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How do you reckon the US erection will go?

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  • #61
    Anyone watch Veep? Notice how fiction is about to become reality?


    • #62
      Originally posted by Jacks Fur Coat View Post
      I think I've heard of Kamala Harris...she said "why are people so unkind". Yeah thats her.
      That’s not funny Greg Ritchie’ll be interesting to see


      • #63
        Originally posted by Crab View Post

        What I don't get is why a daughter of an Indian mother and a mostly European /small part Jamaican father would identify as an ' African American' ? Not that there is anything wrong with that .. ( unless it suits her agenda ) .
        Person of Colour is the new African American?


        • #64
          Trump's a clown and in my opinion only the 2nd worst president to George W but he would have romped it in if it wasn't for covid as their economy was flying.
          Last edited by Johnny Brass; 11-08-2020, 09:30 PM.


          • #65
            Originally posted by The Skeez View Post
            That’s not funny Greg Ritchie
            MaJacksma Coat..
            #We Stand with ourJewish community#


            • #66
              Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post
              Tosh Chookmeister and ROC! Neither of you know what you're talking about. Not one fact between you. Just Murdoch/ LNP drivel.

              Taiwan is a part of China as is Hong Kong. What we see is the local rich in both places getting revved up by US Intelligence agencies which have a long history of meddling in the affairs of other countries including our own. Your US has been at war continuously in it's 250 year history and still is. China, on the other hand, has not been but it is ringed with American bases including the massive base at Diego Garcia which the World Court has declared illegal in International law. Their mates, the liberty loving Poms gave it to them. How can anyone buy the freedom fighting nonsense? And we are about the only idiot country to buy in - and they pinched our markets as a thank you.

              For the edification of those who would like to know more about a lot of things there is a site Menadue was an Oz public servant of the highest rank (Head of the PM Department under Fraser and Whitlam) and the site features opinion pieces by former ranking public servants, academics, various experts, journalists and other public intellectuals. It deals in facts, not asinine propaganda. There's a few of yez should look to it before you have to send your kids off to yet another Yankee "freedom fight" LOL.
              Ask any Taiwanese or honky if they are Chinese or from Taiwan or Hong Kong. That's why those from Hong Kong have been protesting they are fighting for their freedom. Instead of watching ABC 24 I suggest you talk to some Asians from those countries and ask them how they feel about China taking over.
              The yanks have had a fairly long reign at the top and the Chinese figure it's their time to reign as they have built up economically and military wise.


              • #67
                Originally posted by Jacks Fur Coat View Post

                MaJacksma Quote..
                There’s always free cheese in a mouse trap
      ’ll be interesting to see


                • #68
                  First of all I want to thank and congratulate the administrators of this site for not interfering in the comments. If this was Facebook, Twitter etc. there would be a lot of banned ppl. on here. Apart from the dude who seems to belong to a group who idolised an Ethiopian ruler from days of yore and smoked ganja to help them forget (but Marley rocks) , it seems as though there are more astute people on here who can see beyond the biased media reporting and can understand the reality of what the future holds for the world. ROC181 is the rock star of this topic and has pretty much said it all. If the Republicans lose the Senate then its all over red rover ... expanded supreme court, legal status for 11 million illegal immigrants etvc etc... the left would have dug themselves in for eternity
                  This was the second worst day of the year for me .. you can guess what was the first!


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by Johnny Brass View Post

                    Ask any Taiwanese or honky if they are Chinese or from Taiwan or Hong Kong. That's why those from Hong Kong have been protesting they are fighting for their freedom. Instead of watching ABC 24 I suggest you talk to some Asians from those countries and ask them how they feel about China taking over.
                    The yanks have had a fairly long reign at the top and the Chinese figure it's their time to reign as they have built up economically and military wise.
                    can you believe they have already sent a satellite out into space testing 6G? Meanwhile we’ve just rolled out 5G like it’s a huge thing they are out there already working on 6G. In this modern tech world they are absolutely giants.


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by Johnny Brass View Post

                      Ask any Taiwanese or honky if they are Chinese or from Taiwan or Hong Kong. That's why those from Hong Kong have been protesting they are fighting for their freedom. Instead of watching ABC 24 I suggest you talk to some Asians from those countries and ask them how they feel about China taking over.
                      The yanks have had a fairly long reign at the top and the Chinese figure it's their time to reign as they have built up economically and military wise.
                      Bingo. History summarised... Japan took China (run by Taiwan at the time) during WWII. HK was separate and the UK had already taken it... so it was never run by the CCP. USA gave China back to Taiwan when Japan lost. While the USA were busy helping Japan re-build and achieve its economic miracle, the CCP opportunistically went in, destroyed all evidence of the past, burned temples...etc and seized power by force (rather than by getting elected). They demanded HK and refused to recognise any parts of the country that they hasn't captured by force (e.g. Taiwan).

                      IMO it's the CCP that people hate, not China (or its people) per se. It's just a greedy, authoritarian dictatorship. Taiwan has given up but in international law they still have a valid claim to the entire mainland. Many 'Chinese' people are displaced in places like Malaysia and Singapore as a result of what the CCP's done. One day I hope the people behind it who have lived in luxury/privilege their whole lives will be brought to account.

                      Donald Trump didn't help the west's relationship with China because he divided the west on issues that they're usually united on. This opened the door for the CCP to run amok and start saying they're the authority on climate change and COVID and stuff like that. I get that people want a strong voice to tell the CCP to get farked but it's not that simple in international relations. Having more unity with the rest of the world (which is what Biden will bring - e.g. by coming to the table on climate change) will leave them looking isolated/aggressive again. Having the USA looking isolated and belligerent isn't a good thing!


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by ithepact View Post
                        First of all I want to thank and congratulate the administrators of this site for not interfering in the comments. If this was Facebook, Twitter etc. there would be a lot of banned ppl. on here. Apart from the dude who seems to belong to a group who idolised an Ethiopian ruler from days of yore and smoked ganja to help them forget (but Marley rocks) , it seems as though there are more astute people on here who can see beyond the biased media reporting and can understand the reality of what the future holds for the world. ROC181 is the rock star of this topic and has pretty much said it all. If the Republicans lose the Senate then its all over red rover ... expanded supreme court, legal status for 11 million illegal immigrants etvc etc... the left would have dug themselves in for eternity
                        This was the second worst day of the year for me .. you can guess what was the first!
                        Oh please stop it!You & Jack are embarrassing no, keep going!
                        Mind you, I always thought I was a star


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by ism22 View Post

                          Bingo. History summarised... Japan took China (run by Taiwan at the time) during WWII. HK was separate and the UK had already taken it... so it was never run by the CCP. USA gave China back to Taiwan when Japan lost. While the USA were busy helping Japan re-build and achieve its economic miracle, the CCP opportunistically went in, destroyed all evidence of the past, burned temples...etc and seized power by force (rather than by getting elected). They demanded HK and refused to recognise any parts of the country that they hasn't captured by force (e.g. Taiwan).

                          IMO it's the CCP that people hate, not China (or its people) per se. It's just a greedy, authoritarian dictatorship. Taiwan has given up but in international law they still have a valid claim to the entire mainland. Many 'Chinese' people are displaced in places like Malaysia and Singapore as a result of what the CCP's done. One day I hope the people behind it who have lived in luxury/privilege their whole lives will be brought to account.

                          Donald Trump didn't help the west's relationship with China because he divided the west on issues that they're usually united on. This opened the door for the CCP to run amok and start saying they're the authority on climate change and COVID and stuff like that. I get that people want a strong voice to tell the CCP to get farked but it's not that simple in international relations. Having more unity with the rest of the world (which is what Biden will bring - e.g. by coming to the table on climate change) will leave them looking isolated/aggressive again. Having the USA looking isolated and belligerent isn't a good thing!
                          When the biggest economy in the world is suffering from high unemployment, then someone needed to do something other than just have a talkfest with the main source of that unemployment and that was Trumps platform, to bring back jobs to America in 2016, nothing wrong with that. As erratic as he might have been with all negotiations, he was never there to be a politician. He is a businessman FROM NY that talks and acts like a New Yawrker, meanwhile others talked BS, like Obama, who didn't achieve much other than look cool but as far as fixing unemployment he was a failure. And don't forget, Trump had already made a business deal with China before covid hit so there were no tensions between the USA & China in that front. If the allegations of illegal business negotiations with China are correct, because they are coming from a credible source who has a squeaky clean record, then Biden has been bought already and no way will he go against his paymasters. In fact China has had favourable economic status since the 80's which was supported in the senate by Joe Biden. This favourable economic status has made China what it is today and has made western economies like ours look like a crack dependent junkie with no one to turn for help. And do you really think Biden will bring China to the table as far as climate change is concerned? China will do what they want whilst Biden is there, and most likely Harris too cause there is no one strong enough to oppose them.


                          • #73
                            Oh please stop it!You & Jack are embarrassing no, keep going!
                            Mind you, I always thought I was a star.

                            I won't embarrass you. Both you and ism 22 serve up a load of emotional tripe with the sort of airy confidence of that one often sees in religious wingnuts and regular consumers of Sky News. I don't think that you have even even one fact between you. Too hard to find them, best to stick with subjective free (of fact) assertions - the CCP is not evil and to assert that is mere opinion (the opinion of Newscorp, the rich, US Corporations and a big bunch of suckers who seem to think that just "feeling" certain things make them true.


                            • #74
                              [QUOTE=Paddo Colt 61;n858133][QUOTE=ROC181;
                              Oh please stop it!You & Jack are embarrassing no, keep going!
                              Mind you, I always thought I was a star.

                              I won't embarrass you. Both you and ism 22 serve up a load of emotional tripe with the sort of airy confidence of that one often sees in religious wingnuts and regular consumers of Sky News. I don't think that you have even even one fact between you. Too hard to find them, best to stick with subjective free (of fact) assertions - the CCP is not evil and to assert that is mere opinion (the opinion of Newscorp, the rich, US Corporations and a big bunch of suckers who seem to think that just "feeling" certain things make them true.[/QUOTE]

                              So you agree with the uighur muslims being held in concentration camps?


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post

                                So you agree with the uighur muslims being held in concentration camps?
                                He probably thinks that the Tiananmen Square incident was a celebration of the Peoples revolution.

