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Coronavirus / Covid-19 Global Pandemic

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  • Originally posted by Andrew Walker View Post

    Your claim is unproven and not demonstrable. Anything over 35 is not infectious. Testing is done at 40-45 cycles Those in the latter bracket being counted as positive case numbers are not infectious and not sick. These are the head of the CDC words not mine. I’ve provided links to back this up but you chose to ignore it as it doesn’t suit your narrative.

    Yours actions are one of a virtue signaller coming on here, trying to show what a great caring human you are, whilst trying to demonize and discredit others who have provided truths.
    Incorrect. The only truth is what is proven. Not what you believe as a conspiracy into the future.

    This viurs has shown what it can do and will keep doing. If virtue signaling is highlighting it to those who think they are above it then Im happy to be labelled. Rather that than keep my head in the sand and end up with it or worse, spread it to others.


    • Originally posted by The Skeez View Post

      Did you know that your avatar has more rugby league connotations other than the rooster dr voodoo?

      The albums name translates to: grass, dust and blood
      I'm deep mate lol


      • Originally posted by Andrew Walker View Post

        Honestly I’m not sure, there are people testing positive worldwide. Who have or feel no symptoms. I would put that down to the PCR testing rate being too high at 40-45 which Fauci has admitted has no chance of being infectious A positive test or case number does not mean the person is infectious. That is truth. So in essence these people are not really sick. If you are 28-30 you will know you are sick. 30-34 you should know. I don’t believe I’m going to get seriously sick from this I do the right thing, and live an extremely healthy life style. I exercise, I Don’t smoke, rarely drink, eat well and take my vitamins. I am in a very good position to avoid this. So im not sure why you say when I get sick. Maybe deep down you hope I and others who hold my position do.
        Ah you believe in Fauci. That explains some of it.


        • Originally posted by Andrew Walker View Post

          Nah Point is you labelled me a theorist for something that was demonstrably true
          You are a theorist tho. Its how I see you and your reactions to such a terrible state of affairs the world as a whole is in today.

          Proof is history and provides the path for the future. Guessing on what is going to happen like your predictions for this current outbreak is 'theorist'. Oh, and totally wrong.
          FVCK CANCER


          • Originally posted by Andrew Walker View Post

            Early on in this thread RT and Random Rooster were calling me a tin foil hat wearer when I mentioned WEF and The Great Reset They did not believe either existed. Trudeau quote is reference to it and how the virus was being used to accelerate this and to show how
            ill informed they were about this. Im certainly no red I have no political affiliation I dislike them all equally
            Addressing inequality, climate change & extreme poverty is a good thing. Im not sure what you're suggesting-- that Covid was manufactured as an excuse to address these issues....or leaders like Trudeau are opportunists & using Covid to address the issues???

            As for Macron wanting citizens to show proof of vaccination before going to cafes ,restaurants or visit a shopping centre - that's for the French people to decide if thats ok. In France the government is compliant to the people as they take unpopular government decisions to the streets. In Australia we bow down to the government-should we be thinking that Gladys B hasnt got the best interest of NSW residents at heart? Is there something more sinister behind her lockdowns?


            • Originally posted by Dr. Voodoo Man View Post

              Ah you believe in Fauci. That explains some of it.
              Thing is it isnt just Fauci saying it.

              When you trust your television
              what you get is what you got
              Cause when they own the information
              they can bend it all they want

              John Mayer


              • Originally posted by Random Rooster View Post

                Addressing inequality, climate change & extreme poverty is a good thing. Im not sure what you're suggesting-- that Covid was manufactured as an excuse to address these issues....or leaders like Trudeau are opportunists & using Covid to address the issues???

                As for Macron wanting citizens to show proof of vaccination before going to cafes ,restaurants or visit a shopping centre - that's for the French people to decide if thats ok. In France the government is compliant to the people as they take unpopular government decisions to the streets. In Australia we bow down to the government-should we be thinking that Gladys B hasnt got the best interest of NSW residents at heart? Is there something more sinister behind her lockdowns?
                Your 1st question The latter is the answer and they openly admit it. But so far what is that has been done to address any of these issues apart from talk ?

                I feel what happens in France is a testing point. As like you say they take to the streets if the y do not like something Mind you most of that type of thing is supressed these days like the mass protests in London barely getting air time on MSM. Yes in Australia the majority of people are spineless and have no backbone when it comes to standing up for their individual rights.

                Your last question only time can truly answer that.

                Finally early on when I mentioned this sort of thing WEF Great Reset Potential vaccine passports and the like I was labelled a tin foil hat wearer. Look where we are now. People running things want this to happen Why. The nicest answer I can come up with is they care so much about all of us, and truly want to protect us by rushing in treatements that have no long term data of side effects like fertility for one, and of course in the process big pharma and their shareholders stand to make a fortune from all of this.

                Time will tell where we end up and where this takes society

                When you trust your television
                what you get is what you got
                Cause when they own the information
                they can bend it all they want

                John Mayer


                • Originally posted by Jacks Fur Coat View Post

                  You should be alongside Sad Glad, Scary Chant and the Health Hazard with their breathless daily updates, mate.

                  Whats very very serious are the ridiculous lockdowns, all self imposed.

                  I know you're anti-lockdown & think we should protect the vulnerable but if you were NSW premier how would you handle it? Its exactly how Sweden handled it and they lost 14,000 people out of a population of 10 million. Finland has a population of 5.5 million and had 970 death & Norway same population has 800 deaths- Sweden shares borders with Finland & Norway. Where was the cure worse than the disease for Finland & Norway?

                  Think about all those who work at aged care centres, hospitals, medical centres,those with chronic health we have them all wear hazmat suits?

                  I think this will be the last lockdown but it had to be done. It's not fair for those who are unvaccinated due to the federal governments inept handling of the vaccination rollout.
                  Once everyone has had the opportunity to be vaccinated then life goes on to what it was


                  • Originally posted by Random Rooster View Post

                    I know you're anti-lockdown & think we should protect the vulnerable but if you were NSW premier how would you handle it? Its exactly how Sweden handled it and they lost 14,000 people out of a population of 10 million. Finland has a population of 5.5 million and had 970 death & Norway same population has 800 deaths- Sweden shares borders with Finland & Norway. Where was the cure worse than the disease for Finland & Norway?

                    Think about all those who work at aged care centres, hospitals, medical centres,those with chronic health we have them all wear hazmat suits?

                    I think this will be the last lockdown but it had to be done. It's not fair for those who are unvaccinated due to the federal governments inept handling of the vaccination rollout.
                    Once everyone has had the opportunity to be vaccinated then life goes on to what it was
                    Sweden cases 1.09 million deaths 14000. That is about 1.4 percent deaths to cases UK cases 5.19million deaths 128000 that is over two percent. One has used long term lockdown that being the UK The other Sweden has not Yet the death rate percentage wise in Sweden is lower.

                    Last edited by Andrew Walker; 07-14-2021, 06:21 PM.
                    When you trust your television
                    what you get is what you got
                    Cause when they own the information
                    they can bend it all they want

                    John Mayer


                    • Originally posted by Random Rooster View Post

                      I know you're anti-lockdown & think we should protect the vulnerable but if you were NSW premier how would you handle it? Its exactly how Sweden handled it and they lost 14,000 people out of a population of 10 million. Finland has a population of 5.5 million and had 970 death & Norway same population has 800 deaths- Sweden shares borders with Finland & Norway. Where was the cure worse than the disease for Finland & Norway?

                      Think about all those who work at aged care centres, hospitals, medical centres,those with chronic health we have them all wear hazmat suits?

                      I think this will be the last lockdown but it had to be done. It's not fair for those who are unvaccinated due to the federal governments inept handling of the vaccination rollout.
                      Once everyone has had the opportunity to be vaccinated then life goes on to what it was
                      For me its a spurious argument to use raw fatalities/population numbers from os to support one approach (lockdowns) in Oz.

                      Theres no supporting data from those raw figures of age demographics, % of vulnerable people, contact tracing systems, vaccinations, quarantine measures etc. It means nothing.

                      In 2019 here we had close to 800 deaths from a bad flu season. More than 2 per day. No lockdowns, abuse of freedoms, scaremongering, bureaucrats and premiers with their daily briefings. We managed just fine.

                      Now we have had 2 deaths in half a year. People have been abused and had lives ruined. No daily stats on mental health decline, suicide, family breakdowns, businesses gone, people bankrupted, undiagnosed or untreated cancers or other health conditions etc. etc.

                      Just daily stats on new cases of infection that are mild symptoms for the overwhelming majority....ffs.

                      We are being run by unelected health bureaucrats, the pollies have abrogated their responsibilities.

                      #We Stand with ourJewish community#


                      • Originally posted by Jacks Fur Coat View Post

                        For me its a spurious argument to use raw fatalities/population numbers from os to support one approach (lockdowns) in Oz.

                        Theres no supporting data from those raw figures of age demographics, % of vulnerable people, contact tracing systems, vaccinations, quarantine measures etc. It means nothing.

                        In 2019 here we had close to 800 deaths from a bad flu season. More than 2 per day. No lockdowns, abuse of freedoms, scaremongering, bureaucrats and premiers with their daily briefings. We managed just fine.

                        Now we have had 2 deaths in half a year. People have been abused and had lives ruined. No daily stats on mental health decline, suicide, family breakdowns, businesses gone, people bankrupted, undiagnosed or untreated cancers or other health conditions etc. etc.

                        Just daily stats on new cases of infection that are mild symptoms for the overwhelming majority....ffs.

                        We are being run by unelected health bureaucrats, the pollies have abrogated their responsibilities.

                        Lockdowns are not even a cure. Nothing more than a band aid solution. The case numbers in the UK with the majority of the population vaccinnated equate to that being nothing more than a stronger band aid

                        I really hope we are not sitting here in twelve months with the majority of the country here having being vaccinated and us being in lockdown again What happens in the UK this winter will give us an indication of where we are headed next winter
                        Last edited by Andrew Walker; 07-14-2021, 06:45 PM.
                        When you trust your television
                        what you get is what you got
                        Cause when they own the information
                        they can bend it all they want

                        John Mayer


                        • Originally posted by Jacks Fur Coat View Post

                          For me its a spurious argument to use raw fatalities/population numbers from os to support one approach (lockdowns) in Oz.

                          Theres no supporting data from those raw figures of age demographics, % of vulnerable people, contact tracing systems, vaccinations, quarantine measures etc. It means nothing.

                          In 2019 here we had close to 800 deaths from a bad flu season. More than 2 per day. No lockdowns, abuse of freedoms, scaremongering, bureaucrats and premiers with their daily briefings. We managed just fine.

                          Now we have had 2 deaths in half a year. People have been abused and had lives ruined. No daily stats on mental health decline, suicide, family breakdowns, businesses gone, people bankrupted, undiagnosed or untreated cancers or other health conditions etc. etc.

                          Just daily stats on new cases of infection that are mild symptoms for the overwhelming majority....ffs.

                          We are being run by unelected health bureaucrats, the pollies have abrogated their responsibilities.

                          So how would you handle the latest outbreak?


                          • Originally posted by Random Rooster View Post

                            So how would you handle the latest outbreak?
                            I will assume this is a rhetoric question. Or are you expecting a different answer to the ones he has previously given ?
                            When you trust your television
                            what you get is what you got
                            Cause when they own the information
                            they can bend it all they want

                            John Mayer


                            • Originally posted by Andrew Walker View Post

                              I will assume this is a rhetoric question. Or are you expecting a different answer to the ones he has previously given ?
                              No offence Andy but i was asking Jack!!


                              • Originally posted by Random Rooster View Post

                                No offence Andy but i was asking Jack!!
                                That does not make my comment mute. You are asking someone a question that they have previously in this thread given an answer to.
                                When you trust your television
                                what you get is what you got
                                Cause when they own the information
                                they can bend it all they want

                                John Mayer

