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The Libs are gone!!!

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  • The Libs are gone!!!

    With the election of Abbot as their leader that political party is set for oblivion. He will be nothing more than Nick "Moron" Minchin's mouthpiece.

    Rudd should pull the double dissalution trigger and wipe the pricks out now.


  • #2
    There will be an election within 6 months you would have to think.

    That should give Abbot enough time to change his position on Climate Change another three times


    • #3
      Wishful thinking, maybe.
      Who knows what will happen to them, all I know is that they will be around alot longer without Turnbull, and the labor cronies are all sptting chips because their mole Turnbull is not longer there
      The Internet is a place for posting silly things
      Try and be serious and you will look stupid


      • #4
        The ETS is dead - Can I get a hallelujah...


        • #5
          Tony Abbott as leader...HAHAHA...
          The Libs couldnt have picked a more unpopular leader since they bandied Downers name around many years ago...
          Enjoy opposition for a long long time after this masterstroke descision.
          The dumb and dumber coalition party they have now become.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Pass the Ball View Post
            The ETS is dead - Can I get a hallelujah...
            Hallelujah all you want, all this will do is force Rudd to call a double dissallution election.

            He will win that granting him a mandate to pass the legislation and wipe out the Libs in one stroke. Now that deserves a hallelujah LMAO.



            • #7
              Originally posted by Pass the Ball View Post
              The ETS is dead - Can I get a hallelujah...
              Hallelujah x 1000.

              And Spanner he is more popular than Turnbull, except amoung LAbor voters
              The Internet is a place for posting silly things
              Try and be serious and you will look stupid


              • #8
                Originally posted by Chook View Post
                Hallelujah all you want, all this will do is force Rudd to call a double dissallution election.

                He will win that granting him a mandate to pass the legislation and wipe out the Libs in one stroke. Now that deserves a hallelujah LMAO.

                Dellusion must be a comforting thing, he probably will call an election, but only because he is an over confident arrogant turd like creature.
                But I don't think it will be easy for him. There are more people than you realise thankful that the ETS will not go through
                The Internet is a place for posting silly things
                Try and be serious and you will look stupid


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Kingbilly View Post
                  Dellusion must be a comforting thing, he probably will call an election, but only because he is an over confident arrogant turd like creature.
                  But I don't think it will be easy for him. There are more people than you realise thankful that the ETS will not go through
                  You are kidding yourself. Rudd will not only win in a landslide, Labor will improve their lower house and upper house majorities, possibly gaining control of both houses of parliment. Which is bad thing to happen regardless of who is in govenment.

                  So you can thank your stupid farkbrained Libs for voting for Cardinal Abbott to be in charge of that rabble. Cause if Rudd gets control of both houses it wil be there fault 100%



                  • #10
                    But Chook, its also about the fact that people have woken up to Rudd and what a usless lump of crap he is and he has no national interest at all, only self interest
                    The Internet is a place for posting silly things
                    Try and be serious and you will look stupid


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Kingbilly View Post
                      But Chook, its also about the fact that people have woken up to Rudd and what a usless lump of crap he is and he has no national interest at all, only self interest
                      And the Mad Monk Abbott is going to unseat him...
                      Labor should now win most seats in both houses at the next election and will hold the balance of power,which I think is a bad thing for any government to have,which was proven by Howard...
                      So thanks a lot you useless Lib party,you have ****ed up again even whilst in opposition...


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Kingbilly View Post
                        But Chook, its also about the fact that people have woken up to Rudd and what a usless lump of crap he is and he has no national interest at all, only self interest
                        Oh right, so that must be why Rudd is increasing his lead in the polls all the time eh?

                        Do you know what a double dissallusion election means? If Rudd pulls that trigger, it'll be hello ETS and bye bye Libs for the next decade with Labor more than likely in control of both houses of parliment.



                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Chook View Post
                          Oh right, so that must be why Rudd is increasing his lead in the polls all the time eh?

                          Do you know what a double dissallusion election means? If Rudd pulls that trigger, it'll be hello ETS and bye bye Libs for the next decade with Labor more than likely in control of both houses of parliment.


                          How does a tax like the ETS control climate?
                          Why doesnt Rudd talk serious about coal pollution and debate Nuclear energy?

                          Why do you support the downfall of this country?
                          Alcohol never solved any life problems.....then again neither did milk.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Pass the Ball View Post
                            The ETS is dead - Can I get a hallelujah...
                            Hallelujah Brother...what a ****ing farce!!!
                            Alcohol never solved any life problems.....then again neither did milk.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Chook View Post
                              Oh right, so that must be why Rudd is increasing his lead in the polls all the time eh?

                              Do you know what a double dissallusion election means? If Rudd pulls that trigger, it'll be hello ETS and bye bye Libs for the next decade with Labor more than likely in control of both houses of parliment.

                              Be careful what you wish for Chook

                              It was easy for Rudd when the opposition under Turnbull was acting as an Echo Chamber of the government.

                              With Abbott as the opposition leader he will take the fight right up to Rudd. I cannot wait for the first time he hits Rudd with a question in parliament on the hacked emails scandal. Senator Eric Abetz has hit Wong with questions a couple of times in the senate debate and her answer/non answer has been pathetic. People are only starting to cotton onto to the fraud and manipulation of the flawed science. Once the election campaign starts more people will focus on the fact that this ETS is a massive tax with very little environmental impact. People power has an impact and I'm proud to say that I was a part of the thousands who helped change Coalition policy.

                              In saying all that they have not got my vote yet and that will greatly depend on there climate change policy. But the first battle of this war looks like it has been won.

