Originally posted by mightyrooster
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To answer RT's question regarding watching friends putting hands on hot stoves, I did in fact try and stop someone from going down a sad path in life but they refused to listen to me even though the facts were on my side in this case. RT, it broke my heart to see what had become of someone I did once care about very much. I saw this person lose lots of money, lose their home and eventually lose their personality. They refused to take my advice or support but still wanted me to be a good listener whenever they wanted me to help them (like I was some sort of counselling service) but never in return would they stop and help me if I needed them. I lost 3 family members in 2017 and that was when I was ill too. That's when I stopped posting on here originally as my life was sad and hard. I reached out to this person for help and support and they mocked me telling me what I had wrong with me would be over in '2 weeks' - the standard line we used to laugh about when Mini was supposed to come back after his back injury caused by the Vermin in the spear tackle. I was lying in a hospital bed 10 minutes walk from this person's workplace and they wouldn't come and visit, even though they knew that my sister had just had a stroke and was newly widowed so in no position to come and see me. My other sister lives in country Victoria so no chance of her making the trip either. I had turned myself inside out supporting this person for many years, putting up with being left alone at night in the rain at the last minute when he would stand me up sometimes, but I still kept on keeping on, thinking that I should be a good friend and just wait for him to 'snap out of it'. I offered to help with resume writing, job hunting, set up a Seek profile and a Linkedin one too when he lost his job but this person didn't want or need my help but then would still complain about having no job. So you see RT & GT, I turned myself inside out going above and beyond, being incredibly patient to the point of being a doormat, watching this person fall prey to someone who lied, faked their names and their photos and manipulated this person into giving away their money. There are manipulative women out there GT but I'm not one of them. Like I said, I was smart enough to keep every bit of correspondence because there were too many red flags in the crazy mixed up stories I was being fed. Stuff that is factually impossible in real life but some people are too stubborn to even believe facts. Some people enjoy fantasy relationships but I am not one of them.
With Andy, he has street smarts as well as book smarts and is mentally and physically strong so he doesn't need a renovation rescue from me. In fact, he's inspired me to keep going to a different level in terms of my own fitness and health and my doctor said to me "Don't you believe in Covid kilos?!" She said I was her only patient who LOST weight during last year's lockdown. That's the difference between a good friend and one not so good. The good ones encourage you to be your best but don't bat an eyelid when you are at your worst either. Horrie Hastings is the same and I'm happy both of them are friends in real life anyway independently of me as they lived/worked in the same suburb for quite a few years. Roosters fans flock together..

The fact that I am putting my heart on my sleeve here for all of you to read this should tell you this. I've always been open and honest in mine and my family's struggles so that maybe someone else out there might realise that life is not perfect and neither are we. Now I have to go and get ready for work and for those of you who messaged me for my birthday yesterday, thanks so much and I really had such a great positive day. This one has been a real turning point in my life so thanks for all the insults and the mocking. You've just made me even more resilient and stronger.