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American Debt - USDebtClock

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  • American Debt - USDebtClock

    15 trillion dollars.

    They now owe more than every other civilisation in history's debt combined.

    We're hurtling towards the abyss ourselves.

  • #2
    Let America burn. It's fast becoming the worlds most facist oligarchy anyway, let the obscenely rich pricks that run the country burn in their own bile.



    • #3

      Problem solved apparently he sold Hawaii too China although he didn't tell anybody


      • #4
        Changed the title to be slightly more appropriate.. lol


        • #5
          Originally posted by Chris View Post
          Changed the title to be slightly more appropriate.. lol
          Thanks Boss. I kinda thought that might happen.

          My Nero reference is lost on most people, as per usual.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Chook View Post
            Let America burn. It's fast becoming the worlds most facist oligarchy anyway, let the obscenely rich pricks that run the country burn in their own bile.

            Hey what r u saying man?


            • #7
              Originally posted by chloe00 View Post
              Hey what r u saying man?
              I don't think Chook realises that Barack Obama makes Julia Gillard look like a right wing fascist.

              That hug was the hug of two hard left communist lawyers.


              • #8
                Originally posted by chloe00 View Post
                Hey what r u saying man?
                Check out the footage of the cops bashing the occupy wall street protesters. That hypocritial farkhole of a country wants to bring "democracy to the rest of the world" yet the rich pricks that run it can't have their precious wall street hindered by the people and their democratic right to protest. That footage typifies the facism and imperalism that is the United Slime of America.



                • #9
                  Its easy Chook. You have your say, and then you move on. Setting up cities like the lawns of Parliament house achieves nothing.

                  Protesting does not automatically constitute becoming a hinderance to the community. People need to go to work. Thos ethat cant afford to sit on their arses for days, because they need a wage, need to be able to get that wage without being subjected to this over exageraton.

                  You protest, you get heard, and you move on. Anything more is un-productive.
                  Alcohol never solved any life problems.....then again neither did milk.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by melon.... View Post
                    Its easy Chook. You have your say, and then you move on. Setting up cities like the lawns of Parliament house achieves nothing.

                    Protesting does not automatically constitute becoming a hinderance to the community. People need to go to work. Thos ethat cant afford to sit on their arses for days, because they need a wage, need to be able to get that wage without being subjected to this over exageraton.

                    You protest, you get heard, and you move on. Anything more is un-productive.
                    Actually melon the Aboriginal tent embassy on the lawns of old parliment house achieved a great deal for Aboriginal people and their issues. Issues that had been largley ignored for decades. And all orders to remove it were deemed unconstitutional because unlike Slimerica, wealth has no bearing on an individuals rights in this country.

                    I undertsand what you're saying about people wanting to get to work and that should not be impinged. But people within a democracy have the right to protest for as long as they deem it necessary to bring about changes to a system they deem as unfair. Or it's not a democracy! And capitalism in it's current form is grossly unfair and results in the wealth of a nation in the hands of a select few and not for the benefit of those that generate it, the people.

                    I'm hoping this is the start of the long term revolution against capitalism I really do. Becasue like it or not, capitalism is counterproductive to a thriving economy for the very reasons I stated earlier. It takes money out of the pockets of the people (who are the economy) and puts it in the hands of a very select few.



                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Chook View Post
                      Actually melon the Aboriginal tent embassy on the lawns of old parliment house achieved a great deal for Aboriginal people and their issues. Issues that had been largley ignored for decades. And all orders to remove it were deemed unconstitutional because unlike Slimerica, wealth has no bearing on an individuals rights in this country.

                      I undertsand what you're saying about people wanting to get to work and that should not be impinged. But people within a democracy have the right to protest for as long as they deem it necessary to bring about changes to a system they deem as unfair. Or it's not a democracy! And capitalism in it's current form is grossly unfair and results in the wealth of a nation in the hands of a select few and not for the benefit of those that generate it, the people.

                      I'm hoping this is the start of the long term revolution against capitalism I really do. Becasue like it or not, capitalism is counterproductive to a thriving economy for the very reasons I stated earlier. It takes money out of the pockets of the people (who are the economy) and puts it in the hands of a very select few.

                      My view on capitalism is anyone can be a capitalist. Even China can do it. There's money out there. Capitalists go and grab it. Where as the socialist will wait for someone to give it to them...usually the Capitalist. But its the demand I cant fathom. You want the money? Go get it!

                      Im all for speaking out and exercising my democratic rights. The guy copping the baton you mentioned, must have done something to instigate it. Cops dont just belt people for least not these days.
                      Last edited by melon....; 11-18-2011, 01:28 PM.
                      Alcohol never solved any life problems.....then again neither did milk.


                      • #12
                        If the media in Australia reported half what the "occupy Wall Street" protestors are doing in places like Zuccotti park and in Oakland, California then any sympathy for their cause would evaporate.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by melon.... View Post
                          My view on capitalism is anyone can be a capitalist. Even China can do it. There's money out there. Capitalists go and grab it. Where as the socialist will wait for someone to give it to them...usually the Capitalist. But its the demand I cant fathom. You want the money? Go get it!
                          And that’s a fair point, anyone can be a capitalist…but not everyone. Someone has to actually do the work for the capitalist to make the money. Even in China not everyone is benefiting from their economic boom. The workers building and making the stuff are still paid piss poorly when compared to the rapidly increasing number of million and billionaires being generated in that country. And therein lies the issue with capitalism. It is inherently unfair and will eventually lead to the collapse of China’s economy, just as it will in America. Look at America’s deficit, 15 trillion and counting. How can the leading capitalist country be so far in debt if the system is working? Answer, it’s not. And try as they might to prop it up, bandaid it, massage it and tell lies about, the unchecked greed of capitalism is and will completely destroy the biggest capitalist economy on the planet.

                          Basically what I’m trying to say is left unchecked, capitalism eats itself to death and unless we learn from what we are seeing in America we are doomed to follow that path.

                          Originally posted by melon.... View Post
                          Im all for speaking out and exercising my democratic rights. The guy copping the baton you mentioned, must have done something to instigate it. Cops dont just belt people for least not these days.
                          Oh he was doing something, he was exercising his democratic right to protest and that’s why the cops were belting him. That’s been happening a lot lately…in Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Libya…



                          • #14
                            There is a lot of grey areas in all this.
                            I agree that people have the right to protest and I also suspect there is probably quite a bit of pressure being applied to the local politicians and police heads to do something about the protesters
                            I think the bashing of a protester in the US or here is probably a little different than in other countries or in the 60s when the hippies copped it. There is a lot more repercussions if its unprovoked.

                            I do get really pissed off at people that will stand there and call the police all sorts of names and worst of all spit on them, yet when an arm is raised against them they cry police harrassment. These are the ****ers that deserve a good whacking with the baton, I don't care what they are protesting about. If you can't show respect then you get what you get.
                            The Internet is a place for posting silly things
                            Try and be serious and you will look stupid


                            • #15
                              Being one of the only people I know that watches American news, I can tell you that Obama's visit to Australia hardly rated a mentioned. I ignore Fox news, barring the Five and that's just because of Dana Perino, as it's just a paid propaganda arm of the Republican party and Roger Ayles is one step down from Paul Goebbels.

