Originally posted by Chook
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The leaked emails from East Anglia University where IPCC and Pro AGW "scientists" admit to staging facts and figures, and altering statistics to suit their story.
I offer, your God, Al Gore, has gone into hiding and has not stood to defend the "claims" of forged and fabricated data.
I offer the unwillingness of the majority of the world's countries to pass, agree or move towards any joint targets or courses of action. I also present the farcical outcome of the Coppenhagen circus, when teh African nadout Kings almost canibbalised each other over how much funding the unfortunate and stupid West was to forfeit over to these dictatorships.
I offer the only 2 Australians that still believe in AGW are Penny Wong and you.
We know what Penny's problem is - she is dickless but thinks she's hung like John Holmes. Her ego is too big to admit she got it wrong.
I still dont know why you are adamant on this failed money spinner. I dont believe your ego is as big as Senator Wrong's. And I reckon yor heart's in a good place, albeit your judgement is clouded in the bulldust thats still settling.
Other than continually swearing by failed fraudulent evidence, what else do you have to offer as evidence Chook? There is no other evidence other than the faked figures presented to date by the IPCC.
Its over dude. There is no AGW, and man cannot change a naturally altering climate.