Originally posted by ROC181
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Israel Folau
How the f has this conversation gone into politics about gays lol
You guys won the vote so just be happy you have been accepted by majority of Australia.
And being gay would mean you don't believe in god, heaven or hell. So why are they getting so offended that Israel is saying all gays will go to hell? You dont even believe in it.
Let the man be, its called free speech.
Also stop asking him questions about gays obviously trying to get a reaction when you already know his beliefs and how he feels about the situation.
Anyways back to the foooty.......
Originally posted by Tommy Smith View PostAfter spending decades getting catisgated, castrated, imprisoned, bashed and murdered I won't begrudge the gay community for indulging in a little "me time" if that's how it's being perceived.
"Sadly you can say what you like around the kitchen table at home" - Gillian Triggs
Originally posted by Tommy Smith View PostAfter spending decades getting catisgated, castrated, imprisoned, bashed and murdered I won't begrudge the gay community for indulging in a little "me time" if that's how it's being perceived.
Originally posted by ROC181 View Post
So where Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus and everyone else that's different. You won't begrudge them if they stay silent while some other louder members of the gay community abuse and harass other people that have a different views to theirs? As they say, two wrongs don't make a right. And BTW, I have nothing against the gay community in general but I don't tolerate hypocrisy and on this subject, many in that community are hypocrites.
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Originally posted by Tommy Smith View PostThat's quite the broad brush statement.
You make it sound as though the gay community are a singlular entity with an official spokesperson.
And you've then attributed false statements on their behalf as though they're all anti free speech for others.
In reality, some PC douchebag who appears on the ABC and has a whinge about Folau's comments does not represent the views of an entire community.
Oh, and it’s not one PC douchebag on a TV show, it’s many. However, you don’t want an ‘official spokesperson’ for the entire community, don’t let that same douchbag speak publicly for them.FVCK CANCER
Originally posted by dice View Post
We only progressed to legalised SSM via freedom of speech. Don't confuse "me time" with Marxist fanatics wanting to control every aspect of your life.
"Sadly you can say what you like around the kitchen table at home" - Gillian Triggs
Originally posted by ROC181 View Post
So where Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus and everyone else that's different. You won't begrudge them if they stay silent while some other louder members of the gay community abuse and harass other people that have a different views to theirs? As they say, two wrongs don't make a right. And BTW, I have nothing against the gay community in general but I don't tolerate hypocrisy and on this subject, many in that community are hypocrites.
Originally posted by Cockadoodledoo View Post
TBH religious zealots have been the main cause of wars, hatred and other things like systematic abuse of children for the last 2000 years. Pretty much all religions were started out purely for the sake of control of money, child sex rings (look up Hillsong) and the general public.
Originally posted by rented tracksuit View Post
Couldn’t agree more. Why is it the gay community want the right to free speech and expression while taking that right from those with a different view? Hypocritical trouble makers.
3 Aussie cricketers cheat, no threat to Qantas sponsorship
1 high profile Rugby player expressing his faith in a one on one discussion on supposedly private social media, sponsorship threat by same company. Mind bogeying hypocrisy.
BTW, Qantas is not gay, just one CEO dictator is..
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