Al Gore Gaia Goose
Part 2
Track The Media Repeating Gore’s Climategate Lie: UPDATED
By: Bradley Fikes — December 9th, 2009
For background, click over to my post earlier today, where I discuss how Global Warming Pope Al Gore lied about the Climategate emails being more than 10 years old. UPDATE: Slate has corrected Gore’s falsehood.
What should be a scandal is how the media has mostly let Gore’s lie go unchallenged. It is an easily disprovable lie, and cuts to shreds Gore’s credibility on Climategate. This is why I say the very last place to learn about Climategate, or global warming, is in the mainstream media. Between the lies and sloppiness, if you read Time, Newsweek, the Associated Press, or most other big news outlets, you’ll know less than before. The reporters (with a few honorable exceptions), are either in over their heads or just don’t care that they are transmitting false information.
AFP has repeated the Gore lie, without pointing out it is a provable lie.
“Well, they took a few phrases out of context. These are private e-mails, more than 10 years old, and they’ve tried to blow it up into something that it’s really not,” Gore said in an interview with CNN.
CNN’s John Roberts pointed out there are much more recent Climategate emails, which AFP failed to note.
At Swamp Politics, Mark Silva also repeats Gore’s lie, without correcting it. Readers point this out in the comments. Will Silva, who has treated the concerns of skeptics cavalierly, correct the falsehood?
The Hill also runs a transcript of Gore’s interview with MSNBC, where Gore repeats the lie, without correcting it.
Readers, please tell me in the comments where else has the Gore lie been mentioned unrefuted in the media? Comments are moderated — sorry — but I check for them several times a day.
Add the Los Angeles Times to the list, for republishing without correction Mark Silva’s unchallenged repetition of Gore’s lie. This is how the Tribune Co. saves money, by using one reporter to spread falsehood across its papers.
Newser also repeats Gore’s lie without correction.
Part 2
Track The Media Repeating Gore’s Climategate Lie: UPDATED
By: Bradley Fikes — December 9th, 2009
For background, click over to my post earlier today, where I discuss how Global Warming Pope Al Gore lied about the Climategate emails being more than 10 years old. UPDATE: Slate has corrected Gore’s falsehood.
What should be a scandal is how the media has mostly let Gore’s lie go unchallenged. It is an easily disprovable lie, and cuts to shreds Gore’s credibility on Climategate. This is why I say the very last place to learn about Climategate, or global warming, is in the mainstream media. Between the lies and sloppiness, if you read Time, Newsweek, the Associated Press, or most other big news outlets, you’ll know less than before. The reporters (with a few honorable exceptions), are either in over their heads or just don’t care that they are transmitting false information.
AFP has repeated the Gore lie, without pointing out it is a provable lie.
“Well, they took a few phrases out of context. These are private e-mails, more than 10 years old, and they’ve tried to blow it up into something that it’s really not,” Gore said in an interview with CNN.
CNN’s John Roberts pointed out there are much more recent Climategate emails, which AFP failed to note.
At Swamp Politics, Mark Silva also repeats Gore’s lie, without correcting it. Readers point this out in the comments. Will Silva, who has treated the concerns of skeptics cavalierly, correct the falsehood?
The Hill also runs a transcript of Gore’s interview with MSNBC, where Gore repeats the lie, without correcting it.
Readers, please tell me in the comments where else has the Gore lie been mentioned unrefuted in the media? Comments are moderated — sorry — but I check for them several times a day.
Add the Los Angeles Times to the list, for republishing without correction Mark Silva’s unchallenged repetition of Gore’s lie. This is how the Tribune Co. saves money, by using one reporter to spread falsehood across its papers.
Newser also repeats Gore’s lie without correction.