thats certainly spirited debate fhorn? however i would agree that some of the many promises made haven't been forthcoming yet! id also remind you that all the alps efforts to pass eitrher good or farked legislation have been controlled by the tory majority in the senate! so essentially this alp government have had a very difficult time trying to govern, they also walked straight into the wfc! not a small issue, the tory howard government only had money saved because they refused to invest in australia, no r and d from the companies trying to invent better things, it was all lets send everything off shore and drive down wages here so big mates companies get bigger profits! i wont even begin on workchoices atm? the alp government has had to stimulate the australian economy not only to keep us out of recession but also t5o get the country working again instead of just exporting our dirt to china and buying our cars from japan
your surely not proposing welock up these que jumpers in concentration camps like howard did or pay others to do so like his pacific solution? sounds like the usas guantanimo bay?
