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Yo Dimorphic - re: your alienware tweet

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  • Yo Dimorphic - re: your alienware tweet


    Couldn't respond to that tweet with enough detail in 140chars. So thanks for the link back to the wall - I'll give you my experience below.

    I know you’re talking about a PC/Desktop – but based on my laptop experience, you can infer what I think of the brand.

    I bought an alienware M15x (Core i7, 1GB Nvidia GTX260M, 6GB RAM, 500GB 7200RPM HD) in Jan09. Yes, that sales ‘figure’ they got was me. Against all better judgement and knowing I was paying an extra grand just for the brand and the flashing lights I still went ahead and bought the damn thing, with a good smattering of immediate buyers remorse.

    The long & short of it, every major component failed during the first 6 months. I got to know the Dell tech who came out to see me & replace parts on a first name basis.
    Motherboard – replaced
    Screen – replaced
    RAM – Replaced
    Lighting system – replaced (2 visits)
    Keyboard (the Y key kept falling off) – replaced

    I was lucky I have various machines laying around the place to work with.
    Now having said all that – now that the only original part remaining is the case – It is still a sweet machine for gaming. Crysis, Dragon Age (1 & 2), Mass Effect (1 &2), Fallout 3, Empire Total War etc etc – all have been great on this machine. 30FPS on high settings for most – but does seem to struggle with Anti-aliasing/vertical sycn/ Anisotropic filtering turned on.

    BUT – I’d never buy one again. I could have spec’d up a Dell XPS16 to a higher standard and paid $1000 less than I paid for this piece of shit. I had an XPS15 that went for 3 years without a single fault, but have a mate who also got the alienware model prior to the m15x & he’s had nothing but issues with the build quality of it also.

    I have heard their Desktops are still awesome, but I wouldn’t part with the cash for one. Much prefer to buy all the components individually & build it myself for a gaming desktop, and you’ll save $$$

    Anyhoo – rant complete. My next (mobile gaming) rig is potentially one of these G53Jw ( as I really only get game time whilst mobile these days…

    23hrs into Dragon Age 2 and counting at the moment…