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For the over weight ones.

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  • #16
    Btw, a lot of you are right, jogging isn't particular advisable for the bigger blokes, shed a few kilos first by walking/swimming and your joints will thank you later


    • #17
      short answer: prescription diet pills

      with a calorie controlled diet and exercise program, Reductil is hugely effective (worked well for me, went from 109 to 87 in a couple of months and have kept it off for the last two)

      It is a seratonin reuptake inhibitor and plays around with the neurotransmitters in your brain. You still feel like eating at regular intervals, but your portion size is decreased. Therefore, while on the medication, your appetite decreases, thus disproving the rumour that as soon as you come off things like diet pills, you will gain more than you lost. Absolute rubbish! provided you burn more calories than you intake or have a 1:1 ratio, you are not going to gain. You may gain slightly as you increase your calories slightly again, but your apetite would have decreased, therefore inhibiting you from eating like you used to.

      only side effect i suffered was a dry mouth.


      • #18
        Diet pills? The word diet should be banned from the English language. Diets are a short term answer. You are either ON a diet or OFF a diet. No in between. You need a complete change to your lifestyle. Change your eating habits and increase your activity as in excercise. You don't need to starve, you just need to make better choices. KFC, McD's, Pizza Hut or Subway? All serve good tasting food but some are better than others.


        • #19
          Originally posted by JohnL View Post
          KFC, McD's, Pizza Hut or Subway? All serve good tasting food but some are better than others.
          None of the four places mentioned serve good tasting food,actually most of what they serve can't be described as food.
          I find it funny that the burger which is shown on the Golden Circle
          pineapple and beetroot ad looks 2,000 times more appealing than the one in the Mc Angus ad.


          • #20
            I lost 4 kg while on my honeymoon...

            couldn't figure out why considering all the shit we ate while in the states.

            Then again my usual work day involves at most 45 minutes on my feet, so even just the change to walking everywhere and being active meant I shed a heap of weight.


            • #21
              Originally posted by horrie hastings View Post
              None of the four places mentioned serve good tasting food,actually most of what they serve can't be described as food.
              It was a bit of toungue in cheek. Most people that struggle with their weight would frequent these places and disagree with you. I never eat McD's. Like Hungry Jack though. Subway is the best out of them all though. When it comes to fast food and take away, there are not a whole lot of healthy options.

              I would like to know the percentage of overweight people that consume diet coke....


              • #22
                Originally posted by JohnL View Post
                It was a bit of toungue in cheek. Most people that struggle with their weight would frequent these places and disagree with you. I never eat McD's. Like Hungry Jack though. Subway is the best out of them all though. When it comes to fast food and take away, there are not a whole lot of healthy options.

                I would like to know the percentage of overweight people that consume diet coke....
                Yep.i knew it was tongue in cheek,my comment was a bit tongue in cheek also,that is why i put the eek emotican after it.
                The trouble with the places like Macca's is that you can walk in and the food is already ready so you don't have to wait,it's all about convenience even if the food is sub standard.
                I live right near Maccas and KFC at St Peters,i haven't eaten Maccas for at least 13 years now because i got so sick after eating at the St Peters one,also the KFC would be one of the worst i have ever tried so i don't eat there anymore.I will occasionaly have KFC at other places but it is rare these days.Dont mind a Hungry Jacks burger but even that would only be 2 or 3 times a year.


                • #23

                  Bulked up to 120 until about 1.5 months ago.

                  Then got into cutting, now sitting at a lean 112. Going to try and see whether i can get under 10% bf.

                  For those shedding weight, remember, diet is 70% of the challenge.


                  • #24
                    i love fast food....not uncommon to be to come from the gym and go straight to maccas for a double quarter pounder


                    • #25
                      Also, try and keep a food diary over a week.

                      A lot of you will be surprised as to how many calories you consume a week, even those who do sit on a diet.

                      My short term technique is to drastically cut carbs and deplete my system until it gets into a catabolic state where it begins to use fats for energy.

                      -First 2 weeks, slowly decrease carbs ie only consume them up to lunch time in week 1, then only have them for breakfast in week 2.

                      - next 4 to 6 weeks - no direct carbs except from NATURAL peanut butter( 2 tb spoons before and after training ) ( week 1 and 2 are the hardest, then you get over it, you're allowed 1 cheat meal a week so it keeps you focused)

                      - last 2-3 weeks, re-introduce carbs in small doses during breakfast.

                      I've dropped close to 8 kg without much exercise. Wish i would of done more cardio, but didn't have much time during exams.

                      My local Deli ran record profits for the last 2 months.
                      Last edited by BigMike; 11-13-2009, 06:03 PM.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by adamkungl View Post
                        i love fast food....not uncommon to be to come from the gym and go straight to maccas for a double quarter pounder
                        You can only do that when you're under 21 and get away with it. Be careful as while it doesn't do any visible damage but really adds sub-cuteaneus fat and plays around with your arteries.

                        Good days of being 18, i remember when i was trying my best to hit 95 kg and i used to eat 4 cheeseburgers a night.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by trenty View Post
                          short answer: prescription diet pills

                          with a calorie controlled diet and exercise program, Reductil is hugely effective (worked well for me, went from 109 to 87 in a couple of months and have kept it off for the last two)

                          It is a seratonin reuptake inhibitor and plays around with the neurotransmitters in your brain. You still feel like eating at regular intervals, but your portion size is decreased. Therefore, while on the medication, your appetite decreases, thus disproving the rumour that as soon as you come off things like diet pills, you will gain more than you lost. Absolute rubbish! provided you burn more calories than you intake or have a 1:1 ratio, you are not going to gain. You may gain slightly as you increase your calories slightly again, but your apetite would have decreased, therefore inhibiting you from eating like you used to.

                          only side effect i suffered was a dry mouth.
                          Trent,i always pictured you as a skinny young kid because you played tennis a lot,not somebody who weighed 109 kilos at one stage.


                          • #28
                            Fittingly I had 'all-you-can-eat' last night


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by horrie hastings View Post
                              Trent,i always pictured you as a skinny young kid because you played tennis a lot,not somebody who weighed 109 kilos at one stage.
                              i weighed 120kg at im around 87 at 19 so quite healthy for my height...i was never a runner on the court anyway, always more inclined to clobber winners from the back of the court


                              • #30
                                ive had experimental stomach surgery, havent lost a kilo..still just as hungry? but i am trying to say no now? down to 1 sugar in tea etc..

