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Kevin Rudd Resigns as Australian Foreign Minister

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  • Kevin Rudd Resigns as Australian Foreign Minister

    This will be interesting..........
    PREMIERS: 1911 1912 1913 1923 1935 1936 1937 1940 1945 1974 1975 2002 2012

  • #2
    The ALP is a rabble.


    • #3
      Well it will sort it out one way or another.



      • #4
        It's a fascinating situation. I think Gillard is a lame duck and can't win but I think Rudd can. I just can't see the people who rolled Rudd changing their minds and going back to him. The best result for the ALP would be if Gillard resigned which would make the transition to Rudd easier for them. Other than that they could put someone else in but I don't think there are many viable candidates.


        • #5
          I can't see Rudd challenging anytime soon. A likely early election would be the end of him. I reckon he will sit back and watch Labor implode at the next election, and then move in and clean out all those who backstabbed him.


          • #6
            I'm calling a doomsday option. Ms. Gillard will go to an election.

            And unfortunately, the winner will be the Libs.

            Memo to Malcolm Turnbull, knife Abbott now while you've got the chance. He will be leader for 30 years going on these morons.

            Unless Kruddler comes out and says he will repeal the carbon tax and the medicare levy which were not in his platform. Then he'd win, in a cantor....Canter.


            • #7
              Originally posted by John View Post
              I'm calling a doomsday option. Ms. Gillard will go to an election.

              And unfortunately, the winner will be the Libs.

              Memo to Malcolm Turnbull, knife Abbott now while you've got the chance. He will be leader for 30 years going on these morons.

              Unless Kruddler comes out and says he will repeal the carbon tax and the medicare levy which were not in his platform. Then he'd win, in a cantor....Canter.
              I just can't see Gillard surviving to the next election, she is gone one way or the other. The problem is while Rudd is the master of public relations and spin his colleagues farkin hate him. The thing is Rudd's ego will never let him walk away if he isn't leader he will tear them down like he almost did in 2010.

              I just don't know how they can get out of this one. Also who saw Latham on Sky tonight? What a bitter man but what great entertainment.


              • #8
                The story is already written folks. You are all in for a really interresting ride on this one!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by fitzy View Post
                  I just can't see Gillard surviving to the next election, she is gone one way or the other. The problem is while Rudd is the master of public relations and spin his colleagues farkin hate him. The thing is Rudd's ego will never let him walk away if he isn't leader he will tear them down like he almost did in 2010.

                  I just don't know how they can get out of this one. Also who saw Latham on Sky tonight? What a bitter man but what great entertainment.
                  The thing is, KRudd really doesn't care if he doesn't win. He just want to rat**** the red bitch.


                  • #10
                    Likely senario:

                    Julia will call a leadership spill soon to put an end to all this. It seemed this was going to happen anyway, regardless of what happened tonight. It will put it on her terms and get it out of the way as far from the next election as possible. It would very quickly put an end to who has who's support. Promises galore for backbenches over the weekend.

                    Rudd will lose in a landslide. The voters want the Milky Bar Kid, backbenchers want the bogan.
                    The "world's best treasurer" keeps backing the bogan witch.

                    Rudd will remain on the backbench, hoping that one day, his party will like him again and he hopes he can convince them he's changed from the person who never listened to anyone. But will work over the media with the 'under-dog' Aussie Battler tag. When they lose the next election, the saviour will be the Milky Bar Kid!

                    Strategically, it would be the best thing for labour. Strategically.......

                    But the most interesting scenario would be if Rudd left parliament and a by-election is called. One less seat. Or become an Independant lol.

                    The whole shambles should be brought to a halt by the GG right now, as this is preventing any serious government running Australia. But being Shorten's mother-in-law, she will do nothing.

                    Rudd is like the gift that keeps giving!

                    That sour faced red haired commie dimwitted bogan bitch is gone!
                    Did I miss any adjectives? Her days are numbered, whether next week or at the next election.

                    LOL The lodge will have to be professionally steam cleaned , a priest will have to be called in to perform an Exorcisim before the Hon Mr Abbott takes up residence by Xmas. What a scary senario. Time for Turnball to knife Abbot.... NOW!

                    Fair dinkum - from what I see, most posters here on the Chookpen would do better at running Aus. than the clowns that are there now!


                    • #11
                      Christopher, the reason why Quentin doesn't step in is the same reason Rudd has set up the job at the U.N., the aboriginal girl that was raped back in 1988 in that Queensland home and the ensuing cover up by Rudd and Goss.

                      Read all of this links's stuff.

                      The government falls, it's not only Craig Thompson that will be facing the shitstorm.


                      • #12
                        The real question is who will stop that pyshotic bible basher (closet homo ) abott from reinstating church dogam (catholic) into secular politics.
                        I hate current labour.
                        I would gladly terminate abott.
                        Please Mr Turnbull. Step in now before it is to late.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by John View Post
                          Christopher, the reason why Quentin doesn't step in is the same reason Rudd has set up the job at the U.N., the aboriginal girl that was raped back in 1988 in that Queensland home and the ensuing cover up by Rudd and Goss.

                          Read all of this links's stuff.

                          The government falls, it's not only Craig Thompson that will be facing the shitstorm.
                          LOL. Piers Hackaman has been chewing on that little nugget of bullshit for years. FMD, even Andrew Dolt won't touch that "Rudd covered up the rape of an Aboriginal girl" crap because it's crap.

                          Stick to facts man.



                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Chook View Post
                            LOL. Piers Hackaman has been chewing on that little nugget of bullshit for years. FMD, even Andrew Dolt won't touch that "Rudd covered up the rape of an Aboriginal girl" crap because it's crap.

                            Stick to facts man.

                            I happen to know people involved. It's 1005 legit.

                            I wouldn't post it if it wasn't.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by John View Post
                              I happen to know people involved. It's 1005 legit.

                              I wouldn't post it if it wasn't.
                              I'm not questioning who you know, I'm questioning what they're telling you.

                              If there was even a shred of truth to this Rudd would never have made PM. The LIibEeral party would have exposed this as soon as Rudd became opposition leader.


