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All our players could die

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  • #46
    Originally posted by NorfolkStreetKid View Post Lists deaths by age group. 90% of deaths aged over 70. Tell me why that is ? Average age 84 years... why is that ? Also states that a Covid death is any death with PROBABLE or confirmed Covid.
    I stated FACTS.
    Get back to me when you find a case of a person under 40 who had a normal healthy immune system dying of Covid.

    The vaccines do not stop you catching or passing on the virus, or being included in the deaths list, even if you died of existing illness.

    A man in NZ who was SHOT to death, has been included in Covid death lists.

    Believe whatever you like, but come up with some facts before you mouth off.
    I’m not saying the majority of deaths are not the elderly - of course they are…same as with the flu every year..what I’m saying is you have no way of knowing that those who have died of C19 at a younger age had co-morbidies that may had led to their death. You are purely surmising that young “healthy” immune systems can’t be breached to the point of death …which shows your total ignorance.
    Your “facts” come from only half the picture.
    Again, unless you work in an area that deals directly with people who are extremely unwell…keep your BS sweeping assumptions to yourself and don’t try to pass them off second hand from a government health website.
    FYI I am a RN and have had to care for people young and old who are extremely unwell with this virus.
    This not some conspiracy theory up for debate….healthy young people die from this. Do you understand how a SARS virus attacks the respiratory system? Have you had a look at age demographics out of Europe and the States??
    My advice- get vaccinated to give yourself a better chance of fighting it.
    Or is it that your arrogance and dickheadedness won’t allow you to admit you’re wrong?


    • #47
      Originally posted by Timmah View Post

      I’m not saying the majority of deaths are not the elderly - of course they are…same as with the flu every year..what I’m saying is you have no way of knowing that those who have died of C19 at a younger age had co-morbidies that may had led to their death. You are purely surmising that young “healthy” immune systems can’t be breached to the point of death …which shows your total ignorance.
      Your “facts” come from only half the picture.
      Again, unless you work in an area that deals directly with people who are extremely unwell…keep your BS sweeping assumptions to yourself and don’t try to pass them off second hand from a government health website.
      FYI I am a RN and have had to care for people young and old who are extremely unwell with this virus.
      This not some conspiracy theory up for debate….healthy young people die from this. Do you understand how a SARS virus attacks the respiratory system? Have you had a look at age demographics out of Europe and the States??
      My advice- get vaccinated to give yourself a better chance of fighting it.
      Or is it that your arrogance and dickheadedness won’t allow you to admit you’re wrong?

      Ok, show me the proof of the first highlited comment. Then.... did the last line make you feel like a big man?
      I am 69 years old, I walk 6 kms in under an hour every day, and do 60 push-ups along the way.
      I am allergic to penicillin,
      I have never had a flu shot.
      I had the normal vaccines as a kid.
      Plus I was vaccinated against tuberculosis because my uncle had it.
      I have not been an inpatient in hospital since I had my appendix out at age 10, 1962.
      I am an ex smoker and do have varicose veins in my legs.
      I don't go to the doctor unless I am sick, and that rarely happens.
      I object to being forced to take a vaccine which does not prevent me from getting the virus, or passing it on and which has an effective lifespan of less than 9 months.
      That's my point of view, and it won't change because someone like you calls me names.


      • #48
        Mickie Lane will clean up with all the overtime


        • #49
          Originally posted by bondi.boy View Post

          Theoretically measures should be put in place by the Clubs and the NRL to make certain it doesn't happen to any of our players...or any club's players.
          I agree with you on the need for vaccinations and the dangers of Covid etc, but I think you may have gone a little OTT on this thread BB. Especially with the title.


          • #50
            Originally posted by NorfolkStreetKid View Post
            Get back to me when you find a case of a person under 40 who had a normal healthy immune system dying of Covid..
            So the lives of people without normal healthy immune systems don't count? You know a sizeable percentage of the general population do not have healthy immune systems, but most aren't at risk of imminent death, or at least they weren't until Covid came along. This whole argument that people with healthy immune systems don't die ignores the large amount of people who the virus puts at risk. Many people who also think they are healthy are not and don't find out until the catch covid.

            A parent of one of my sons school friends caught the virus. He is a 'healthy' 40 something guy who works as a tradie. He caught Covid and was sick for 6 weeks. He was turned away from 4 hospitals. He lost 12 kgs and ultimately his job. His wife also got sick. They thought they would wait and see before getting vaccinated. It was too late, they caught the virus and instead got to see how it turned out when not vaccinated.


            • #51
              This is some of your best bondi


              • #52
                Originally posted by Cockadoodledoo View Post

                So the lives of people without normal healthy immune systems don't count? You know a sizeable percentage of the general population do not have healthy immune systems, but most aren't at risk of imminent death, or at least they weren't until Covid came along. This whole argument that people with healthy immune systems don't die ignores the large amount of people who the virus puts at risk. Many people who also think they are healthy are not and don't find out until the catch covid.

                A parent of one of my sons school friends caught the virus. He is a 'healthy' 40 something guy who works as a tradie. He caught Covid and was sick for 6 weeks. He was turned away from 4 hospitals. He lost 12 kgs and ultimately his job. His wife also got sick. They thought they would wait and see before getting vaccinated. It was too late, they caught the virus and instead got to see how it turned out when not vaccinated.
                We are talking about footballers dying here... 100% of whom have normal healthy immune systems..... no need for dramatics.


                • #53
                  Imagine lining up for a 3rd or 4th shot after the first two or 3 shots didn't work.

                  And u still need testing after been fully vaccinated, the hospitalization after fully vaxxed, and still masks and still social distancing and lockdowns for the fully vaxxed?

                  At what point are peeps gonna admit they have been fully Conned? Double duped?

                  What planet is this?


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Dr. Voodoo Man View Post

                    I'm getting the third jab in a few weeks. Paid day off so why not lol
                    Can i suggest a lobotomy instead and perhaps some doesn't work....because it is not a vax..

                    A vaccine by definition protects u against the thing u supposed to be vaccinated against. U can still catch flu..


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by bondi.boy View Post

                      Young people are being killed by the Covid virus.
                      Others are not dying but getting permanently scarred lungs...can't play NRL with malfunctioning lungs.
                      Hey Bubble boy, have u ever consider the effects of taking this gene modifying experimental drug too? U serious think it's safe when 100's or even 1000's of athletes are collapsing and some dying after taking the vax.
                      Ever heard of Christian Eriksen or Sergo Aguero, both famous international soccer players...and a heap of others.....or is it just a big coincidink u think?


                      Gonna be interesting times if i few or more NRL players start dropping next yr or sooner...


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Timmah View Post
                        “The Australian Health” website would not divulge personal medical status records of anyone, pre or post morbidity. That would be a major breach of confidentiality…just not done. So there is no possible way you could ascertain that someone had a pre-existing condition that decreased their chances of surviving the virus. Age at morbidity is declared.
                        You, like many other I’ll-informed virus sceptics (in their varying degrees of scepticism), are making broad sweeping statements that have no basis in medical fact.
                        Again, unless you actually work at the coal face in an ICU, NICU or ED where these people present…stop posting I’ll-informed rubbish.

                        Oh, and GO THE CHOOKS in ‘22
                        Websites present stats, stats are not a beach of anyones privacy so what the heck are u dribbling on about?

                        The ill informed are sheeples like yourself that just relies on info from the controlled idiot box.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by NorfolkStreetKid View Post
                          We are talking about footballers dying here... 100% of whom have normal healthy immune systems..... no need for dramatics.
                          Better to not question Dr Cockadoodledoo, don't u know he is a professional immunologist...knows the immune status of all young peeps apparently.

                          And his school kid, knows all the details of his friends parents...even if they were vaxxed or not,,,knows even there weight lost and how many hospitals they visited....amazing kid..hehe. And all this info supplied just in time for his agenda


                          • #58
                            8 November 2021

                            A man in his 30s from south western Sydney died at Royal North Shore Hospital. He was not vaccinated and had no significant underlying conditions.


                            Yes, ...and if he, or whoever he caught Covid from, had been playing against our team...all our players with no underlying conditions could've caught the same Covid and died just as he did...before the vaccines arrived.
                            Are the vaccines 100% effective? No, health experts say.

                            Are all our players, coaches, officials, staff vaccinated?
                            Are they all being tested every day?

                            What absolute measures does the NRL have in place to protect all players...and fans?
                            Player and fan welfare demands full disclosure.


                            • #59
                              [QUOTE=Rocky Rhodes;n913588]

                              Websites present stats, stats are not a beach of anyones privacy so what the heck are u dribbling on about?

                              The ill informed are sheeples like yourself that just relies on info from the controlled idiot box.

                              Thanks Rocky-You and Norfolk street kid have both enlightened me.
                              My years in uni and nursing - studying disease aetiology and vaccination (and then caring for seriously unwell and palliative patients) have been a total waste of my time.
                              When all along I should have just gone on social media, liaised with the Ill-informed, actual SCIENCE discounting fringe-dwelling ignorami, and everything would have turned out peachy.
                              Im off to start a Facebook and twitter account, and read a few NON peer reviewed hearsay papers (by “Dr” Crackhead of the university of life), on how vaccines are a massive government conspiracy to control us all and throw taxpayers money at pharma companies.

                              None so blind as those who cannot see.

                              Back to footy ….
                              Go the mighty Chookies


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by Rocky Rhodes View Post

                                Websites present stats, stats are not a beach of anyones privacy so what the heck are u dribbling on about?

                                The ill informed are sheeples like yourself that just relies on info from the controlled idiot box.

                                Thanks Rocky-You and Norfolk street kid have both enlightened me.
                                My years in uni and nursing - studying disease aetiology and vaccination (and then caring for seriously unwell and palliative patients) have been a total waste of my time.
                                When all along I should have just gone on social media, liaised with the Ill-informed, actual SCIENCE discounting fringe-dwelling ignorami, and everything would have turned out peachy.
                                Im off to start a Facebook and twitter account, and read a few NON peer reviewed hearsay papers (by “Dr” Crackhead of the university of life), on how vaccines are a massive government conspiracy to control us all and throw taxpayers money at pharma companies.

                                None so blind as those who cannot see.

                                Back to footy ….
                                Go the mighty Chookies
                                thats a brutal take down if ever i saw one.

