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Coward in Chief

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  • #16
    [QUOTE=Jacks Fur Coat;
    I would expect, with Bidens cognitive decline, that she will be top dog sooner rather than later. Even without the title, she probably pulls the strings........
    I sometimes wish we had more of a Trump style leader here, with courage and conviction. With a little bit of tinkering...

    Absolute tosh Jax as all of that Sky stuff is. Harris an extreme leftist? Gimme a break. She's the daughter of aspirational Indian parents who has made it onto the California judiciary FFS. She's a conservative compromise candidate on the ticket to replace Bernie Saunders the only credible force for change in that basket case of a nation. Your problem is her brownness.
    "Courage and conviction"? He was/is a fascist martinet who, with Murdoch's help (He's been unusually quiet since the riot) fuelled the anger of the poor and the working class against contrived enemies - "elites" and people of colour - promising to make their lives better When he gave them nothing (but did give huge tax cuts to the already rich) they were still happy enough with his anger toward those perceived as "enemies". All of that is straight out of the time honoured fascist playbook.
    China, too, was part of the same thing - create enemies at home and abroad and best if you can play the racist card at the same time - "Wuhan virus".
    Ironically, Harvard University studies find that the CCP is one of the most popular governments on the planet. It's people proud of what it has achieved an happy to follow its path to prosperity.


    • #17
      Originally posted by redwhiteblue View Post

      You know it takes a lot to push me to use phrases like FFS but when it comes to young people being attacked in particular, I can't and won't hold back.
      Yes I noticed that . People with Aspergers are unique, beautiful people. But I suppose I’ll be accused of being politically correct as usual. So be it.


      • #18
        As most know I have a daughter that works with disabled adults with many different types of so called disabilities and let me tell you we are the ones who think they are disable .The ones we have a lot to do with are remarkable your and middle aged adults with fantastic personalities and all do some sort or work in the community to make a difference. We could all learn from them in my opinion. My daughter quite often drops by with two or three of them and they feed my Koi , play with my dog and are treated excactly the same as all that visit .With the respect they deserve and give .Not a massive fan of Greta but major credit for her courage and commitment to the world she lives in


        • #19
          Originally posted by Rooster1908 View Post
          As most know I have a daughter that works with disabled adults with many different types of so called disabilities and let me tell you we are the ones who think they are disable .The ones we have a lot to do with are remarkable your and middle aged adults with fantastic personalities and all do some sort or work in the community to make a difference. We could all learn from them in my opinion. My daughter quite often drops by with two or three of them and they feed my Koi , play with my dog and are treated excactly the same as all that visit .With the respect they deserve and give .Not a massive fan of Greta but major credit for her courage and commitment to the world she lives in
          Yes well said. I think people with disabilities are naturally compassionate and accepting of others of all walks of life due to their own circumstances. They are often on the receiving end of stares and prejudice and people who don’t understand their differences or they find it easier to relate and show empathy to others in similar situations. With regard to Greta she’s entitled to an opinion. You don’t have to agree with it but there’s no need to be rude about it. And as you say she shows enormous courage given her Aspergers diagnosis and her youth to put herself out there.


          • #20
            I’m going to miss President Donald J Trump A lot of people are saying he did some tremendous things. Whilst I don’t condone violence Thursday mornings live viewing of the riots was spectacular tv Thousands of Trump supporters swarming Capitol Hill like Zulu’s swarming Isandawana. What a time to be alive
            When you trust your television
            what you get is what you got
            Cause when they own the information
            they can bend it all they want

            John Mayer


            • #21
              Originally posted by Jacks Fur Coat View Post

              It's the extreme leftist in her that spooks me mate, to be honest.

              Biden is more to the centre at least, and even Trump comparatively. I think its dangerous to have people in/or close to power at the extreme end of either wing.

              I would expect, with Bidens cognitive decline, that she will be top dog sooner rather than later. Even without the title, she probably pulls the strings.

              Not sure its right to label Trump the worst in history though. He was somewhat crazy and very un diplomatic but that also allowed him to achieve things his predecessors could only dream of. He had courage and actually "led", didn't just play to the crowd. Arguably the most successful foreign policy of any recent President. Despite the media and big tech pile against, desperate to portray him as some sort of white supremacist, he improved economic conditions for African Americans. He increased his vote amongst black, Latino and Asian support this time around. Chiefly though, he stood up to China and did the world a favour.

              I sometimes wish we had more of a Trump style leader here, with courage and conviction. With a little bit of tinkering...
              Theres no way that Kamala Harris is an extreme leftist. Bernie Sanders and co are extreme leftists. She doesn't even support universal health cover in its entirety. Harris is pragmatic moderate.

              Biden is the sharpest 78 year old i've ever seen. Yes he stutters every now and then and he has never been totally fluent in speech. He will and should use Harris in all decisions- thats what a vice president should be used for. Pence was more of a vice poodle than a vice president, look where that has left him and his country.

              Trump will be remembered as the worst American President in history. He was mentally ill when taking office and its only got worse. He never led- he mislead...right to the end. His foreign policy has left Iran and North Korea with the greatest amount of uranium and nuclear capability than ever in their history. Where do we start with his non handling of Covid?

              The African Americans were instrumental in him losing the election. The run off in Georgia just reinforced where he stood with the minorities. The votes came in from the heavily populated African American communities, like Atlanta , and they ran 70-30% against him. If he improved conditions for the African American community then someone forgot to tell the majority of them.

              He never stood up to China. He put on tariffs that Americans paid-not China. He certainly didn't do Australia any favours dragging us into his China dummy spit. The reaction of the European leaders this week towards Trump said it all. Even Boris Johnson was scathing in his words. Trump of course did get some public support from Putin who loves seeing a democracy ruined from within.

              It came as no surprise that he urged the crowd to "join him" in marching to Capitol Hill...and when they did he and his dim witted sons and cronies all got in a car and got the hell out. After all "Cadet Bone Spurs" dodged the Vietnam draft numerous times. Thats not a man with courage and conviction. Its a man who is weak, feeble, scared and a liar. Even the despicable Hitler served Germany in active combat in WW1-and volunteered at that

              Trump lost the House in 2018, he has now lost the Senate and The White House- all in 1 term. He may even have the "honour" of being the first President impeached twice in US history. In true coward style he will blame others for his demise because only a real man can own up and face his failings.

              What is his legacy? It's not even close- he will be remembered as the worst American president in history.

              Its ok that you may not agree with anything i have wrote- we agree to disagree. I do worry about those who may think that we need a Trump style leader here. No way. Australia is the greatest country on the planet. Leave it that way!


              • #22
                Originally posted by Random Rooster View Post

                Theres no way that Kamala Harris is an extreme leftist. Bernie Sanders and co are extreme leftists. She doesn't even support universal health cover in its entirety. Harris is pragmatic moderate.

                Biden is the sharpest 78 year old i've ever seen. Yes he stutters every now and then and he has never been totally fluent in speech. He will and should use Harris in all decisions- thats what a vice president should be used for. Pence was more of a vice poodle than a vice president, look where that has left him and his country.

                Trump will be remembered as the worst American President in history. He was mentally ill when taking office and its only got worse. He never led- he mislead...right to the end. His foreign policy has left Iran and North Korea with the greatest amount of uranium and nuclear capability than ever in their history. Where do we start with his non handling of Covid?

                The African Americans were instrumental in him losing the election. The run off in Georgia just reinforced where he stood with the minorities. The votes came in from the heavily populated African American communities, like Atlanta , and they ran 70-30% against him. If he improved conditions for the African American community then someone forgot to tell the majority of them.

                He never stood up to China. He put on tariffs that Americans paid-not China. He certainly didn't do Australia any favours dragging us into his China dummy spit. The reaction of the European leaders this week towards Trump said it all. Even Boris Johnson was scathing in his words. Trump of course did get some public support from Putin who loves seeing a democracy ruined from within.

                It came as no surprise that he urged the crowd to "join him" in marching to Capitol Hill...and when they did he and his dim witted sons and cronies all got in a car and got the hell out. After all "Cadet Bone Spurs" dodged the Vietnam draft numerous times. Thats not a man with courage and conviction. Its a man who is weak, feeble, scared and a liar. Even the despicable Hitler served Germany in active combat in WW1-and volunteered at that

                Trump lost the House in 2018, he has now lost the Senate and The White House- all in 1 term. He may even have the "honour" of being the first President impeached twice in US history. In true coward style he will blame others for his demise because only a real man can own up and face his failings.

                What is his legacy? It's not even close- he will be remembered as the worst American president in history.

                Its ok that you may not agree with anything i have wrote- we agree to disagree. I do worry about those who may think that we need a Trump style leader here. No way. Australia is the greatest country on the planet. Leave it that way!
                Well yes, while I can't agree with your sentiments, I do at least agree with your second last sentence!

                I'm more concerned with the pile on here with accusations of sexism and racism just because people don't like you or your opinion. Its a common tactic of the left though to kill a debate.

                That cancel culture and identity politics scares me more than anything to be honest. Its the ultimate irony in non acceptance of 'diverthity'.

                At least you played the ball and not the man, and that I respect.
                #We Stand with ourJewish community#


                • #23
                  Arnold Schwarzenegger nails it....



                  • #24
                    Originally posted by mightyrooster View Post

                    Yes well said. I think people with disabilities are naturally compassionate and accepting of others of all walks of life due to their own circumstances. They are often on the receiving end of stares and prejudice and people who don’t understand their differences or they find it easier to relate and show empathy to others in similar situations. With regard to Greta she’s entitled to an opinion. You don’t have to agree with it but there’s no need to be rude about it. And as you say she shows enormous courage given her Aspergers diagnosis and her youth to put herself out there.
                    After I posted that MR, I watched season 3 episode 17 of Parenthood and one of the young characters with Aspergers had made friends with a young classmate in a wheelchair because neither of them were picked for basketball. The sheer joy on the faces of both sets of parents when they discovered their sons had made friends didn't make me cry at all.....yeah yeah its only TV....

                    The big bank I work for has a different career development and recruitment process specifically for employees with autism as a lot of the candidates are brilliant with numbers, coding etc and don't need to be grilled in a traditional style interview in order to gain employment with us. Makes me very proud.

                    By the way, Greta is not 'a little Eskimo girl' - she is from Sweden..if people are going to rubbish her on here at least get her ethnicity correct....
                    Last edited by redwhiteblue; 01-11-2021, 04:40 PM.
                    "Those who care about you can hear you, even when you are quiet" - Steve Maraboli


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Random Rooster View Post

                      Yes Harris on the Stephen Colbert show did support the BLM movement ....however, there was no mention of riots or violent protests in the interview. Harris has previously condemned violent protests. In fact her reputation as an attorney general attracted criticism because some thought she was too tough on criminals.

                      I don't think Biden is going anywhere for 4 years but do you honestly think that if she became President that she would be as bad as Trump? If that was true then she would take the mantle off him as the worst US President in history. What is it about her political beliefs & policies you think are so destructive?

                      Trump never called for violence. Kamal toe never condemned the BLM rioters. Nor did dementia Joe or Nasty Nancy Pelosi. Instead they all took a knee. The democrats were the ones calling to defund the police, while they themselves have armed security.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Random Rooster View Post

                        Biden is the sharpest 78 year old i've ever seen.
                        Are you serious?

                        Number 8 is absolutely hilarious, and terribly sad.

                        Last edited by Big Dog; 01-11-2021, 05:53 PM.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Jacks Fur Coat View Post

                          Well yes, while I can't agree with your sentiments, I do at least agree with your second last sentence!

                          I'm more concerned with the pile on here with accusations of sexism and racism just because people don't like you or your opinion. Its a common tactic of the left though to kill a debate.

                          That cancel culture and identity politics scares me more than anything to be honest. Its the ultimate irony in non acceptance of 'diverthity'.

                          At least you played the ball and not the man, and that I respect.
                          This is what the nazis did in their rise in Germany, and a tactic also of communists to defeat any opposition. Then comes the concentration, or 're-education', camps.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Big Dog View Post

                            This is what the nazis did in their rise in Germany, and a tactic also of communists to defeat any opposition. Then comes the concentration, or 're-education', camps.
                            Yo dawg!

                            Be careful mate, common sense is not popular round here.

                            And our resident Souths imposter is convinced China is a much better run country and fairer society than home sweet home. He won't move there strangely though.
                            #We Stand with ourJewish community#


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Jacks Fur Coat View Post

                              Yo dawg!

                              Be careful mate, common sense is not popular round here.

                              And our resident Souths imposter is convinced China is a much better run country and fairer society than home sweet home. He won't move there strangely though.
                              Sadly, a lot of people (SJWs) are not well read (maybe it's because they like to burn books instead of reading them). I'm guessing he/she/it/whatever pronoun they prefer has never heard of the Uighurs in China.



                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Big Dog View Post

                                This is what the nazis did in their rise in Germany, and a tactic also of communists to defeat any opposition. Then comes the concentration, or 're-education', camps.
                                Remembering of course that the nazis were on the extreme right of course not the extreme left. But yes you’re correct both sides of politics play the attack the person not attack the policy game. It’s sad that neither side ever acknowledges their culpability in doing that when trying to win an argument - yet each side is quick to accuse the other! I think Sir Humphrey got it right - let the bureaucrats run the country!

