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  • Conservatives

    I hate these carnts because they never add to the political debate , they never create any vision for the country. What one thing did Howards do in his 11 years ? um GST um build a railway to Darwin um sell Telstra so we could have a surplus . All they do is create cheap slogans and fear just like their free market brethren in the US and UK

    - Interest rates
    - Boat people
    - Terrorists ( remember those fridge magnets )
    - Big new taxes
    - Politics of envy
    - Class warfare

    Roll up and add to the list

  • #2
    Alot of conservativism is spent trying to conserve a hokey pokey form of religion. ie anti abortion, anti homosexuality, anti republicanism.
    This has morphed into anti environmentalism which, i suspect, loathes the idea that we live in an undecided world. Even neo liberal, free market economics which at first glance appears to be the most extreme form of anti humanist, atheism, gains conservative acceptance because of its Godlike determination: the markets always right.

    In Australia shock jocks have sniffed out the heart of conservatism: fear and anger.


    • #3
      I am now convinced that the only people who agree with what Julia Gillard wants to do to this country are either Communists or clinically insane. Which, if you're over 21 and still a communist, is applicable in both respect.

      Meaning if you're a communist at 22 and above, then you are clinically insane.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Madduke View Post
        Meaning if you're a communist at 22 and above, then you are clinically insane.
        So this is where Joh Bjelke-Petersen Joseph McCarthy dump there seed


        • #5
          Originally posted by lookatmyswatch View Post
          So this is where Joh Bjelke-Petersen Joseph McCarthy dump there seed
          Swing and a miss, I've found out recently that I'm still an ALP member even with my attempts to quit so that useless bitch is my useless bitch.


          • #6
            **** the Unions. Caaarnts
            Alcohol never solved any life problems.....then again neither did milk.


            • #7
              Originally posted by melon.... View Post
              **** the Unions. Caaarnts
              Try and formulate an original thought. The "unions" are now as influential as the popes decree. Hopefully BHP and Rio will look after the workers when the pit empties out


              • #8
                The unions were gutted by Hawke, Kelty and Crean in the 80s. They are, as was intimated, ineffectual.

                That's the tragedy of this whole situation, the ALP, which was once the bastion of the worker has now become a soulless organization that gets jobs for idiot family members.

                This is the famous "Light on the Hill" speech said by Ben Chifley in 1949.

                "I have had the privilege of leading the Labor Party for nearly four years. They have not been easy times and it has not been an easy job. It is a man-killing job and would be impossible if it were not for the help of my colleagues and members of the movement.

                No Labor Minister or leader ever has an easy job. The urgency that rests behind the Labor movement, pushing it on to do things, to create new conditions, to reorganise the economy of the country, always means that the people who work within the Labor movement, people who lead, can never have an easy job. The job of the evangelist is never easy.

                Because of the turn of fortune's wheel your Premier (Mr McGirr) and I have gained some prominence in the Labor movement. But the strength of the movement cannot come from us. We may make plans and pass legislation to help and direct the economy of the country. But the job of getting the things the people of the country want comes from the roots of the Labor movement - the people who support it.

                When I sat at a Labor meeting in the country with only ten or fifteen men there, I found a man sitting beside me who had been working in the Labor movement for 54 years. I have no doubt that many of you have been doing the same, not hoping for any advantage from the movement, not hoping for any personal gain, but because you believe in a movement that has been built up to bring better conditions to the people. Therefore, the success of the Labor Party at the next elections depends entirely, as it always has done, on the people who work.

                I try to think of the Labor movement, not as putting an extra sixpence into somebody's pocket, or making somebody Prime Minister or Premier, but as a movement bringing something better to the people, better standards of living, greater happiness to the mass of the people. We have a great objective - the light on the hill - which we aim to reach by working the betterment of mankind not only here but anywhere we may give a helping hand. If it were not for that, the Labor movement would not be worth fighting for.

                If the movement can make someone more comfortable, give to some father or mother a greater feeling of security for their children, a feeling that if a depression comes there will be work, that the government is striving its hardest to do its best, then the Labor movement will be completely justified.

                It does not matter about persons like me who have our limitations. I only hope that the generosity, kindliness and friendliness shown to me by thousands of my colleagues in the Labor movement will continue to be given to the movement and add zest to its work."
                It means nothing now. Which is a tragedy.


                • #9
                  Conservatives are paranoid, insular, fear filled creatures, who are scared of everything - boat people, Unions, the Greens, anyone left of Adolf, their own shadow, infrastructure spending - in fact spending of any kind that doesn't involve tax cuts for the rich, change, the environment and of course their worst fear, being wrong. They love being afraid of something as it confirms their paranoia. And conservatives ARE the greatest liars in the political spectrum as they feel lying is justified due to the relevance and importance of their paranoia.

                  A conservative frames every argument and debate around telling you why it's wrong to change the status quo and who to blame for it. They also refuse to accept any responsibility when shit they do goes wrong, you only need to look at the Iraq and Aphganistan to see conservative fark ups but you'll never get one to admit it. It's all "Mission Accomplished"...move on...nothing to see here...quick look over there...someone is spending money on something that doesn't involve payouts for the rich...that's afraid...BE AFRAID.



                  • #10
                    Originally posted by lookatmyswatch View Post
                    Try and formulate an original thought. The "unions" are now as influential as the popes decree. Hopefully BHP and Rio will look after the workers when the pit empties out
                    A big **** off to you too sir.

                    The unions are carrrnts...speaking from personal experience.

                    If there was a big red lever that would flush these merkins out to sea via the shit pipe at Malabar, then Im there to engage it.

                    RIO and BHP will do OK by their workers. Tell me something, will the Laboring Greens look after the workers when their lie Carbon Tax sends jobs OS?
                    Alcohol never solved any life problems.....then again neither did milk.


                    • #11
                      the fuinniest thing in politics is the "everyone is narrowminded but us" point of view of the left
                      The Internet is a place for posting silly things
                      Try and be serious and you will look stupid


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Kingbilly View Post
                        the fuinniest thing in politics is the "everyone is narrowminded but us" point of view of the left
                        Why dont you provide some examples of broad minded thinking from the ' right '


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Henry Chinaski View Post
                          Why dont you provide some examples of broad minded thinking from the ' right '
                          Taking advantage of the boom and good economy by using revenue to pay off the previous Labor Debt and establishing a future fund. The thing that allowed Labor to start its spending on bullshit addiction, was established by the Howard Government and without hurting business doing so. Unlike a Mining tax and unlike a Carbon Dioxide Tax.

                          Establishing a fairer Consumer tax and getting rid of several presales and sales tax components that were applicable regardless of the product or service being consumed.

                          Unmatched Border Security - The Pacific Solution stopped illegal immigration via boat, and potentially saved hundreds of lives. In comparison, the removal of this policy saw Labor create the environment where scores of people have died unnecessarily. Labor has literally admitted their policy failure by trying to replicate the former government's solution, albeit by spending more and re-inventing the wheel, instead of using the existing investment on Nauru.

                          And in comparison, Labor are borrowing 100 million a day, and are achiving nothing.
                          Alcohol never solved any life problems.....then again neither did milk.


                          • #14
                            As a percentage of GDP the Howard govt spent than the Rudd-Gillard govt.

                            It was also the highest taxing Aust govt in history and yet have left nothing as a legacy ( unless you include Kings Schools sandstone gates )


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Henry Chinaski View Post
                              It was also the highest taxing Aust govt in history and yet have left nothing as a legacy ( unless you include Kings Schools sandstone gates )
                              Oh c'mon. What about our blind following of George jnr. Hundred of millions of taxpayer dollars have created a democratic paradise in Afghan and Iraq and made all the bogans on holiday in Bali alot safer.
                              We also scored a free external prison on Guantanamo.
                              Workchoices would have been great and the environmental debate would have been branded a communist/homo latte drinking "science".
                              Thank god Howard ensured negative gearing so the property market just kept a climbin

