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Global Warming

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  • Global Warming

    Where are all the neighsayers I have heard on this site 46 outside today I think this is The hottest day ever in Sydney Record temps throughout the country over the last two weeks
    When you trust your television
    what you get is what you got
    Cause when they own the information
    they can bend it all they want

    John Mayer

  • #2
    A hot day in Sydney has global implications............probably a souffs fan who still believes redfen is where it all began.

    I''ll believe in global waming when my aircon no longer satisfies me


    • #3
      Yours and my air con is contributing to it
      When you trust your television
      what you get is what you got
      Cause when they own the information
      they can bend it all they want

      John Mayer


      • #4
        Originally posted by Andrew Walker View Post
        Yours and my air con is contributing to it
        def a souffs fan


        • #5
          Originally posted by paronomasia View Post
          def a souffs fan
          You still here?

          Thought you would have dried up & blown away by now.


          • #6
            Originally posted by chook 56 View Post
            You still here?

            Thought you would have dried up & blown away by now.
            yup, despite global and hsitoical predictions by bogan chook penners, the world has not dried up and blown away....though bwaiff has


            • #7
              It's not hot outside because Tim Flannery was wrong about dam levels.

              Meanwhile in the world of the educated and non-ignorant the last of a very good four part series.



              • #8
                Originally posted by Chook View Post
                It's not hot outside because Tim Flannery was wrong about dam levels.

                Meanwhile in the world of the educated and non-ignorant the last of a very good four part series.

                oh mo, not the abc again lol
                someone spell consumer fo me

                btw, whee is this world you speak of.......its been a long times since dodds the greeks and the irational


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Chook View Post
                  It's not hot outside because Tim Flannery was wrong about dam levels.

                  Meanwhile in the world of the educated and non-ignorant the last of a very good four part series.

                  Interesting read Chook
                  When you trust your television
                  what you get is what you got
                  Cause when they own the information
                  they can bend it all they want

                  John Mayer


                  • #10
                    Global Warming

                    and the coldest winter in Russia ever



                    • #11
                      I think we do need to clean up our act in regards to emmissions and I do think going green is the way to go, the carbon tax and the green bank is a good initiative.

                      My issue is that this is not the right time to introduce it, I think we need to sort out our economy our unemployement our pensioners our schools and hospitals and hit the deficit hard, then look towards going green.

                      I also find it very disturbing that the goverment is introducing such things AND Abbotproofing them, it IS a dispicable act towards all Australians!

                      Policies are not about Abbott OR the liberal party, they are about the Australian public and the public should be able to say yes or no and more importantly we should be able to change something if we feel it is not in our best interest at some stage in the future.

                      I find it arrogant that the government takes the appraoch that we know better then you, we know what is good for you! Somewhere they have lost the plot and they have forgotten they are there to represent us and our wishes and not thier egos.
                      " A man can only walk as far as he can see"


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by rcptn View Post
                        Global Warming

                        and the coldest winter in Russia ever

                        'Global Warming' is actually a massive misconception. 'Global Warming' is a small part of a bigger problem called the 'Greenhouse Effect' which is what we really need to worry about. For those who dont know, the Greenhouse Effect is basically the result of CO2 emissions. These emissions create holes in the atmosphere, and instead of bouncing off the atmosphere, radiation from the sun gets through these holes, and heats the earth.
                        Anyway, the Greenhouse Effect is getting out of control. The radiation from the sun is what is causing all these wild weather patterns; eg. Australia's hottest summer on record, Russia's coldest Winter on record etc. Whats worse is countries all around the world, especially in places like Brazil, continue to cut down millions of trees each year. Trees act as the lungs of the earth, and basically, they help keep the atmosphere stable. But with them being cut down, we are being left to bask in the suns radiation.
                        None of us will experience the full effects of The Greenhouse Effect if we continue this trend of rising CO2 emissions. But our kids, and our grandkids are going to look it straight in the eye.
                        Last edited by kegs1; 01-19-2013, 01:19 PM. Reason: typo


                        • #13
                          even christopher monkton, i refuse to use the bs title lord cause he isnt one carnt argue against the obvious changes in the worlds weather his and other sceptics answer is that its all cyclic and to some degree hes correct, but much greater minds than mine have4 determined by scientific analysis that humans have indeed contributed to global warming with the excessive release of carboninto our atmosphere, as we dont at this stage have a back up planet to evacuate to i tend to think itrs a very good idea tyo try and keep this planet available for human habitation until at least we do have a plan b!? consider these humble words of mine i havnt once mentioned any political party or legislation , just honest words from a genuine easts fan of longstanding!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Andrew Walker View Post
                            Where are all the neighsayers I have heard on this site 46 outside today I think this is The hottest day ever in Sydney Record temps throughout the country over the last two weeks
                            And look at the weather extremes over in Europe over the last few weeks, its been absolutely freezing.

                            I'm not saying i dont believe in Global warming but 1 hot day like yesterday proves nothing. There have always been weather extremes. Look at the "summer" we had last year, above average rainfall and BELOW average temperatures. These things go in cycles.
                            Originally posted by turk-283
                            Kurt 79 - Kags 0..


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Andrew Walker View Post
                              Where are all the neighsayers I have heard on this site 46 outside today I think this is The hottest day ever in Sydney Record temps throughout the country over the last two weeks
                              Well its common in sydney and I also heard this news actually I am in Adelaide for a week

