[QUOTE=Paddo Colt 61;n858160][QUOTE=ChookMaster;
Ah yes ETIM didn't they just become delisted though due to no credible evidence over the last few years?
That Tea Party arch China baiter Mike Pompeo removed the East Turkestan movement from the AMERICAN proscribed list of terrorist groups but the UN has not. Two things to say here, the US is a supportive member of the UN only when it suits them - Iraq being a major case in point (and one in which our own arch toady, little Winston Howard was complicit but got no flack at all when the whole enterprise was exposed as a fit up. Second, having had the Uygher anomaly pointed out as detracting from anti Chinese propaganda, of course the American Right would want to "correct" the record. The same Pompeo who was down here sooling us onto the warpath. with China and,later, taking the markets that we had lost because of our own gullibility. How they must've laughed at us?
The media is not a voice from on high. Had some of you continued to the HSC you might recall being asked to appreciate and discern abuses of language in the old Using Better English. The chapter urged students to resist taking things that they read at face value (which is a principle as old as the Greeks). It then went on to advise that a reader should examine the source of the writing, both writer and publisher. What axes are commonly ground? What general world view might a publication promote and what type of language is used? Is it emotional language or objective fact based writing? Might it be expected to give opposing views an objective coverage?
In Oz the popular MSM affect a "we're all pretty much the same" presentation - the hacks and lackeys play along adopting the patois of the working class calling each other "mate", "Hendo" etc on camera. All this leads to ordinary mugs opining in surveys, overwhelmingly, that we are all more or less equal. Behind all that is a steady dose of US right wing propaganda courtesy of Murdoch but the rest of the MSM is owned by the rich and is no better.
Paddo you really need to move onto a new topic it's really getting a bit boring now.
Ah yes ETIM didn't they just become delisted though due to no credible evidence over the last few years?
That Tea Party arch China baiter Mike Pompeo removed the East Turkestan movement from the AMERICAN proscribed list of terrorist groups but the UN has not. Two things to say here, the US is a supportive member of the UN only when it suits them - Iraq being a major case in point (and one in which our own arch toady, little Winston Howard was complicit but got no flack at all when the whole enterprise was exposed as a fit up. Second, having had the Uygher anomaly pointed out as detracting from anti Chinese propaganda, of course the American Right would want to "correct" the record. The same Pompeo who was down here sooling us onto the warpath. with China and,later, taking the markets that we had lost because of our own gullibility. How they must've laughed at us?
The media is not a voice from on high. Had some of you continued to the HSC you might recall being asked to appreciate and discern abuses of language in the old Using Better English. The chapter urged students to resist taking things that they read at face value (which is a principle as old as the Greeks). It then went on to advise that a reader should examine the source of the writing, both writer and publisher. What axes are commonly ground? What general world view might a publication promote and what type of language is used? Is it emotional language or objective fact based writing? Might it be expected to give opposing views an objective coverage?
In Oz the popular MSM affect a "we're all pretty much the same" presentation - the hacks and lackeys play along adopting the patois of the working class calling each other "mate", "Hendo" etc on camera. All this leads to ordinary mugs opining in surveys, overwhelmingly, that we are all more or less equal. Behind all that is a steady dose of US right wing propaganda courtesy of Murdoch but the rest of the MSM is owned by the rich and is no better.
Paddo you really need to move onto a new topic it's really getting a bit boring now.