring, he's corrupt. Albo's the smooth operator who understands the benefits to maintaining a rules based society.
Well said Izz. Reluctantly I agree with Randy that this won't hurt him. It needs to be repeated ad nauseum to be effective like "There will be no carbon tax in the government I lead". And that certainly ain't gonna happen. News got wind and broke it to get it done, dusted and buried early in the piece.
ISM has no proof of this though and is just regurgitating typical Laboring On Libertarian mud ranking
Of course Vermin Albo was behind this smear campaign sending out attack dog Handy Andy Charlton
Handy Andy Charlton was Krudds Chief Economic advisor - response to the economic crises and stimulus package etc. - Certainly privy to a lot of information to say the least
Interesting that Handy Andy has amassed a fortune - mmm bank shares / bonds/ equity funds/ family trusts /properties etc - has his fingers in a lot of pies
Originally posted by ism22 View Post
It's not insider trading anyway? It's an abuse of parliamentary privilege which dishonestly bagged him a tidy amount of money.
This example is comparable to that dude in the ABS who was trading on the stockmarket, using data that he had access to before it was released. It's not even intelligent, it's just 'dude working in government makes money by buying shyte that he knows will go up in value once a policy's announced'. If he were a public servant working on that policy and was found to have bought shares in banks then he'd be sacked and likely be facing criminal charges. They could also (for example) have professional ramifications such as being struck-off & banned from practicing if he were a lawyer.
It's pretty blatant corruption and shows Dutton's character. He likes to sell himself as Mr Compliance... Mr ex-cop who will tolerate no BS. However in reality he's a corrupt fark who's taking the p!ss. Further, his lack of an apology / explanation despite being caught red handed again tells you his attitude to dishonesty.
Dirt squad or not... don't shoot the messenger! The (Liberal) Prime Minister of the day received notice of this purchase and shoulda sacked him from the party while informing the AFP, to investigate any wrongdoing. It shows how gutless the Liberal party is when it comes to such incidents. It may even have been something that Turnbull ignored because he didn't wanna put the right of the party offside... he wanted to remain PM unchallenged. We'll never know but again, it was a gutless move.
When it comes to rooting for a winning, I only do that an claim bragging rights when it's the footy.
When it's politics... I take corruption very seriously... whether it be Shanghai Sam or Privileged Pete. As voters, I think we should demand better. Dutton's not boring, he's corrupt. Albo's the smooth operator who understands the benefits to maintaining a rules based society.