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  • Al Gore Gaia Goose

    Part 2

    Track The Media Repeating Gore’s Climategate Lie: UPDATED
    By: Bradley Fikes — December 9th, 2009
    For background, click over to my post earlier today, where I discuss how Global Warming Pope Al Gore lied about the Climategate emails being more than 10 years old. UPDATE: Slate has corrected Gore’s falsehood.


    What should be a scandal is how the media has mostly let Gore’s lie go unchallenged. It is an easily disprovable lie, and cuts to shreds Gore’s credibility on Climategate. This is why I say the very last place to learn about Climategate, or global warming, is in the mainstream media. Between the lies and sloppiness, if you read Time, Newsweek, the Associated Press, or most other big news outlets, you’ll know less than before. The reporters (with a few honorable exceptions), are either in over their heads or just don’t care that they are transmitting false information.

    AFP has repeated the Gore lie, without pointing out it is a provable lie.

    “Well, they took a few phrases out of context. These are private e-mails, more than 10 years old, and they’ve tried to blow it up into something that it’s really not,” Gore said in an interview with CNN.

    CNN’s John Roberts pointed out there are much more recent Climategate emails, which AFP failed to note.

    At Swamp Politics, Mark Silva also repeats Gore’s lie, without correcting it. Readers point this out in the comments. Will Silva, who has treated the concerns of skeptics cavalierly, correct the falsehood?

    The Hill also runs a transcript of Gore’s interview with MSNBC, where Gore repeats the lie, without correcting it.

    Readers, please tell me in the comments where else has the Gore lie been mentioned unrefuted in the media? Comments are moderated — sorry — but I check for them several times a day.


    Add the Los Angeles Times to the list, for republishing without correction Mark Silva’s unchallenged repetition of Gore’s lie. This is how the Tribune Co. saves money, by using one reporter to spread falsehood across its papers.

    Newser also repeats Gore’s lie without correction.


    • Gore the Gaia Goose

      Part 3

      Al Gore: Earth's Interior 'Extremely Hot, Several Million Degrees'
      By Noel Sheppard (Bio | Archive)
      November 18, 2009 - 10:27 ET

      For several years as uneducated sycophants in the media gushed and fawned over every utterance from former Vice President Al Gore, NewsBusters has informed readers of just how absurd the junk science he's peddling really is.

      Last Thursday, NBC "Tonight Show" viewers got a perfect example of how the Nobel Laureate basically makes things up, and that his poor grades in college were quite an indicator of just how little he understands about science.

      So egregious was his departure from reality that the following clip should be mandatory viewing for all his fans in the media who seem to be just as scientifically-challenged (video embedded below the fold with partial transcript, h/t Hot Air):

      CONAN O'BRIEN, HOST: Now, what about ... you talk in the book about geothermal energy...
      AL GORE, NOBEL LAUREATE: Yeah, yeah.
      O'BRIEN: ...and that is, as I understand it, using the heat that's generated from the core of the earth ...

      GORE: Yeah.

      O'BRIEN: create energy, and it sounds to me like an evil plan by Lex Luthor to defeat Superman. Can you, can you tell me, is this a viable solution, geothermal energy?

      GORE: It definitely is, and it's a relatively new one. People think about geothermal energy - when they think about it at all - in terms of the hot water bubbling up in some places, but two kilometers or so down in most places there are these incredibly hot rocks, 'cause the interior of the earth is extremely hot, several million degrees, and the crust of the earth is hot ...

      On Tuesday, National Review's John Derbyshire noted:

      The geothermal gradient is usually quoted as 25-50 degrees Celsius per mile of depth in normal terrain (not, e.g., in the crater of Kilauea). Two kilometers down, therefore, (that's a mile and a quarter if you're not as science-y as Al) you'll have an average gain of 30-60 degrees - exploitable for things like home heating, though not hot enough to make a nice pot of tea. The temperature at the earth's core, 4,000 miles down, is usually quoted as 5,000 degrees Celsius, though these guys claim it's much less, while some contrarian geophysicists have posted claims up to 9,000 degrees. The temperature at the surface of the Sun is around 6,000 degrees Celsius, while at the center, where nuclear fusion is going on bigtime, things get up over 10 million degrees.

      If the temperature anywhere inside the earth was "several million degrees," we'd be a star.

      The physics and astronomy website Physlink also contests Gore's absurd claim:

      It is approximately 4000°C at the centre of the Earth. To put this in context:

      1. The centre of the Sun is approximately 15 million°C
      2. The surface of the Sun is 5500°C
      3. Iron melts at 1535°C (when at atmospheric pressure)
      4. Water boils at 100°C (when at atmospheric pressure)
      5. Human skin is comfortable with temperatures up to about 60°C
      6. The highest temperature recorded on the Earth's surface is 58°C (Libya 1922)

      It is not possible to directly measure the temperature at the centre of the Earth and four thousand degrees is nothing more than our most well-established piece of guesswork to date. Most modern calculations rely on the fact that we believe the inner core to be made up of iron and nickel that is just about at melting point. It is under a lot of pressure, which prevents it from melting, even at such high temperatures. There is also a lot of evidence regarding how the outer core of the Earth convects and that helps to establish the temperature. However, recently British scientists have suggested that the temperature of the Earth's core may in fact be as high as the surface of the Sun, so the question is still open.

      As such, whether it's 4,000 or 6,000 degrees, Gore's claim of "several million" is absurdly preposterous and not based on ANY scientific fact.

      As Ed Morrissey observed Wednesday:

      [A]nyone who followed the controversy over Gore's piece of cinematic fantasy An Inconvenient Truth knows that Gore tells a lot of very convenient untruths in his quest to create a market for his carbon-trading company. However, this is just flat-out ignorance that with any other person in any other context would destroy their credibility. This is worse than Tom Cruise telling Matt Lauer that he can debunk the entire psychiatric field because he's read a few books. If Gore can't get this rather basic fact right, why should he be believed on anything else in the energy field?

      This raises an obvious question: in a world where media fact-check a comedy skit and a book written by a former governor, shouldn't they equally scrutinize statements being made by a man who's actively pushing for the passage of economically impactful legislation currently before Congress?

      Or is that asking too much from so-called journalists?

      Consider that if Gore was a Republican, his numerous departures from fact would have so discredited him years ago that he would now be considered a total joke.

      By contrast, because he's a Democrat who preaches liberal gospel, he can say whatever he wants without any regard for its accuracy and not only receive media's praise for his inexcusable errance, but an Oscar and a Nobel Peace Prize to boot.

      As the Russian comedian Yakov Smirnoff was famous for saying years ago, America -- what a country!

      *****Update: NewsBusters reader Eric Peterkofsky pointed out at Facebook that Newsweek recently called Gore "The Thinking Man's Thinking Man."

      Yep -- a guy with THIS report card, who thinks the Earth's interior temperature is "several million degrees," is the thinking man's thinking man!


      • When Chook returns from Copenhagen, I have a few questions for him..


        • Originally posted by Pass the Ball View Post
          When Chook returns from Copenhagen, I have a few questions for him..
          That explains his vanishing act

          He is over in Hoaxenhagen with Kev trying to save the world


          • Originally posted by melon.... View Post
            It doesnt matter what he advocates. What matters is teh dude that wrote a report questioning teh effectiveness of proposed Carbon Trading models, was censored and resigned as a result. You dont find teh censorship even remotely perplexing? Doesnt it add to the seeds of doubt that Climategate emails planted?

            I dont give a shit if ****ing Dr David Suzuki wrote the article. Its the story that Im interested in. Ive never known anyone to blindly follow such a bullshit artists lead like you do for Kev. Even I challenged and questioned Howards policies. You just fall into line...what teh **** have they put in that Cotter River water?
            Melon you are clueless on this subject, completely and utterley clueless. And you change your bullshit to suit whatever crap you think you've come up with.

            Admit it, you thought this "censorship" story meant he was against AGW and was censored because of it, so you leaped onto this story thinking it evidence of your conspiracy theory bullshit, but all you've proven is you're a clueless flip flopping farking moron!



            • Originally posted by rcptn View Post
              The ****ers are trying to destroy our economy so we will more readily except the communist solution
              More conspiracy theory bullshit from the conspiracy theory king.



              • Originally posted by Pass the Ball View Post
                When Chook returns from Copenhagen, I have a few questions for him..

                This'll be good, fire away.




                  Great chronology of the ClimateGate emails


                  • Originally posted by Chook View Post
                    More conspiracy theory bullshit from the conspiracy theory king.

                    I come up with 1 conspiracy theory in my whole life and you call me a conspiracy King. You are a Goose.


                    • glad that over, now on with the show...bring on the footy! ryles will leave a few large carbon imprints in his wake this season?


                      • The whole show is a smokescreen ...Ruddy has another agenda- wants to unite 10 of the worlds biggest commodities traders under the one banner to combat business against -The yank, oil and China and wants to head it and even leave his primemisnistership.
                        They are to put heavy loads of tax on Mines in Australia- it will hit 30 % some miners are in the know and have already sold off big mines to have the cash ready to pay.Then there is the regeneration program that will cost a mint after the mines are done.
                        Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe


                        • Originally posted by The Brain View Post
                          The whole show is a smokescreen ...Ruddy has another agenda- wants to unite 10 of the worlds biggest commodities traders under the one banner to combat business against -The yank, oil and China and wants to head it and even leave his primemisnistership.
                          They are to put heavy loads of tax on Mines in Australia- it will hit 30 % some miners are in the know and have already sold off big mines to have the cash ready to pay.Then there is the regeneration program that will cost a mint after the mines are done.
                          Really?and what big name mines are these that have been sold off?
                          All I can see in my industry is new mines opening and existing mines expanding.
                          Mining companies are now buying up hectares of bushland in anticipation of new laws to offset their carbon emission footprint

                          You will also find that mines are forced to pay a rehab fee each year,and then do required amounts of rehab each and every year to avoid huge fines and to keep their mining lease through the dept.of primary industries.Mine closure exit rehab funds are also included in this annual account...
                          Last edited by spanner; 12-28-2009, 12:34 PM.


                          • Originally posted by Chook View Post
                            More conspiracy theory bullshit from the conspiracy theory king.

                            Man you're just something else. No argument, just denial. Just following of

                            Kev and his big scheme.

                            Denial of all non Kev approved scientists and the debunking of all non believers in Kev's rediculous scheme.

                            Doesn't it at least seem outrageous to you that money can change climate?

                            Chook, I'm beginning to think that you're not the full quid.


                            • Originally posted by shadow View Post
                              Man you're just something else. No argument, just denial. Just following of

                              Kev and his big scheme.

                              Denial of all non Kev approved scientists and the debunking of all non believers in Kev's rediculous scheme.

                              Doesn't it at least seem outrageous to you that money can change climate?

                              Chook, I'm beginning to think that you're not the full quid.
                              At least you're "beginning to think", that's a start.

                              I will always deny conspiracy theory bullshit when I see it, as admitted too by rcptn - see above.



                              • Originally posted by Chook View Post
                                I will always deny conspiracy theory bullshit when I see it

                                Then why aren't you denying the climate change conspiracy?

