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How do you reckon the US erection will go?

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  • #76
    Originally posted by ROC181 View Post

    When the biggest economy in the world is suffering from high unemployment, then someone needed to do something other than just have a talkfest with the main source of that unemployment and that was Trumps platform, to bring back jobs to America in 2016, nothing wrong with that. As erratic as he might have been with all negotiations, he was never there to be a politician. He is a businessman FROM NY that talks and acts like a New Yawrker, meanwhile others talked BS, like Obama, who didn't achieve much other than look cool but as far as fixing unemployment he was a failure. And don't forget, Trump had already made a business deal with China before covid hit so there were no tensions between the USA & China in that front. If the allegations of illegal business negotiations with China are correct, because they are coming from a credible source who has a squeaky clean record, then Biden has been bought already and no way will he go against his paymasters. In fact China has had favourable economic status since the 80's which was supported in the senate by Joe Biden. This favourable economic status has made China what it is today and has made western economies like ours look like a crack dependent junkie with no one to turn for help. And do you really think Biden will bring China to the table as far as climate change is concerned? China will do what they want whilst Biden is there, and most likely Harris too cause there is no one strong enough to oppose them.
    Wow you got a real casual relationship with the truth. Obama didn't achieve much?

    ​​​​​Obama had the unique disadvantage of taking office in the midst of the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. More than 4 million jobs were lost in his first year in office, on top of the 4 million lost in George W. Bush’s final year.

    ​​​​​​Bush’s eight years were marked by 2 recessions, including one that began two months after he took office in 2001.....which explains why job creation on his watch was by far the worst of any post-war administration.
    ​​​​​​As a result, Obama inherited an economy in free-fall. The unemployment rate peaked at 10.2% in October 2009 during the recession and 8.7 million jobs were lost from early 2007 and 2010....but it started falling steadily in 2011 and that trend continued for the rest of the Obama presidency. Under Obama's 8 years the economy gained a net 11.6 million jobs. The unemployment rate dropped to below the historical norm. Compare that to what Trump inherited from Obama. You can do your own commentary on the Bureau of Labor statistics on the graph below.

    Yes Trump is a New Yorker. No he doesn't talk like a New Yorker. On the whole New Yorkers don't like him.....and he doesn't like New York because of it. His business record speaks for itself....he has bankrupted everything he has touched.

    To say that China's economic rise coincided with Biden's time in the senate in the 80's that looked favourably on China is the longest bow to draw. You should note that the Republicans controlled the senate during the entire time of Ronald Reagan's 1981 to 1989 presidency

    President Xi, like Putin, haven't congratulated Biden yet. You could be mistaken into believing they are hoping Trump may have the election reversed? After all.....



    • #77
      I think they may need special forces to get Trumpy out of the Whitehouse- lucky we dont have their system but then again if we become a republic how will a president/head of state or what ever it will be called be elected - some are saying 2/3 of parliament vote and others a popular vote - imagine the size of the ballot paper if a popular vote and anyone can nominate- mmm if your first on the ballot paper you might get elected via the old donkey vote


      • #78
        So you agree with the uighur muslims being held in concentration camps?

        The Uyghurs are a Muslim minority, one of China's 11 main ethnic groupings. There are millions of them and the government allows them religious freedom to the point of building mosques and whatnot. Some sections of the Uyghur population support a radical Islamic grouping called the East Turkestan Movement which has been proscribed as a terrorist organisation by UN Security Council resolution. The US is a signatory. Not only is the movement proscribed it is still active with fighters in Syria operating under the Caliphate. They have also attacked the Chinese state and to that end have been trained by the CIA in Pakistan.
        Those found to be associated with the East Turkestan movement are interned in re education camps as they would be here or anywhere else where security of the populace is an issue. All this is easily checked - google East Turkestan.
        There is another story attached to Tiananmen that our MS media suppress in the interests of US propaganda. In the weeks before the final showdown, there were thousands in the Square which quickly became a no go area for the patrolling constabulary and soldiery. Dozens of soldiers were assassinated during this time - some infamously hung from bridges in the area. When the end game eventually came the soldiery understandably went in hard. Again, you can google and find those accounts and there are books of course - what..... books?? Why bother when you got the Tele. Tiannanmen an unforgivable crime? Try 2 atomic bombs on civilian targets - that's gotta take some beating for a high point in racism and atrocity.


        • #79
          Originally posted by Random Rooster View Post

          Wow you got a real casual relationship with the truth. Obama didn't achieve much?

          ​​​​​Obama had the unique disadvantage of taking office in the midst of the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. More than 4 million jobs were lost in his first year in office, on top of the 4 million lost in George W. Bush’s final year.

          ​​​​​​Bush’s eight years were marked by 2 recessions, including one that began two months after he took office in 2001.....which explains why job creation on his watch was by far the worst of any post-war administration.
          ​​​​​​As a result, Obama inherited an economy in free-fall. The unemployment rate peaked at 10.2% in October 2009 during the recession and 8.7 million jobs were lost from early 2007 and 2010....but it started falling steadily in 2011 and that trend continued for the rest of the Obama presidency. Under Obama's 8 years the economy gained a net 11.6 million jobs. The unemployment rate dropped to below the historical norm. Compare that to what Trump inherited from Obama. You can do your own commentary on the Bureau of Labor statistics on the graph below.

          Yes Trump is a New Yorker. No he doesn't talk like a New Yorker. On the whole New Yorkers don't like him.....and he doesn't like New York because of it. His business record speaks for itself....he has bankrupted everything he has touched.

          To say that China's economic rise coincided with Biden's time in the senate in the 80's that looked favourably on China is the longest bow to draw. You should note that the Republicans controlled the senate during the entire time of Ronald Reagan's 1981 to 1989 presidency

          President Xi, like Putin, haven't congratulated Biden yet. You could be mistaken into believing they are hoping Trump may have the election reversed? After all.....

          Nice graphics there RR!
          People from New York don't like him or any other Republican. Same goes for California. They always vote Blue unless theres some Progressive Republican, if that's possible.
          At the end of the day, we learn from sources we can rely from and if you believe your sources are right, then that's good enough, for you!


          • #80
            Just want to change the tone of this a bit.

            I had a decent sized bet on Biden when his price blew out on the first afternoon, and then Sportsbet very generously paid out on it the following morning, once they started counting the postal votes. Sportsbet seriously dropped the ball imo, its like they hadnt listened to anyone that this was the scenario that was always going to happen. I hear Biden even blew out to $4 at one stage, although I was more than happy with the $2.80 after hed been $1.60 for a few weeks.

            Anyway, as they say, Ker-Ching!

            So a double win, the end of the Orange Clown, and I am now seriously holding folding.

            As you were.


            • #81
              [QUOTE=Paddo Colt 61;n858150][QUOTE=ChookMaster;
              So you agree with the uighur muslims being held in concentration camps?

              The Uyghurs are a Muslim minority, one of China's 11 main ethnic groupings. There are millions of them and the government allows them religious freedom to the point of building mosques and whatnot. Some sections of the Uyghur population support a radical Islamic grouping called the East Turkestan Movement which has been proscribed as a terrorist organisation by UN Security Council resolution. The US is a signatory. Not only is the movement proscribed it is still active with fighters in Syria operating under the Caliphate. They have also attacked the Chinese state and to that end have been trained by the CIA in Pakistan.
              Those found to be associated with the East Turkestan movement are interned in re education camps as they would be here or anywhere else where security of the populace is an issue. All this is easily checked - google East Turkestan.
              There is another story attached to Tiananmen that our MS media suppress in the interests of US propaganda. In the weeks before the final showdown, there were thousands in the Square which quickly became a no go area for the patrolling constabulary and soldiery. Dozens of soldiers were assassinated during this time - some infamously hung from bridges in the area. When the end game eventually came the soldiery understandably went in hard. Again, you can google and find those accounts and there are books of course - what..... books?? Why bother when you got the Tele. Tiannanmen an unforgivable crime? Try 2 atomic bombs on civilian targets - that's gotta take some beating for a high point in racism and atrocity.


              Ah yes ETIM didn’t they just become delisted though due to no credible evidence over the last few years?


              • #82
                Originally posted by ROC181 View Post

                Nice graphics there RR!
                People from New York don't like him or any other Republican. Same goes for California. They always vote Blue unless theres some Progressive Republican, if that's possible.
                At the end of the day, we learn from sources we can rely from and if you believe your sources are right, then that's good enough, for you!
                Cheers! Im glad you enjoyed the "graphics"!!! They are from the The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) It is the principal fact-finding agency for the US government in the field of labor economics & statistics and serves as a principal agency of the US federal statistical system. It really does show that Obama wasnt the "failure" in addressing unemployment that you state he was and in fact Trump just got a free ride on his coat tails. However Trump can only play the cards he was dealt when taking presidency and he kept it going at the same rate

                Anything else you disputing? The Ronald Reagan era in the 80's in which you claim Biden was part of the senate that was the beginning of giving China "favourable economic status"?

                However if you have credible sources that state otherwise i'm happy to stand corrected. Im not perfect and sometimes make mistakes


                • #83
                  Originally posted by King Salvo View Post
                  I think they may need special forces to get Trumpy out of the Whitehouse- lucky we dont have their system but then again if we become a republic how will a president/head of state or what ever it will be called be elected - some are saying 2/3 of parliament vote and others a popular vote - imagine the size of the ballot paper if a popular vote and anyone can nominate- mmm if your first on the ballot paper you might get elected via the old donkey vote
                  The model that was proposed was similar to other 'parliamentary republics' where:
                  - The Prime Minister runs the country and is the head of the party that forms government during an election (no change from what we have today).
                  - All statutory references to the Queen or Governor General are replaced with 'the President'. The President is selected just like the GG is selected and they would have an identical role.

                  These was no proposal to make it like the USA. IMO this is the model we'll eventually adopt. Will probably take a while but I mean... we're at a point where Australia's GDP is more than 1/2 the size of the UK's, it's growing at twice the rate and the China, Japan and South Korea are our biggest trade partners.

                  I predict that within the next 50 years we'll be in a world where Indonesia's economy is the world's 4th largest (they'll be importing our stuff like China/Japan/South Korea as a result), our economy will be a comparable size to that of the UK (possibly bigger as we have far more growth potential), 'white' people from English backgrounds won't make up ~80-90% of our population and the question will be asked again... why do we have to operate like this? It's kinda outdated and they don't so anything...

                  We're not quite there and a lot of stuff needs to happen but IMO we'll eventually reach that stage.


                  • #84
                    Ah yes ETIM didn't they just become delisted though due to no credible evidence over the last few years?

                    That Tea Party arch China baiter Mike Pompeo removed the East Turkestan movement from the AMERICAN proscribed list of terrorist groups but the UN has not. Two things to say here, the US is a supportive member of the UN only when it suits them - Iraq being a major case in point (and one in which our own arch toady, little Winston Howard was complicit but got no flack at all when the whole enterprise was exposed as a fit up. Second, having had the Uygher anomaly pointed out as detracting from anti Chinese propaganda, of course the American Right would want to "correct" the record. The same Pompeo who was down here sooling us onto the warpath. with China and,later, taking the markets that we had lost because of our own gullibility. How they must've laughed at us?

                    The media is not a voice from on high. Had some of you continued to the HSC you might recall being asked to appreciate and discern abuses of language in the old Using Better English. The chapter urged students to resist taking things that they read at face value (which is a principle as old as the Greeks). It then went on to advise that a reader should examine the source of the writing, both writer and publisher. What axes are commonly ground? What general world view might a publication promote and what type of language is used? Is it emotional language or objective fact based writing? Might it be expected to give opposing views an objective coverage?

                    In Oz the popular MSM affect a "we're all pretty much the same" presentation - the hacks and lackeys play along adopting the patois of the working class calling each other "mate", "Hendo" etc on camera. All this leads to ordinary mugs opining in surveys, overwhelmingly, that we are all more or less equal. Behind all that is a steady dose of US right wing propaganda courtesy of Murdoch but the rest of the MSM is owned by the rich and is no better.


                    • #85
                      [QUOTE=Paddo Colt 61;n858133][QUOTE=ROC181;
                      Oh please stop it!You & Jack are embarrassing no, keep going!
                      Mind you, I always thought I was a star.

                      I won't embarrass you. Both you and ism 22 serve up a load of emotional tripe with the sort of airy confidence of that one often sees in religious wingnuts and regular consumers of Sky News. I don't think that you have even even one fact between you. Too hard to find them, best to stick with subjective free (of fact) assertions - the CCP is not evil and to assert that is mere opinion (the opinion of Newscorp, the rich, US Corporations and a big bunch of suckers who seem to think that just "feeling" certain things make them true.[/QUOTE]

                      Oh stop it Who Flung Dung
                      Its become blatantly obvious you are just a Chinese loving dribbler


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post

                        Oh stop it Who Flung Dung
                        Its become blatantly obvious you are just a Chinese loving dribbler
                        Hmm...could be onto something there.

                        Possibly imported from Wuhan like the big C? The paragraphs after paragraph on the same basic themes are kinda like a virus really. The more he talks, the less we listen. We heard ya the first time 'mate'.
                        #We Stand with ourJewish community#


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by Rooster1908 View Post

                          Who Flung Dung
                          I got recommended this by a landscaper. I was sceptical because its so much more expensive than other fertilisers/mulch but let me tell you its worth every cent! My citrus and vege garden is blooming!!!

                          100% Australian product too!!!



                          • #88
                            Originally posted by Random Rooster View Post

                            I got recommended this by a landscaper. I was sceptical because its so much more expensive than other fertilisers/mulch but let me tell you its worth every cent! My citrus and vege garden is blooming!!!

                            100% Australian product too!!!

                            Please delete the link I work at home hardware and we are a $1 a bale cheaper lol
                            And yes its great stuff


                            • #89
                              [QUOTE=Jacks Fur Coat;n858164]
                              Originally posted by Rooster1908 View Post

                              Hmm...could be onto something there.

                              Possibly imported from Wuhan like the big C? The paragraphs after paragraph on the same basic themes are kinda like a virus really. The more he talks, the less we listen. We heard ya the first time 'mate'.
                              IF hes contagious we are all doomed


                              • #90
                                How is this still the first thread in the football section of the forum?

