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How do you reckon the US erection will go?

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  • #91
    [QUOTE=Paddo Colt 61;n858160][QUOTE=ChookMaster;
    Ah yes ETIM didn't they just become delisted though due to no credible evidence over the last few years?

    That Tea Party arch China baiter Mike Pompeo removed the East Turkestan movement from the AMERICAN proscribed list of terrorist groups but the UN has not. Two things to say here, the US is a supportive member of the UN only when it suits them - Iraq being a major case in point (and one in which our own arch toady, little Winston Howard was complicit but got no flack at all when the whole enterprise was exposed as a fit up. Second, having had the Uygher anomaly pointed out as detracting from anti Chinese propaganda, of course the American Right would want to "correct" the record. The same Pompeo who was down here sooling us onto the warpath. with China and,later, taking the markets that we had lost because of our own gullibility. How they must've laughed at us?

    The media is not a voice from on high. Had some of you continued to the HSC you might recall being asked to appreciate and discern abuses of language in the old Using Better English. The chapter urged students to resist taking things that they read at face value (which is a principle as old as the Greeks). It then went on to advise that a reader should examine the source of the writing, both writer and publisher. What axes are commonly ground? What general world view might a publication promote and what type of language is used? Is it emotional language or objective fact based writing? Might it be expected to give opposing views an objective coverage?

    In Oz the popular MSM affect a "we're all pretty much the same" presentation - the hacks and lackeys play along adopting the patois of the working class calling each other "mate", "Hendo" etc on camera. All this leads to ordinary mugs opining in surveys, overwhelmingly, that we are all more or less equal. Behind all that is a steady dose of US right wing propaganda courtesy of Murdoch but the rest of the MSM is owned by the rich and is no better.


    Paddo you really need to move onto a new topic it's really getting a bit boring now.


    • #92
      Originally posted by mightyrooster View Post
      How is this still the first thread in the football section of the forum?

      Well there isn't much Roosters talk that is interesting but if this was during the season we would be talking about getting rid of this, getting rid of that and origin can be a hit & miss thing...At least our players are safe from slanderous criticism, but I agree that that paddo is some OCD Murdoch fan. He needs therapy!


      • #93
        Originally posted by ism22 View Post

        The model that was proposed was similar to other 'parliamentary republics' where:
        - The Prime Minister runs the country and is the head of the party that forms government during an election (no change from what we have today).
        - All statutory references to the Queen or Governor General are replaced with 'the President'. The President is selected just like the GG is selected and they would have an identical role.

        These was no proposal to make it like the USA. IMO this is the model we'll eventually adopt. Will probably take a while but I mean... we're at a point where Australia's GDP is more than 1/2 the size of the UK's, it's growing at twice the rate and the China, Japan and South Korea are our biggest trade partners.

        I predict that within the next 50 years we'll be in a world where Indonesia's economy is the world's 4th largest (they'll be importing our stuff like China/Japan/South Korea as a result), our economy will be a comparable size to that of the UK (possibly bigger as we have far more growth potential), 'white' people from English backgrounds won't make up ~80-90% of our population and the question will be asked again... why do we have to operate like this? It's kinda outdated and they don't so anything...

        We're not quite there and a lot of stuff needs to happen but IMO we'll eventually reach that stage.
        Red Cuban Bandana was banging on how anyone can be head of state/president so if that's the case it has to be a popular vote as otherwise the party in power will pick one of their mates to be this if it's 2/3 of the parliament voting only-may as well keep what we have as how much will it cost the change things - in the hardworking underpaid PS we are Crown Employees for an example


        • #94
          Originally posted by King Salvo View Post

          Red Cuban Bandana was banging on how anyone can be head of state/president so if that's the case it has to be a popular vote as otherwise the party in power will pick one of their mates to be this if it's 2/3 of the parliament voting only-may as well keep what we have as how much will it cost the change things - in the hardworking underpaid PS we are Crown Employees for an example
          atm the party in power picks one of its mates to be the governor general. i'm happy to stick with that but we should cut the constitutional ties with the uk. we're aussies.


          • #95
            The lovely Daisy Cousens just made a "case" for it aint over till the fat lady sings.

            Its only been called by the media to date, led by CNN and followed by other Trump hating media in tow across the globe. They have no legislative power.

            Pennsylvania and Wisconsin are being challenged on the basis that Republican scrutineers were forcibly removed from observer status of vote counting, just before the Blue wave surged...hmmm.

            Also a legal point in Penny that votes received after election date should not be counted...yet were..mostly Dem..hmmm.

            Georgia still being counted.

            These rulings could change the result...TBA.

            More awful media irresponsibility.
            #We Stand with ourJewish community#


            • #96
              Originally posted by ROC181 View Post
              China will do what they want whilst Biden is there, and most likely Harris too cause there is no one strong enough to oppose them.
              I disagree...
              1. There's no 'business deal' with China. Rather, there's a heap of rushed, knee-jerk tariffs... which are bad for confidence/competition if you know anything about business. Rolling some back is not a 'deal'.
              2. Geopolitics isn't about being 'strong enough to oppose' countries. It's about making strong allies and leveraging those relationships to influence others.
              3. The CCP is adept at snaking its way in and claiming it's the good guy' when Trump starts making rash decisions. If they're the only ones making rash decisions then they isolate themselves. During COVID they've very much tried to paint themselves as the heroes of the developing world by sending their doctors overseas, giving out free supplies and saying 'Trump's unreliable... here... you can trust us'. That's EXACTLY what you don't want.

              I get the appeal of Trump being somebody who's gonna stand up and call out bullies. However he does that to literally everybody (e.g. slapping import bans on Australia, Europe, South America...etc for absolutely no reason other than 'I want more jobs for Americans [in unviable industries that have already been offshored]'). Problem is... investors get cold feet when they know the market's unstable and it's unpredictable whether the government's gonna jump in and implement spontaneous, protectionist, anticompetitive policies that can trash their investment model. Think about it - why do you invest in developed democracies rather than communist dictatorships? Stability!
              Last edited by ism22; 11-09-2020, 08:31 PM.


              • #97
                Originally posted by Jacks Fur Coat View Post
                The lovely Daisy Cousens just made a "case" for it aint over till the fat lady sings.

                Its only been called by the media to date, led by CNN and followed by other Trump hating media in tow across the globe. They have no legislative power.

                Pennsylvania and Wisconsin are being challenged on the basis that Republican scrutineers were forcibly removed from observer status of vote counting, just before the Blue wave surged...hmmm.

                Also a legal point in Penny that votes received after election date should not be counted...yet were..mostly Dem..hmmm.

                Georgia still being counted.

                These rulings could change the result...TBA.

                More awful media irresponsibility.
                you're dreamin


                • #98
                  Originally posted by zac View Post

                  atm the party in power picks one of its mates to be the governor general. i'm happy to stick with that but we should cut the constitutional ties with the uk. we're aussies.
                  Without Britain there would not Australia though - if the French got here first to set up a colony it would be totally different- if that happened Australia or whatever the French would have called it would have become part of the Third Reich after the fall of France in WW2.


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by Jacks Fur Coat View Post
                    The lovely Daisy Cousens just made a "case" for it aint over till the fat lady sings.

                    Its only been called by the media to date, led by CNN and followed by other Trump hating media in tow across the globe. They have no legislative power.

                    Pennsylvania and Wisconsin are being challenged on the basis that Republican scrutineers were forcibly removed from observer status of vote counting, just before the Blue wave surged...hmmm.

                    Also a legal point in Penny that votes received after election date should not be counted...yet were..mostly Dem..hmmm.

                    Georgia still being counted.

                    These rulings could change the result...TBA.

                    More awful media irresponsibility.
                    2 minutes after CNN called it Fox News called it. Within 15 minutes both the New York Post & The Wall St Journal called it. When Rupert Murdoch says you are toast then you are toast.

                    Fox even called Arizona to Biden before anyone else- in fact CNN are still reporting today that it could swing either way while Fox still have it to Biden. Trump called Murdoch and demanded Fox reverse the decision to call Arizona. Got told no.

                    Trump tried to engage the top Republican Electoral lawyers to engage the courts.They declined saying the wont take on a case with no proof. He had a meltdown. What came next? Rudy Guiliani' press conference in some run down back alley car park of a landscaping company. Dismal

                    Now the dumb Trump sons are urging Donnie to take it to the streets and have rallies saying they got cheated.

                    Trump can still mathematically win Arizona. Georgia will go to an automatic recount- he may even win that. However he is done.100%.

                    The majority of the worlds leaders have congratulated Biden/Harris.....Scott Morrison was one of the first to

                    Ironically Xi and Putin haven't sent any congratulations. In fact Russian state television is reporting that the election may have been rigged against Trump. Figure that one out


                    • A lot of words there and referenced media backslapping...but the point don't decide election outcomes, as much as they would like to appear so.
                      #We Stand with ourJewish community#


                      • [QUOTE=King Salvo;

                        Red Cuban Bandana was banging on how anyone can be head of state/president so if that's the case it has to be a popular vote as otherwise the party in power will pick one of their mates to be this if it's 2/3 of the parliament voting only-may as well keep what we have as how much will it cost the change things - in the hardworking underpaid PS we are Crown Employees for an example.

                        Hey King, Do you know that our Constitution is pretty much a commercial document that was written, finally, in England. I'm all for the big overhaul but it won't happen the power elite put the frighteners on whenever there is a trend to changes. Referenda have an extremely low success rate and laudably, the failure of the ban on the Communist Party was part of that record.

                        The Conservatives derailed the Republican discussion by splitting public opinion. Because we are so saturated by things American the dopes among us are always gonna want to vote for the President while otherwise having no idea whatsoever about our Constitution and how that might be done.

                        As our government is. it is impossible to have an elected Head of State without a significant rewrite. Politicising the position by voting is a recipe for disaster for the reasons you mention. The simplest solution is to retain the GG with a new name and clearly defined minimal powers and then it matters not whether he/she is a mate. The position is and should be ceremonial.


                        • Originally posted by King Salvo View Post

                          Without Britain there would not Australia though - if the French got here first to set up a colony it would be totally different- if that happened Australia or whatever the French would have called it would have become part of the Third Reich after the fall of France in WW2.
                          your point?


                          • And....10,000 dead people voted!!

                            Thats more than the numbers included in South's membership (minus pets).
                            #We Stand with ourJewish community#


                            • Originally posted by Jacks Fur Coat View Post
                              A lot of words there and referenced media backslapping...but the point don't decide election outcomes, as much as they would like to appear so.
                              I agree. In a democracy the people do....& they have spoken. If the Republicans have proof of mass fraud then they should come forward with it. In the interim they have a Fraud Hotline asking for people to call with what they have seen..... which has become a competition for teenagers to post the funniest pranking call on TikTok


                              • I have enjoyed reading this - quite entertaining, thank you!
                                MRR or Rabid

                                Some people believe supporting the Roosters
                                is a matter of life and death, I am very disappointed
                                with that attitude. I can assure you it is
                                much, much more important than that.

                                (1981 Bill Shankly quote variation)

