1 POST,1 ! that was is all i was going to leave it at but you ****s kept coming at me didn't you. Over and Over ad nauseam. You lot are the most pathetic, worthless, dispicable, ego-driven, low life ****s this earth has to offer.And i've proved it! There is a reason you ****s are the most hated club.The least supported.The lowest home crowd averaged, club going round. It's because "supporters" like yourselves have driven everyone who actually gave a shit about this ****ed up club away. I mean for ****s sake you can say **** and SHIT and **** in this pissweak forum without it even being moderated. You dirty ****s even reinstated a serial offender with a rap sheet as long as my cock for the "betterment" of the club. Pleassse!!! Is that what a professional club does? Ill answer that for you half wits. NO! With 2 local juniors in your top 25 it's little bloody wonder the "rorters" are the laughing stock of rugby league. You only have to visit forums any where any time to see how much love this club has, ****ing ZILCH! And for the 20 people who make up this forum .. You all can go to hell. which you will. So thats me unfortunatley. It's been nice getting aquainted with you. I've learnt alot. To the reigning wooden spoon champs i bid au revoir. Don't worry i wont let the door hit me on the way out. Thats the sort of response i'll expect from that groupie lauren, possibly grey skin(mario) chao
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To the wooden spoon champions
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Originally posted by i_miss_todd_sadface View Post1 POST,1 ! that was is all i was going to leave it at but you ****s kept coming at me didn't you. Over and Over ad nauseam. You lot are the most pathetic, worthless, dispicable, ego-driven, low life ****s this earth has to offer.And i've proved it! There is a reason you ****s are the most hated club.The least supported.The lowest home crowd averaged, club going round. It's because "supporters" like yourselves have driven everyone who actually gave a shit about this ****ed up club away. I mean for ****s sake you can say **** and SHIT and **** in this pissweak forum without it even being moderated. You dirty ****s even reinstated a serial offender with a rap sheet as long as my cock for the "betterment" of the club. Pleassse!!! Is that what a professional club does? Ill answer that for you half wits. NO! With 2 local juniors in your top 25 it's little bloody wonder the "rorters" are the laughing stock of rugby league. You only have to visit forums any where any time to see how much love this club has, ****ing ZILCH! And for the 20 people who make up this forum .. You all can go to hell. which you will. So thats me unfortunatley. It's been nice getting aquainted with you. I've learnt alot. To the reigning wooden spoon champs i bid au revoir. Don't worry i wont let the door hit me on the way out. Thats the sort of response i'll expect from that groupie lauren, possibly grey skin(mario) chao
Swear jar possibly??
Sorry champ, swearing does not get the point across easier.
Obviously just reached puberty aswell.
Originally posted by i_miss_todd_sadface View Post1 POST,1 ! that was is all i was going to leave it at but you ****s kept coming at me didn't you. Over and Over ad nauseam. You lot are the most pathetic, worthless, dispicable, ego-driven, low life ****s this earth has to offer.And i've proved it! There is a reason you ****s are the most hated club.The least supported.The lowest home crowd averaged, club going round. It's because "supporters" like yourselves have driven everyone who actually gave a shit about this ****ed up club away. I mean for ****s sake you can say **** and SHIT and **** in this pissweak forum without it even being moderated. You dirty ****s even reinstated a serial offender with a rap sheet as long as my cock for the "betterment" of the club. Pleassse!!! Is that what a professional club does? Ill answer that for you half wits. NO! With 2 local juniors in your top 25 it's little bloody wonder the "rorters" are the laughing stock of rugby league. You only have to visit forums any where any time to see how much love this club has, ****ing ZILCH! And for the 20 people who make up this forum .. You all can go to hell. which you will. So thats me unfortunatley. It's been nice getting aquainted with you. I've learnt alot. To the reigning wooden spoon champs i bid au revoir. Don't worry i wont let the door hit me on the way out. Thats the sort of response i'll expect from that groupie lauren, possibly grey skin(mario) chao
Please don't go..