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Treasurer's Budget 2009

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  • #16
    Originally posted by spanner View Post
    Yet every other government in the world is doing the same thing.Mass job losses would have acurred by now without this stimulus packages have so far prevented,and the economy looks to be heading upwards.Money well spent in my books.
    Funny thing about that is the Government forcasted in the budget that mass job losses are comming anyway.

    So what are they going to do about that spend another $42 billion dollars that we don't have later in the year or early next year?


    • #17
      That makes no sense, if you let a company as big as IAG go under the world markets would have collapsed they are the insurance company for insurance companies.

      I agree that a recession is a culling process for bad companies and bad practices but i am all for reducing the impact where possible, to me that is the responsibility of the government especially after such a long and prosperous period.

      Unlike the US we have good regulators and have a sound financial platform there is no reason to sit on our hands


      • #18
        Originally posted by Billy Gunn View Post
        hand up who is not in any debt ?
        Melon raises hand.

        Sue's write. And the cracks are appearing. You can only fool most of the people some of the time. Australia is tiring of this ****wit PM.
        Alcohol never solved any life problems.....then again neither did milk.


        • #19
          Originally posted by supermario View Post
          i just find it funny, the libs want to replace means testing private health cover with increased taxes on ciggys......yet they are opposed to the tax on alcopops.......where is the logic there???
          The logic tax alcopos, kids move onto Scotch or Burbon, which has just become cheaper due to tax mentioned on lolly water.

          Ciggies...great tax. As a reformed smoker, If we can save 100 lives then thats great. If it hurts battlers, they can bloody well stop. Australians have to start being responsible for their own well being and stop waiting for someone else to fix things for them. **** we are a lazy society. and thats what the current mob wants us to be.

          Turnbull may not be there at ethe next election, but even he was far more impressive in his reply than any Labor spin doctor. Imagine what Costello will do to these pretenders who are out of their depth?
          Alcohol never solved any life problems.....then again neither did milk.


          • #20
            Originally posted by melon.... View Post
            The logic tax alcopos, kids move onto Scotch or Burbon, which has just become cheaper due to tax mentioned on lolly water.

            Ciggies...great tax. As a reformed smoker, If we can save 100 lives then thats great. If it hurts battlers, they can bloody well stop. Australians have to start being responsible for their own well being and stop waiting for someone else to fix things for them. **** we are a lazy society. and thats what the current mob wants us to be.

            Turnbull may not be there at ethe next election, but even he was far more impressive in his reply than any Labor spin doctor. Imagine what Costello will do to these pretenders who are out of their depth?
            Costello had his chance and will always be in my mind a coward. Melon you know I don't like Howard never did but I did respect him. Costello showed his hand when he wanted the top gig and when he thought he didn't have the numbers he ran away like a little boy.

            Now he may have the skills to be a good PM but he will never be able to command the respect that Howard had , Keating had and like it of not Rudd has.

            I don't agree with the Alco-pop tax either Melon and also as an ex-smoker I would love the bastards banned full stop. But no government is going to give away how many billions in revenue? What I didn't like about the Turnbull response was that he doesn't have a position on anything at the moment he is just opposed to the government to me this in not good leadership even from the opposition leader. He should be keeping them honest yes but pathetic point scoring with not detailed solution is pathetic.

            He needs to provide better solutions if he is so concerned about the deficit than taxing smokes ???


            • #21
              Originally posted by melon.... View Post
              Melon raises hand.

              Sue's write. And the cracks are appearing. You can only fool most of the people some of the time. Australia is tiring of this ****wit PM.
              Did you pay cash for your house Melon? If so you would be in a very very very small minority....tell me I am wrong.

              Facts are 13% of GDP as debt in the world environment is a good position to be in and most commentators will agree. Mind you the shadow treasurer did say he had tomorrow generation on his side, when he couldn't find a credible independent source to discredit the stimulus strategy


              • #22
                Originally posted by Billy Gunn View Post
                Did you pay cash for your house Melon? If so you would be in a very very very small minority....tell me I am wrong.

                Facts are 13% of GDP as debt in the world environment is a good position to be in and most commentators will agree. Mind you the shadow treasurer did say he had tomorrow generation on his side, when he couldn't find a credible independent source to discredit the stimulus strategy
                Simple answer. I bought a house in 1999 in my area. I knew I could capitalise. I worked a day job and spent nights renovating. i sold it 2 years later and made a good profit. i poured those proceeds into the next one. i did it 3 times in 6 years. And got rid of the mortgage that way, each time needing to borrow less.

                Not many people can do it. But Im not the only one that has. Its about standing on your own. Not letting Society or Socialism dictate to you what you are free to do and how to live. I did it because I chose to and was able to. Free market capitalism isnt always about greed as your Labor Party mantra dictates. If owning my own home and a home for my kids is greed, then call me Gordon Ghecko.

                I own my decisions, my own successes and my own problems and failures too which I have had many. I DONT own Society's problems nor do I owe her anything. Unlike what your Labor preaches. i will not be made accountable for Society's listless lifeless Left Wing destitute. If you cant help yourself, or at least try. You dont belong in any society. And Im sick and tired of being dictated to, by society's bleeding touchie feely Left. All for one...Solidarity...bullshit.

                Now, We are in a good position because.
                1. A Resources boom provided opportunity.
                2. The last government knew how to capitalise on that and manage that through 2 major downturns, to leave us unscathed, debt free and ready for anything. Any other governmnet that mismanaged that boom, would have left governmnet in no better position that Keating left us in....

                And if we are in such a good position, why the panic by this government? We are either not in such a good possie, or they are panicking decide. As for Stimulus, they were supposed to create jobs (PM's words), then when they didnt, they would save jobs (PMs words) and now its bug=ffer job loses. All along the Coalition has said, the government stimulus packages will not do what the PM says it will. The Coalition was right. Jobs are being lost daily. Not one job has been created due to cash handouts...except in China.

                When this government ensures 40% of local business are offshore before 2015, IF they are allowed to implement the Thin Air Tax, tell me what position we'll be in then. Heavily in debt by hundred of billions, and no way to recoup that.

                But think of how Green our world will be. Labor Green. Black in any other language.
                Last edited by melon....; 05-25-2009, 03:36 PM.
                Alcohol never solved any life problems.....then again neither did milk.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Billy Gunn View Post
                  Costello had his chance and will always be in my mind a coward. Melon you know I don't like Howard never did but I did respect him. Costello showed his hand when he wanted the top gig and when he thought he didn't have the numbers he ran away like a little boy.

                  Now he may have the skills to be a good PM but he will never be able to command the respect that Howard had , Keating had and like it of not Rudd has.

                  I don't agree with the Alco-pop tax either Melon and also as an ex-smoker I would love the bastards banned full stop. But no government is going to give away how many billions in revenue? What I didn't like about the Turnbull response was that he doesn't have a position on anything at the moment he is just opposed to the government to me this in not good leadership even from the opposition leader. He should be keeping them honest yes but pathetic point scoring with not detailed solution is pathetic.

                  He needs to provide better solutions if he is so concerned about the deficit than taxing smokes ???
                  Too much influence is being placed on the Alternative government. The Libs dont need to post alternative policy yet...why should they, there's no election around the corner (yet) why give away your policy poistion. The Government is answerable, and until now, the media has laid off them. they should be crucifying them. Its not time for the opposition to be under the spot light. The government, well they are long overdue to be challenged by this pro Labor media. Although it is starting.

                  How popular do you think Rudd would be if Australians realised and actually accpeted Rudd is only after his UN posting? This is a man with no vision and short term aspirations.
                  Alcohol never solved any life problems.....then again neither did milk.

