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Rudd Makes a Promise he Cannot Keep

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  • Rudd Makes a Promise he Cannot Keep

    Another Labor PM another election lie

    Rudd makes a carbon tax promise he cannot keep
    Andrew Bolt July 17 2013 (7:31am)
    Global warming - general

    Kevin Rudd’s promise to terminate the carbon tax (in fact, switch to an emissions trading scheme in July 2014) cannot be delivered.

    He would need to get any such plan through the Senate. But the current Senate will sit until June 30, 2014, and a Greens and Coalition majority is almost certain to block Rudd’s plan:

    Greens leader Christine Milne made it clear the government would not win her support to get the changes through the Senate, dismissing the new plans as a “hypothetical” election promise.

    “I do not expect that parliament will be recalled before the election, but suffice to say these changes cannot be introduced or legislated without the Greens,” Senator Milne said.

    “The Greens do not support making it cheaper for the big polluters to pollute. And we certainly do not support slashing climate programs that are playing a vital role in helping Australia reduce emissions, address global warming and protect the environment.”

    The Liberals would also oppose the switch, on current indications, if it means simply moving to an emissions trading scheme which could see the carbon price soar.

    So how will Rudd deliver his promise? With a double dissolution election if he’s blocked?

    Or will we just see a rerun of 2010 when another Labor Prime Minister also promised: “There will be no carbon tax under a government I lead?”


    Paul Kelly:

    Rudd did not terminate the carbon tax yesterday. Indeed, he does not have that power. The tax still exists. It is the law of the land. There is not the slightest suggestion from Rudd PM that he will recall the parliament to legislate his changes. That is because his model is rejected by both the Coalition and the Greens.

    It cannot pass the Senate before the election and it cannot pass the Senate after the election. That is its beauty and its flaw. Rudd is campaigning, not governing. He is promising, not legislating…

    Rudd is perfectly correct to invoke his emissions trading scheme mandate from the 2007 election and his first period as PM. The point, of course, is that Rudd’s carbon pollution reduction scheme failed to pass the parliament because it was unacceptable to both the Coalition and the Greens.

    He has now devised a new policy that is, once again, unacceptable to the Coalition and the Greens. This freedom makes his policy more popular yet also makes it unrealisable.

  • #2
    When I think of Kevin Rudd, I think of this line from Top Gun.

    Quite ironic that Kevin Rudd and Tom Cruise have much in common. Both have public persona's that are personable, charming and very engaging while their private persona's are psychopathic, controlling and vindictive.


    • #3
      That's a pretty good summation, John.


      • #4
        Unfortunately with a largely compliant media a lot of people think the tax has been axed or will be.


        • #5
          KRudd is just a show pony, all talk. Between 2007 and 2010, he wasted billions on failed policies eg insulation bats, ber, boarder protection to name a few. He also had (and still has) a bad temper when he doesn't get his way (makes my 2 year old look like an Angel)

          Unfortunately some public are too young to remember or are brain dead morons and will probably vote for him anyway.


          • #6
            Originally posted by chook 56 View Post
            That's a pretty good summation, John.
            I calls what I sees.
            SUPER DRAGON!


            • #7
              Good lord, all politicians lie and cheat and grease to get to the topper most of the popper most.

              Some of you blokes get your panties in a tizz over stuff that's been going on for ever and will continue that way.

              Thinking the other carnt will be better than the current carnt or the former carnt is just a fantasy.

              So much energy wasted on politics and religion.

              Basically the only bit of advice I can remember from the old man that's stuck with me. Never argue about politics and religion, it's a waste of a good night.

              My rant done, continue ladies.

              The FlogPen .

              You know it makes sense.


              • #8
                Originally posted by stsae View Post
                Good lord, all politicians lie and cheat and grease to get to the topper most of the popper most.

                Some of you blokes get your panties in a tizz over stuff that's been going on for ever and will continue that way.

                Thinking the other carnt will be better than the current carnt or the former carnt is just a fantasy.

                So much energy wasted on politics and religion.

                Basically the only bit of advice I can remember from the old man that's stuck with me. Never argue about politics and religion, it's a waste of a good night.

                My rant done, continue ladies.

                Will do


                • #9
                  Originally posted by stsae View Post
                  Good lord, all politicians lie and cheat and grease to get to the topper most of the popper most.

                  Some of you blokes get your panties in a tizz over stuff that's been going on for ever and will continue that way.

                  Thinking the other carnt will be better than the current carnt or the former carnt is just a fantasy.

                  So much energy wasted on politics and religion.

                  Basically the only bit of advice I can remember from the old man that's stuck with me. Never argue about politics and religion, it's a waste of a good night.

                  My rant done, continue ladies.

                  Eloquently put....sort of.
                  No matter who you vote for you still get a politician = we lose :/


                  • #10
                    stsae is right to a certain extent

                    but you have to pick the best of a bad bunch

                    and a lie like Rudd is propagating about the Carbon tax is not your garden variety type lie

                    it is a massive con as there is no way he can deliver what he says and he knows it

                    it will effect everybody in a negative way

                    its a bigger lie than Gillards "There will be no carbon tax under a government I lead".
                    Last edited by rcptn; 07-17-2013, 02:24 PM.


                    • #11
                      I do admit I sorta enjoy reading all the passion you blokes, and my brotherfromanothersmiffymother Chook, display about politics.

                      But with such important things like Easts sitting second on the ladder, The Origin decider and The Ashes on the agenda my brain space is occupied with the really important issues.

                      No disrespect to any of youse either, whatever floats your boat, it's all good.

                      The FlogPen .

                      You know it makes sense.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by stsae View Post
                        I do admit I sorta enjoy reading all the passion you blokes, and my brotherfromanothersmiffymother Chook, display about politics.

                        But with such important things like Easts sitting second on the ladder, The Origin decider and The Ashes on the agenda my brain space is occupied with the really important issues.

                        No disrespect to any of youse either, whatever floats your boat, it's all good.

                        All those are well and truly on my agenda too mate

                        gotta beat the Vermin, Cane Toads and Poms


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by rcptn View Post
                          stsae is right to a certain extent

                          but you have to pick the best of a bad bunch

                          and a lie like Rudd is propagating about the Carbon tax is not your garden variety type lie

                          it is a massive con as there is no way he can deliver what he says and he knows it

                          it will effect everybody in a negative way

                          its a bigger lie than Gillards "There will be no carbon tax under a government I lead".
                          I took it more or less as an "election promise", as anyone who keeps half an eye on Canberra knows that they won't sit again before the election & he wouldn't get it through the current house anyway, minority plus dodgy independents who had a Gillard allegiance. Hopefully if people believe he will drop the carbon tax he might actually get a workable majority so his govt. isn't hamstrung like Gillard's was, IMO maaaaaaaaaattttes!

                          And yes, go go Easts, Blues & Aussies v Poms!!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Johnny. View Post
                            When I think of Kevin Rudd, I think of this line from Top Gun.

                            Quite ironic that Kevin Rudd and Tom Cruise have much in common. Both have public persona's that are personable, charming and very engaging while their private persona's are psychopathic, controlling and vindictive.

                            It's 100% right though. Those who don't know Rudd think he is a good bloke. Those who do know him or have worked with him think he is a prick.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by fitzy View Post

                              It's 100% right though. Those who don't know Rudd think he is a good bloke. Those who do know him or have worked with him think he is a prick.
                              From what I've heard I agree that's 100% correct, I just wonder who I'd want to lead the country, a prick or a good bloke, but then again I preferred Keating to Hawke!!

