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"Don't believe the experts - believe us" Joe Hockey. LMAO

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Henry Chinaski View Post
    Got anything Rocky from an internationally recognised study or journal ? Maybe a newspaper report that aint owned by Murdoch.

    You dont see the consistency in it all ?

    I take you back to 2007 when Howard, Abbott the whole lot of them said a carbon tax was the best possible course of action. So tell me whats changed ?

    Idealogical crap thats all it is, Abbott sees the opportunity to grab power by installing uninformed fear into the community. Carbon copy of the US .

    This fool talks of the consequences of taxing business yet he wants to impose a tax of 1.5% on to business for his maternity leave scheme - thats a' big new tax ' if Ive ever heard one ! give people already on $ 120k full pay for 6 months. Please explain or justify this ?

    Even you right wing galoots on this forum cant agree the melons and Kingdillys are saying the bankers ( their mates/family members ) are rubbing their hands together at the prospect of the tax but you Rhodes and Big Ben are saying its a socialism agenda to re distribute income.

    At least give a consistent messgae or maybe just wait till Andrew Bolt on Sunday morning tells you what to say
    You make a good point. Even today Abbott has changed tack yet again, now the carbon tax is a "get rich quick scheme for foreign carbon traders".
    __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _______________

    Just another baseless, factless throw away line that none of the News Limited media take any notice of or hold him to account for. Is it any wonder he went into bat for them about no media enquiry?

    I have hope the Australian people are smart enough to see through this scatter gun, smoke screen of bullshit. The coalition has not had one consistent counter message about this tax since it's inception nor one valid prediction about the consequences. You would think the righties on this forum would be smart enough at the very least to see that for what it is, idealogical nonsense. I geuss you cannot underestimate the influence the shock retards have on some of the populace.



    • #32
      I've got a coherent counter message to the carbon dioxide tax.

      The carbon dioxide tax will achieve as close to no change in the temperature of this planet that it is possibly the stupidest idea for a reform in political history.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Henry Chinaski View Post
        Got anything Rocky from an internationally recognised study or journal ? Maybe a newspaper report that aint owned by Murdoch.

        You dont see the consistency in it all ?

        I take you back to 2007 when Howard, Abbott the whole lot of them said a carbon tax was the best possible course of action. So tell me whats changed ?

        Idealogical crap thats all it is, Abbott sees the opportunity to grab power by installing uninformed fear into the community. Carbon copy of the US .

        This fool talks of the consequences of taxing business yet he wants to impose a tax of 1.5% on to business for his maternity leave scheme - thats a' big new tax ' if Ive ever heard one ! give people already on $ 120k full pay for 6 months. Please explain or justify this ?

        Even you right wing galoots on this forum cant agree the melons and Kingdillys are saying the bankers ( their mates/family members ) are rubbing their hands together at the prospect of the tax but you Rhodes and Big Ben are saying its a socialism agenda to re distribute income.

        At least give a consistent messgae or maybe just wait till Andrew Bolt on Sunday morning tells you what to say
        The Liberal party's stance was "if and when the rest of the world do something". Look it up...get your facts straight. That sthe problem with so many Carbon dont have the facts, just spin and bullshit from Gillard.

        Australia shouldn't be leading blindly on this. It isn't even about Climate anymore...its about Labor's lost holy Grail...a surplus!!! And wealth redistribution. Tax everything and everyone...Communist nirvana.
        Alcohol never solved any life problems.....then again neither did milk.


        • #34
          Originally posted by melon.... View Post
          The Liberal party's stance was "if and when the rest of the world do something". Look it up...get your facts straight. That sthe problem with so many Carbon dont have the facts, just spin and bullshit from Gillard.

          Australia shouldn't be leading blindly on this. It isn't even about Climate anymore...its about Labor's lost holy Grail...a surplus!!! And wealth redistribution. Tax everything and everyone...Communist nirvana.
          Bullshit. John Howards declaration back then was Australia should lead the world on this issue. The only thing that's changed since then is the government...only now it's a bad idea. It's idealogical bullshit Melon, nothing more. Oh and by the way ALL TAXES ARE WEALTH DISTRIBUTION and a socialist concept. Do you deny a belief in taxation Melon?

          And taxes can accomplish what they inetend.

          A Newcastle University researcher says the controversial alcopops tax has helped reduce youth binge drinking across the country.

          In April 2008, the Federal Government increased the tax on ready-to-drink spirit-based beverages.

          Newcastle-based senior research fellow Kypros Kypri says sales figures for the drinks fell by more than 30 per cent that financial year.

          A 2008 survey of Australian high school students showed the number of young people who reported drinking at risky or high-risk levels had fallen by 30 per cent when compared to the 2005 survey.

          Dr Kypri says clearly, the excise is working.

          "Less consumption is occurring, so it's a step in the right direction," he said.

          "It's a relatively modest effect because it's a modest step.

          "It's a tax on a single beverage but it's the kind of thing we need to see more of.

          "If we're to make substantial inroads into alcohol-related harm the ideal strategy would be a volumetric tax, that is, based on the alcohol content of beverages rather than, for example, price.

          "We need something that is consistent, that also offers the opportunity to differentially price beverages that are associated with more harm."

          Dr Kypri says the Government should consider setting a minimum price per standard drink in a bid to stop discount pricing.
          __________________________________________________ _____________________________________

          Remember this, the alcopop tax designed to curb binge drinking and all the "it'll never work" crap the Libs and their idiots spewed forth?

          Wrong again Melon. Can to admit that while we're here?



          • #35
            Originally posted by Henry Chinaski View Post
            Got anything Rocky from an internationally recognised study or journal ? Maybe a newspaper report that aint owned by Murdoch.

            You dont see the consistency in it all ?

            I take you back to 2007 when Howard, Abbott the whole lot of them said a carbon tax was the best possible course of action. So tell me whats changed ?

            Idealogical crap thats all it is, Abbott sees the opportunity to grab power by installing uninformed fear into the community. Carbon copy of the US .

            This fool talks of the consequences of taxing business yet he wants to impose a tax of 1.5% on to business for his maternity leave scheme - thats a' big new tax ' if Ive ever heard one ! give people already on $ 120k full pay for 6 months. Please explain or justify this ?

            Even you right wing galoots on this forum cant agree the melons and Kingdillys are saying the bankers ( their mates/family members ) are rubbing their hands together at the prospect of the tax but you Rhodes and Big Ben are saying its a socialism agenda to re distribute income.

            At least give a consistent messgae or maybe just wait till Andrew Bolt on Sunday morning tells you what to say

            The penny has not dropped for you yet
            The banksters are the biggest Socialists on Earth


            • #36
              Originally posted by melon.... View Post
              The Liberal party's stance was "if and when the rest of the world do something". Look it up...get your facts straight. That sthe problem with so many Carbon dont have the facts, just spin and bullshit from Gillard.

              Australia shouldn't be leading blindly on this. It isn't even about Climate anymore...its about Labor's lost holy Grail...a surplus!!! And wealth redistribution. Tax everything and everyone...Communist nirvana.
              Here are you facts Melon.


              Howard protested to a newspaper columnist about Gillard using his commitment to an emissions trading system before he lost office in 2007 to help justify her similar scheme.

              While conceding he had promised to bring in an ETS by 2012, Howard claimed: "I indicated at the time that we would act in concert with the rest of the world and not ahead of it."

              But what did he really say back then?

              "Australia will continue to lead internationally on climate change, globally and in the Asia-Pacific region," he told a Liberal Party federal council meeting two days after unveiling his ETS blueprint.

              "This will be a world-class emissions trading system more comprehensive, more rigorously grounded in economics, and with better governance than anything in Europe."

              In an address to the Melbourne Press Club a month later, Howard said: "In the years to come it will provide a model for other nations to follow.

              "Being among the first movers on carbon trading in this region will bring new opportunities and we intend to grasp them."

              And there was this exchange at a news conference in the run-up to the election that saw him defeated by Kevin Rudd.

              Journalist: "Haven't you locked Australia into an emissions trading scheme in the next term?"

              Howard: "Yes, I have."

              Journalist: "Regardless of what our trading competitors do?"

              Howard: "Yes, but that is precisely the sort of contribution we should make."

              So Howard - Honest John was his nickname, remember? - is trying to rewrite history.
              __________________________________________________ ____________________________________

              Are you trying to re-write history like Howard Melon or are you outright lying like Howard?



              • #37

                Andrew "Twiggy" Forrest is one of Australia's richest men. He wants to cut a deal that would give his company, Fortescue Metals Group(FMG), access to a massive chunk of land in Australia's mineral rich northwest. Michael Woodley is an elder of the Yindjibarndi people that effectively holds Native Title rights to the land in question. So far they've been unable to agree on a compensation package that could make both the company and the community rich. What's gone wrong and is there a way to find common ground?

                In mining terms it's called Solomon Hub, a body of land 200 kilometres south of Roebourne on the north-west coast of Western Australia. It's estimated the land holds iron ore worth $280 billion dollars at current prices. Over the next 40 years FMG is hoping to scrape some 2.4 billion tonnes of ore from the land. The infrastructure and people that come with this type of development will inevitably reduce much of the country to an industrial landscape.
                __________________________________________________ _____________________________________

                Yet again the facts expose the scare campaign by Andrew "Twiggy" Forest and his ilk that the carbon tax will destroy mining in this country.



                • #38
                  Henry Chinaski;138100]Got anything Rocky from an internationally recognised study or journal ? Maybe a newspaper report that aint owned by Murdoch.
                  You should know all about the murdoch press because that's where all this fear mongering global warming hype started. Or have you conveniently forgotten all this press hype.

                  Idealogical crap thats all it is, Abbott sees the opportunity to grab power by installing uninformed fear into the community. Carbon copy of the US .
                  lol...fear into the community. Are you once again conveniently forgetting who started the fear campaign, you know the ice caps are melting, the great barrier reefy is gonna drown under an extra metre of water lol, the polar bears are gonna sunbake, Sydney is gonna flood with a increase of 1 metre of water, the sky is falling.....blah blah blah. We have had ten to twenty yrs of fear mongering yet you and chook now complain about fear campaigns lol the hypocracy..

                  Even you right wing galoots on this forum cant agree the melons and Kingdillys are saying the bankers ( their mates/family members ) are rubbing their hands together at the prospect of the tax but you Rhodes and Big Ben are saying its a socialism agenda to re distribute income.
                  Wrong. I am a left winger however i'm not an extreme left winger like yourself. Only the extreme left believe a tax can change the climate. I am an independent thinker unlike a party puppet like yourself. I am not naive enough to believe every leftoid issue or every rightoid issue or every labour or liberal issue is right. I'll leave that for the gullible. I think though every major issue regardless of political leanings. You should try it yourself one day i.e. independent thinking.

                  As for the disagreements, well the left couldn't agree on whether it was global warming or climate change or whether it was man made or not. So you cannot use that as an excuse.

                  At least give a consistent messgae or maybe just wait till Andrew Bolt on Sunday morning tells you what to say
                  As mentioned before i am an independent thinker so my opinion has nothing to do with bolt. I even voted labor (however i didn't vote for this tax because it wasn't on the agenda) but i won't be voting for this dumb atheist lying hoe again. I'll probably vote for an independent. To say everything bolt believes in is wrong is pure naivety. Even a broken clock is right twice a day. Credit to bolt and abbott for getting this issue (against the carbon tax) right.
                  Last edited by Rocky Rhodes; 07-18-2011, 02:21 PM.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Rocky Rhodes View Post
                    As mentioned before i am an independent thinker but i won't be voting for this dumb atheist lying hoe again. I'll probably vote for an independent. .
                    Will that independent be a married white male in a nuclear family proudly living in the suburbs who believes wholly in the sanctity of the Church and its teaching and the vengeful wrath of God on all sinners and non-believers?.....especially loose women?


                    • #40

                      TONY Abbott has undermined his own climate change position, labelling as "crazy" the bipartisan commitment to cut Australia's carbon output by 5 per cent.
                      __________________________________________________ _________________________________

                      And this clown has the hyde to call the PM a liar! He's been lying to the Australian people all the time when he goes on about climate change. He does not believe it, he only say she does to garner votes.



                      • #41
                        Australia- trying to save the planet but destroying our country


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by lookatmyswatch View Post
                          Will that independent be a married white male in a nuclear family proudly living in the suburbs who believes wholly in the sanctity of the Church and its teaching and the vengeful wrath of God on all sinners and non-believers?.....especially loose women?
                          I believe in loose women.

                          I also believe in Harvey Dent and Gotham City. If anyone understands the reference.


                          • #43
                            “There will be no carbon tax under the government I lead”. Julia Gillard 16 Aug 2010


                            • #44
                              The GST is dead & buried........John Howard........hmmmm a common ground for both sides :-/


                              • #45
                                “There will be no carbon tax under the government I lead”. Julia Gillard 16 Aug 2010

