Homophobic sports fans face prosecution
Former league player Ian Roberts is open about his homosexualty, but experts say many gay sportspeople are afraid they will be badly treated if they come out. Picture: Ella Pellegrini Source: News Limited
SPORTS spectators who heckle players with homophobic taunts risk prosecution under new anti-discrimination laws.
The Federal Government's draft Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination Bill will bring in a legal ban on harassment in sport on the grounds of "sexual orientation".
Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission president Gillian Triggs yesterday warned that coaches, players and spectators will have to watch their language.
"Abuse on the sporting ground or abuse by a spectator would constitute, in an appropriate circumstance, harassment," she said.
"It may be amateur, but it's still in the public arena.
"If a coach were to act in a homophobic way, like abusing a player and calling him a `poofter', and made life difficult in the change room so he's totally demoralised, you would start to see that as either harassment or ultimately employment discrimination."
Depression awareness group Beyond Blue has told the Attorney-General's Department, which drew up the new laws, that homophobia is "commonplace" in sport.
Beyond Blue chief executive Kate Carnell said many sportsmen hid their sexuality to avoid taunts from coaches, fellow players or spectators.
She cited research that only 19 per cent of young gay Australians felt "safe" in their sport.
"If you think about professional sport like AFL, in footy can you think of one gay player currently playing?" she said.
"There must be gay players at the elite level of football in Australia, but they are not comfortable enough to come out.
"At this stage, sport is a very difficult environment and culture for gay players to stay in, let alone become elite players."
Retired NRL star Ian Roberts declared he was gay in 1995, and NRL grand final referee Matt Cecchin announced his homosexuality last year.
In 2010, former AFL star Jason Akermanis was suspended after claiming that "the world of AFL footy is not ready" for a gay player to come out, as it "could break the fabric of a club".
Ms Carnell said homophobia should be stamped out in the same way as racism in sport.
"People are being called to account for racial sledging, but that's not the case when it comes to sexual orientation and it should be looked at the same way," she said.
"It causes mental health issues for people who are subject to that all of the time."
AFL spokesman Patrick Keane said vilification of players and officials on the grounds of "sexual orientation, preference or identity" had been banned since 2009, under Rule 30 of the game.
NRL spokesman David Taylor said rugby did not condone any form of discrimination.
"The new legislation will further support the code of conduct policies we already have in place that respect the rights of all our participants," he said.
The Gillard government has drafted the new law to replace five sets of legislation banning discrimination on the grounds of race, sex, age or disability.
Sport has been defined as an area of "public life" to be covered by the new legislation, which has been expanded to deal with "sexual orientation".
But exemptions will still be given to sporting clubs to have male or female teams, or defined age groups.
Sports groups will be allowed to discriminate on the grounds of "sex or gender identity" only if the player is older than 11, and if "the strength, stamina or physique of competitors is relevant".
Older or disabled players can be legally discriminated against if they are "not reasonably capable" of competing.
"The exception will restrict competitive sporting events to people who can effectively compete," the explanatory notes of the draft legislation state.
"The exception also ensures that specific events are not unlawful, for example disability-specific events in the Paralympics or age-specific events such as the Masters Games."
A sports player alleging discrimination could be taken to the Federal Court, which has the power to order the offender to pay damages to the victim.
Former league player Ian Roberts is open about his homosexualty, but experts say many gay sportspeople are afraid they will be badly treated if they come out. Picture: Ella Pellegrini Source: News Limited
SPORTS spectators who heckle players with homophobic taunts risk prosecution under new anti-discrimination laws.
The Federal Government's draft Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination Bill will bring in a legal ban on harassment in sport on the grounds of "sexual orientation".
Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission president Gillian Triggs yesterday warned that coaches, players and spectators will have to watch their language.
"Abuse on the sporting ground or abuse by a spectator would constitute, in an appropriate circumstance, harassment," she said.
"It may be amateur, but it's still in the public arena.
"If a coach were to act in a homophobic way, like abusing a player and calling him a `poofter', and made life difficult in the change room so he's totally demoralised, you would start to see that as either harassment or ultimately employment discrimination."
Depression awareness group Beyond Blue has told the Attorney-General's Department, which drew up the new laws, that homophobia is "commonplace" in sport.
Beyond Blue chief executive Kate Carnell said many sportsmen hid their sexuality to avoid taunts from coaches, fellow players or spectators.
She cited research that only 19 per cent of young gay Australians felt "safe" in their sport.
"If you think about professional sport like AFL, in footy can you think of one gay player currently playing?" she said.
"There must be gay players at the elite level of football in Australia, but they are not comfortable enough to come out.
"At this stage, sport is a very difficult environment and culture for gay players to stay in, let alone become elite players."
Retired NRL star Ian Roberts declared he was gay in 1995, and NRL grand final referee Matt Cecchin announced his homosexuality last year.
In 2010, former AFL star Jason Akermanis was suspended after claiming that "the world of AFL footy is not ready" for a gay player to come out, as it "could break the fabric of a club".
Ms Carnell said homophobia should be stamped out in the same way as racism in sport.
"People are being called to account for racial sledging, but that's not the case when it comes to sexual orientation and it should be looked at the same way," she said.
"It causes mental health issues for people who are subject to that all of the time."
AFL spokesman Patrick Keane said vilification of players and officials on the grounds of "sexual orientation, preference or identity" had been banned since 2009, under Rule 30 of the game.
NRL spokesman David Taylor said rugby did not condone any form of discrimination.
"The new legislation will further support the code of conduct policies we already have in place that respect the rights of all our participants," he said.
The Gillard government has drafted the new law to replace five sets of legislation banning discrimination on the grounds of race, sex, age or disability.
Sport has been defined as an area of "public life" to be covered by the new legislation, which has been expanded to deal with "sexual orientation".
But exemptions will still be given to sporting clubs to have male or female teams, or defined age groups.
Sports groups will be allowed to discriminate on the grounds of "sex or gender identity" only if the player is older than 11, and if "the strength, stamina or physique of competitors is relevant".
Older or disabled players can be legally discriminated against if they are "not reasonably capable" of competing.
"The exception will restrict competitive sporting events to people who can effectively compete," the explanatory notes of the draft legislation state.
"The exception also ensures that specific events are not unlawful, for example disability-specific events in the Paralympics or age-specific events such as the Masters Games."
A sports player alleging discrimination could be taken to the Federal Court, which has the power to order the offender to pay damages to the victim.