The american date format is super confusing but there doesn't seem to be anywhere in the settings that changes this to the correct DDMMYYYY
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Is there a way to get the correct date format?
I dunno about the date format but what about the sanity of the nation format with that fool of fools Abbott in Taiwan rabbiting on about "the drums of war". On a "private visit", oh yeah! What we've dumbed our way into is rule by a religious Right, Catholic and Evangelical, who, over the past 30 years have found common cause in Right Wing parties. The new bloke Perrotet is a prime example - 6 kids, well off of course, a member of Opus Dei (A Fascist Catholic outfit relic of Franco's Spain) and the architect of iCare, the attempt to run Workers' Comp as a for profit business model.
Like sheep the majority of us are led to revile the Taliban but we are looking at something very similar, the prospect of rule according to "Christian" morality which is mightily offended by Communism's Atheism not to mention, one would assume, it's social fairness.
A while back, some twit on here agreed with Jaxie that we should keep China "on a short leash", WTF! That 18 carat dope Abbott is presumably of a similar mindset as is the Pentecostal lightweight who "leads" us. People like him believe in the Rapture, the End of Days and we reelect them at our peril.
Can't believe the rubbish topics on this forum - talk about Dumbville. Typical OZ profile - 85% just not interested in anything that might require a little mental effort. I saw the same in my years as a high school teacher when, below the top tier class and maybe some of the second tier, the kids were virtual deadheads, like their parents before them, and now they've grown up. In schools like Cleveland Street there wasn't any top tier but it produced a lot of footballers and Tele readers (though "readers" might be a stretch). Mind you that's a class thing and not entirely their fault. Far worse are the petty middle class who should know better but who choose to dedicate their lives (and their childrens') to the beach, the footy, property porn and a mindless conformity to what they hear from corporate media. Their children, despite their material advantages, seem to abandon all curiosity at an early age just like mum and dad - no books at home, no extensive general knowledge or much general knowledge at all. Substance, as we used to see and hear on the ABC, is boring to them and it's better to listen to some wing nut on Facebook or watch a quiz show on commercial TV were one doesn't have to actually know something.
Out of this we have our cherished "democracy". Sheeeesh!!! There will be plenty more fodder for Anzacery in the future.