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South America

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  • South America

    Hey Guys

    I'm off to South America next week for a month and wanted to ask a few questions for those that have been...any doctors on here are welcome to help!

    For countries like Peru and Bolivia, is it a must to take malaria tablets?

    I'll be visiting the Amazon Jungle and parts of Bolivia where there are some malaria risks. Some people are saying to take the malaria tablets, some aren't.

    I know they have some side effects though. Are the side effects worth it?

    Anyway, some "expert" advice would be great!

    Born and bred in the eastern suburbs.

  • #2
    if youve ever seen malaria, the side effects of the tabs are nothing, give yourself every chance, stay clean and only boiled water, never ever ice! dont open your mouth having a shower too! get evry injection reccomended well before you go!


    • #3
      Yeah I've had injections for typhoid, yellow fever, hep A, salmonella and also had a liquid for collera.
      Born and bred in the eastern suburbs.


      • #4
        A friend of mine recently returned from Rio.
        While he was seated on a bench near the beach a couple on a bench just up from him were mugged, my friend could not believe the brazeness of the thief, in broad daylight, with people all around.
        He will never go back, he reckons it's a hole.

        Just though I would share that with you.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Kramer View Post
          A friend of mine recently returned from Rio.
          While he was seated on a bench near the beach a couple on a bench just up from him were mugged, my friend could not believe the brazeness of the thief, in broad daylight, with people all around.
          He will never go back, he reckons it's a hole.

          Just though I would share that with you.
          I've seen someone get mugged in Bondi Junction Mall on a thursday afternoon.

          It happens everywhere.

          Aren't too many people in the world that would label Rio De Janeiro a "hole".
          Born and bred in the eastern suburbs.


          • #6
            Looking forward to the pics you take. Have a good time.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Vasco View Post
              I've seen someone get mugged in Bondi Junction Mall on a thursday afternoon.

              It happens everywhere.

              Aren't too many people in the world that would label Rio De Janeiro a "hole".
              Everone has an opinion Vasco.

              I hope you enjoy your trip.

              Be interested in your views on Rio when you return.



              • #8
                Just don't get into silly stuff.

                Some distant friends were that desperate for coke(the solid version ) that they ended up by the side of the road with guns pulled on them.

                Another friend has emphasized the amount of guns held by pre-teens. Scary stuff.

                That being said, if you do the whole proper tourist thing, all should be fine.


                • #9
                  i can only commewnt on buenos aries, a nicer place than i thought it would be? sensational steaks, good red wine, very european city, very not usa! careful of the beggars/pickpockets though(?like all 3rd world countries?)


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by stephenj View Post
                    i can only commewnt on buenos aries, a nicer place than i thought it would be? sensational steaks, good red wine, very european city, very not usa! careful of the beggars/pickpockets though(?like all 3rd world countries?)
                    Yeah I've been told about the pickpockets in Buenos Aires.

                    I'll be staying in Palermo which looks like a cool and arty part of town.

                    I'll be there for River Plate's opening match of the season which will be a buzz for sure.
                    Born and bred in the eastern suburbs.


                    • #11
                      I take it that you are there now.. I imagine you have done heaps of research but altitude sickness can be fatal.. this is pretty useful info.. anyway have a great time...


