While it may come as a surprise to some to see the Murdoch media empire exposed as the lying, corrupt, unethical, lawless and an organisation utterly without morals, it does not surprise me.
I have been saying for years that the Murdoch media is not one bit interested in the Australian people, our way of life, our values or our prosperity, it is interested in selling advertising and the influence it's media has on politicians. This has never been more evident than in the UK right now with both sides of politics saying the same thing - Murdoch and his media has had far too much influence on shaping public discorse through the influence it has on the politicians themselves.
This is evidence of this biased here in Australia. I watched "The Nation" on Sky the other day and they had both sides of politics represented at a round table on the carbon debate. On one side you had a Labor MP and an old speech writer for Kevin Rudd and representing the Coalition you had a liberal MP and an editor of the News limited Sunday Telegraph argueing for Tony Abbott.
If that is not blatant biased from our Murdoch press than I'm not here! I for one am watching the unfolding situation in the UK hoping to see the Murdoch's taken away in handcuffs as they deserve to be for their corruption and flagrant disregard of not only the law but of decency and democracy.
That is why we need an enquiry here. To ensure the same lack of morals, values and biased and blatant disregard for what it is the press is suppose to do is not happening here as well. It comes as no surprise to me that the Libs including Abbott and Howard have said they don't want to see the enquiry happen as they like the status quo. They like and welcome the fact News limited favours them and their idealogy at every turn and criticises and condemns all others in turn.
I for one despise News limited and their right wing biased agenda. And I despise them more for the fact they don't acknowledge that biased, they firmly believe they are centrists and represent the majority of Australians which is one big farking lie. And just another reason why we need an enquiry into this propaganderous sham of a media organisation.
I have been saying for years that the Murdoch media is not one bit interested in the Australian people, our way of life, our values or our prosperity, it is interested in selling advertising and the influence it's media has on politicians. This has never been more evident than in the UK right now with both sides of politics saying the same thing - Murdoch and his media has had far too much influence on shaping public discorse through the influence it has on the politicians themselves.
This is evidence of this biased here in Australia. I watched "The Nation" on Sky the other day and they had both sides of politics represented at a round table on the carbon debate. On one side you had a Labor MP and an old speech writer for Kevin Rudd and representing the Coalition you had a liberal MP and an editor of the News limited Sunday Telegraph argueing for Tony Abbott.
If that is not blatant biased from our Murdoch press than I'm not here! I for one am watching the unfolding situation in the UK hoping to see the Murdoch's taken away in handcuffs as they deserve to be for their corruption and flagrant disregard of not only the law but of decency and democracy.
That is why we need an enquiry here. To ensure the same lack of morals, values and biased and blatant disregard for what it is the press is suppose to do is not happening here as well. It comes as no surprise to me that the Libs including Abbott and Howard have said they don't want to see the enquiry happen as they like the status quo. They like and welcome the fact News limited favours them and their idealogy at every turn and criticises and condemns all others in turn.
I for one despise News limited and their right wing biased agenda. And I despise them more for the fact they don't acknowledge that biased, they firmly believe they are centrists and represent the majority of Australians which is one big farking lie. And just another reason why we need an enquiry into this propaganderous sham of a media organisation.