Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61
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The big thing was our Father's LAWHA ( Living away from home allowance) - As I said after he came back from WW2 ( Fought in North Africa/Lebanon-Syria/ PNG and Borneo) he got a job in the PMG( later became Telecom) working his way up to be a senior line inspector (telephone cables) up and down the East Coast. Would have been a fair payment the LAWHA even back then - tax free I assume
Half of us born in Ballarat then the other half of us born in Guyra ( me as well) - I don't remember Guyra at all but it does snow there and some decent falls.
Nope not Catholic either - Church of England
Came to Campbelltown after Guyra - property is on 995 square metres - not much around back then - mainly soldier settlement properties in our street and across the road a sizeable dairy farm we used to get milk and what not from until compulsory acquired by the Gough Whitlam Government I understand.
Our Father and Mother knew Gough Whitlam quite well from the RSL Sub branch meetings and annual conferences. Gough even came to our house a few times - All I remember was a tall person and not much else from his visits and no clue who he was being a youngster - he wasn't PM at that time.
A Soldier settlement property on our street - 2300 square metres sold for 2.6 million in 2016 - Whoever bought it had 6 double story 4 bedroom town houses built on it it - each one sold for 1,095 million - that property when sold previous was sold for 120k back in 1999.
When our Mother passed away Mrs Salvo and I purchased the family property for 260k in 2011 - we wanted to buy our Uncles (our Fathers Brother ) property in Ballarat in 2008 but didn't have the money and no others wanted to buy in to purchase it as we spent many a holiday down in that house and it was used in a McDonalds Advertisement - the elderly bowlers one - Female and Male
We got 3 quotes for the Campbelltown Family Home and all agreed on the price and signed the agreement - most expensive properties of ones we own - cheapest one the apartment in Ukraine ( Chernivtsi) where Mrs Salvo lived with 11 others during the Soviet Union time
We purchased it from Mrs Salvo's parents when they moved to Russia when her Father's Father passed away - As I said he was a Political Commissar in WW2/Great Patriotic War and was given the house -also NKVD and then KGB - It always used to bother me the evening toasts to Lenin and Stalin - Mrs Salvo always begged me not to say anything.
He did admit once that Stalin did the things that Khrushchev denounced him for but things had to be done to modernise the Soviet Union - I said in our country folk would be paid for it/ defined working hours/absences from work and leave conditions and days off etc/ provided with the proper equipment/ clothed / fed and sheltered etc in undertaking such work etc.
Child Endowment was a non-means tested, universal allowance introduced by the Commonwealth government in 1941. The Child Endowment Act 1941 provided that a sum of 5 shillings per week, for each child after the first under the age of 16 years, be paid directly to the mother
See the link for better payment charts
The table shows the rates in dollars per week (pw).
Kids - columns 1 to 5 +
01/07/1941 | - | 0.50 | 0.50 | 0.50 | 0.50 |
26/06/1945 | - | 0.75 | 0.75 | 0.75 | 0.75 |
09/11/1948 | - | 1.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 |
20/06/1950 | 0.50 | 1.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 |
14/01/1964 | 0.50 | 1.00 | 1.50 | 1.50 | 1.50 |
19/09/1967 | 0.50 | 1.00 | 1.50 | 1.75 | 2.00 |
12/10/1971 | 0.50 | 1.00 | 2.00 | 2.25 | 2.50 Note A |
15/06/1976 | 3.50 | 5.00 | 6.00 | 6.00 | 7.00 |
This table shows the rates in dollars per month. Where rates changed, the first payment at the new rate was made on the family allowance payday after the date shown.
Kids columns 1 to 5 +
15/05/1979 | 15.20 | 21.70 | 26.00 | 26.00 | 30.35 |
15/12/1981 | 15.20 | 21.70 | 39.00 | 39.00 | 45.55 |
15/10/1982 | 22.80 | 32.55 | 39.00 | 39.00 | 45.55 |