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Copenhagen Treaty
the government is only as good as the opposition, it all goes back to little jonny refusing to step down, hes now effectively killed off the libs for the next few elections?
quite funny to watch! the next election will be aqnother bloodbath, but labor might do the libs a favor and target the member for wentworth to knock off another sitting leaER! IN FACT I KNOW ITS O0N THE AGENDA!
Grass roots revolt the biggest fear for battered Libs
David Penberthy
The Liberals are currently staggering around the corridors in Parliament House like a bomb has gone off. In political terms it kind of has. The past 36 hours has smashed Malcolm Turnbull’s authority, failed to produce a viable alternative candidate for the leadership, transformed manageable differences of opinion into bitter personal hatreds, left the frontbench a mess with three resignations already and possibly more to come, not to mention a looming reshuffle just to add further fire to an already incendiary situation.
Malcolm Turnbull chats with frontbenchers Peter Dutton and Joe Hockey during Question Time today. Photo: Ray Strange.
Liberal MPs are openly talking about their sadness at the way the whole thing crashed around their ears. They are worried about their seats and had wanted one of two things to happen - to achieve a quiet consensus on a CPRS deal and to quietly pass the legislation, or for the talks with the Rudd Government to fail and to vote against it. Instead they have got open internal warfare.
Their biggest fear is how it will play out with traditional Liberal Party voters who cannot fathom the logic of what the party has done in embracing a lose-lose situation, whereby people who believe in climate change will give full credit to the Government for introducing a CPRS, while people who do not believe in climate change will punish the Opposition for backing it.
“We are getting hundreds and hundreds of emails, literally hundreds, attacking us for what we have done,” one MP said. “I can recognise a lot of their names…it is all downside. Their is no political benefit in it for us at all.”
At the same time the Nationals are receiving emails from Liberal Party voters who are saying they are furious their party went along with Rudd, and intend to vote for the Nats next time for taking a blanket stand against the CPRS.
On top of this policy failure, where the Libs logically win no credit from greener voters and nothing but condemnation from skeptics, there is a truly unmanageable sense of hostility that MPs are likening in its venom to the DLP split which kept Labor in the wilderness for so many years.
The hardcore of right-wingers - the likes of Nick Minchin - who did everything to stop the CPRS are being accused of recklessness, disregard for the good of the party, even stupidity in allowing this debate to turn into a leadership issue but then failing to find plan b in the form of a viable candidate to roll Turnbull.
But others in the party are equally venomous in their abuse of Turnbull - Peter Slipper even went so far as to liken publicly him to Robert Mugabe, others have labelled him arrogant, imperious, a bully, mad, abusive, insulting, an emperor…on and on and on.
Labor at present does not need to bother making negative ads for the next campaign as the Libs in the past 36 hours have done it all for them. And that will trickle down to voters in marginal seats, many of whom don’t love Rudd but who would have a bit of a giggle at the idea of voting for this lot, who can’t even organise a leadership spill properly.
12 Liberal senators ready to cross floor
Lenore Taylor, National correspondent From: The Australian November 26, 2009 12:00AM Increase Text Size Decrease Text Size Print Email Share Add to Digg Add to Add to Facebook Add to Kwoff Add to Myspace Add to Newsvine What are these?
AT least 12 of the 32 Liberals sitting in the Senate appear to be preparing to cross the floor on the emissions trading bills when a Senate vote is finally held, either on Saturday or early next week.
With the five Nationals senators, five Greens senators and two independent senators also planning to vote no -- for a variety of reasons -- there could be 24 or more of the 76 senators voting against the bills.
At least one Liberal senator, Mary Jo Fisher, will "actively abstain" --- registering her dissent not by voting "no" but by sitting at the back of the chamber.
Frontbench senators Nick Minchin and Eric Abetz were absent from votes on the procedural motions yesterday.
But despite their strong opposition to the ETS, as frontbench members they will be expected to vote for the amendments negotiated between Opposition Leader Malcolm Turnbull and the Rudd government, and also for the final bill.
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The anti-ETS Liberals began crossing the floor during scores of unsuccessful procedural motions yesterday, which sought to defer a vote on the bills until after the December United Nations meeting in Copenhagen or to refer them to a Senate committee.
Those who have confirmed they will vote "no", or who are believed by their colleagues to have that intention and who crossed the floor on the procedural motions yesterday, were senators Adams, Back, Barnett, Bernardi, Bushby, Cash, Cormann, Eggelston, Ferguson, Fifield, Mason and McGauran.
The Coalition is not seeking to "talk out" or filibuster the bills, but is determined to allow its members a say on the proposed amendments. The debate was scheduled to continue until 11.40pm last night, and resume today.
The Rudd government was last night deciding whether to continue the debate through the weekend or to bring the House of Representatives and the Senate back for an unscheduled sitting next week.
Family First senator Steve Fielding failed yesterday to delay a vote on the bills until February.
The Australian Greens also failed in a bid to force the government to make an unconditional commitment to reduce carbon emissions by at least 25 per cent below 1990 levels by 2020.
And a Nationals move to delay debate on the legislation until after the UN climate conference in Copenhagen and a decision by the US congress also failed.
Climate Change Minister Senator Penny Wong said the Coalition should set aside partisanship and game playing and look to the national interest.
Well it looks like if another 12 Liberal senators can be be persuaded too vote no the ETS can be defeated. I have been emailing all the Liberal senators over the past few days urging them to vote no. I urge othe people who don't think we should have an ETS which is based on the flawed science and manipulated data as shown by the leaked emails scandal to email as many of the Liberal senators as below urging them to oppose the ETS bill.
There is still hope I received a reply from Senator Cory Bernardi this morning and he believes that the ETS bill can still be stopped.
Originally posted by rcptn View PostUpdated
Yes 2194 26%
No 6381 74%
Malcolm you F wit
Hey chook....Climategate. Have you read the hacked emails? Its over buddy. AGW is dead.Alcohol never solved any life problems.....then again neither did milk.
Originally posted by rcptn View PostWell it looks like if another 12 Liberal senators can be be persuaded too vote no the ETS can be defeated ...
A figure I read once a few years ago is that for every dollar the average person earns in Australia, 68c is eventually confiscated through some form of taxation; think about that - 68c!!!That figure didn't take into account the hidden taxation that is inflation and further attempts to steal our money by new taxes such as would eventuate as a result of the ETS.
"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."
Thomas Jefferson
Turnbull is trying to fight the will of the people
Tell him to piss off
Originally posted by Kingbilly View PostWhat we have here my friends is Australia's worse Prime Minister (yes even worse than Mr give the money to the bludgers Whitlam) and the worst and most dickless pathetic leader of an opposition,
Last edited by Tootsie; 11-26-2009, 08:26 PM.
New poll question on Yahoo7 this afternoon
Are you happy to pay carbon tax to reduce emissions?
Yes 807 14%
No 4770 86%
Originally posted by stephenj View Postim just loving watching the libs again decompose!paybaCK IS XSWEET! THANKS MR NO GST NOT EVER JOHN HOWARD, OF COURSE IVE GOT A MANDATE, EVEN THOUGH BEASLEY GTOT MORE VOTES!
The GST is pretty much seamless and if it were so bad, Labor would have rolled it back.