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When did Global Warming become Climate Change?

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  • When did Global Warming become Climate Change?

    I felt this past November was cold. And I was right. It was the coldest November on record. This got me thinking...wasn't the original concern about climate being it was getting too hot? Greenhouse effect etc? When did 'global warming ' morph into 'climate change'???
    Is this a case of extremist eco warriors have now got all their bases covered since they've changed the wording and hence the goalposts?

  • #2
    I think the climate alarmists don't really have a clue. Tim Flannery's famous quote about our dams running dry. Politicians jumping on the band wagon and scaremongering over rising sea levels all the while buying seaside mansions. (Malcolm Turnbull, Nancy Pelosi). The global elite flying in their own private jets to a climate summit ordering us plebs to cut our carbon (dioxide) footprint. But the poor sheeple just do as their told.


    • #3
      It became Climate Change when Global Warming started to lose it's power.

      The thing that is causing damage to the environment isn't a colourless, odourless, non-toxic and non-poisonous gas, it's greed. Greed for resources, greed for land, greed for more power. There are too many people on this planet.


      • #4
        By going from 'global warming' to 'climate change' all bases are now covered by the extremist, militant section of the environmental movement. If both scientific and anecdotal evidence suggests the earth is cooling or polar ice caps are building up or we've had the coldest November on record, well then that's due to CLIMATE CHANGE because this covers both global warming and global COOLING. You just can't win...

        It's Orwellian Newspeak at it's best (or should I say worst). By changing words, we change definitions and concepts and ultimately we change (and control) people's thoughts.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Johnny73 View Post
          It became Climate Change when Global Warming started to lose it's power.

          The thing that is causing damage to the environment isn't a colourless, odourless, non-toxic and non-poisonous gas, it's greed. Greed for resources, greed for land, greed for more power. There are too many people on this planet.
          I wonder how many shares environmental philanthropists like Al Gore and now Twiggy Forrest have in renewables etc


          • #6
            Originally posted by Bruce Pickett View Post

            I wonder how many shares environmental philanthropists like Al Gore and now Twiggy Forrest have in renewables etc
            It’s a brilliant scheme. Convince the little people they’re part of some great experiment, especially when you use Hollywood and music stars to do it, and they’ll do anything for you, even sacrifice their first world comforts. All while others make millions.


            • #7
              ah, the chookpen


              • #8
                [QUOTE=zac; ah, the chookpen.

                "Ah the chookpen" indeed! "militant environmentalists", "eco warriors" - it's all a conspiracy according to Big Dog with the rich flying private Jets here and there and buying up seaside mansions as though the rich are champions of environmental action. "Ah Wankerville" morelike. Allen Jones stuff.

                The Republicans (Dubya) pushed the name "climate change" in an attempt to neutralise the Environmentalist "warming" description. It's an intended boost of the idea that there has always been climate changes through the past millennia, so nothing to see here and nothing can be done anyway. And it's all down the track, won't affect us.

                The atmosphere is warming because burning fossil fuels has, over 200 years, effected a Greenhouse situation. The oceans warm, ice caps melt and evaporation increases. Rain cloud skies block the sun reducing warmth at some times of the year and weather events are born over large bodies of water and over the oceans. It's happening and it's real but still these nongs parrot the Right Wing claptrap. Not long ago Ray Hadley was in touch with a bloke up at Byron Bay who used to swim every day for the past 40 years. "Water's not gettin' any warmer," the nincompoop would assure the 2GB audience which included, apparently, Little Johnny Howard the best PM (and climate change denier) ever.

                A claimed obsession with The Roosters should not save this lot from our approbation - fcukin' Wingnuts and they and their families vote!!!
                Last edited by Paddo Colt 61; 12-18-2021, 05:02 PM.


                • #9
                  These Tory fools have done us over yet again. In typically maladroit fashion Smoko (surely you can't be thinking of voting for this mediocre bum again but I'll go into that later), in an attempt to harvest the incoherent "freedom" nong vote has stuffed up yet again. "The best Government is no government" he crowed as he announced what must be the policy comedy line if the century so far - "We're leaving things up to individual responsibility". Yeah? You're kiddin' me surely. Result after a week - complete and utter fcuk up! Perrotet (that champion of workers' comp) too, with his 6 kids and membership of Opus Dei has the same attitude but with the added assurance that Jesus will put things right. How can we elect these ideological clowns again?

                  Australians are like frogs in slow heating water oblivious to what is slowly overtaking them, a corporate neo con state where private enterprise replaces Government at all levels except, of course, "National Security" (another mythical distortion we owe to Anzac and fear). Privatisation, demonstrably the most un Australian prospect imaginable. And why? 85% have no interest and wear that as a badge of honour, ready to outsource their opinions on just about everything to News Corp and other corporate media. The non rich batting for the rich no less. An 85% that has no inkling that the Toffs opposed the building of the SH Bridge back in the 30s nor that they fought tooth and nail against Medicare and every other social reform that shows us that government is not just about business interests.

                  I used to wonder at the axiom that in OZ electors favour incumbency but with 85% seemingly unable to determine what their own economic interests might be and of that lot, 20% making up their minds in the voting booth, the truth of that conventional wisdom is not hard to see. "Mmmm....who will I vote for? Let's see, whom do I know.....? Actually I don't know anyone..... Oh yeah, Scomo....I know him ....loves his sport and kids...not a bad bowler for an old bloke....".
                  It is that cretinous demographic that the rich and the corporate media play to and if the only politician that readily comes to your mind is Scomo or little Johnny, you're a part of it


                  • #10
                    most of the hottest years on record have occurred recently. global warming is an accepted fact - govts around the world, including ours with the nationals (who aren't greenies), accept that. that's why everyone's committing to reducing emissions by 2050.


                    • #11
                      [QUOTE=zac; most of the hottest years on record have occurred recently. global warming is an accepted fact - govts around the world, including ours with the nationals (who aren't greenies), accept that. that's why everyone's committing to reducing emissions by 2050.

                      Well not "everyone". Australia isn't. Scomo's hilarious "plan" is aspirational only and based, pretty much, on pious hopes that technology will come to the rescue (ie no plan at all). He's a liar and I don't just think so, I know so.

                      The 85% who wouldn't know their arse from their elbow politically want climate action when polled but the Libs routinely scare them with the cost of living shite (remember the $100 leg of lamb or was it the $200?) and then all bets are off. Of course Murdoch joins in for all he's worth with plenty of ball kicking and cricket snaps. Poor fella my country - power courtesy of a very stupid electorate. Difficult to describe how stupid.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by zac View Post
                        most of the hottest years on record have occurred recently. global warming is an accepted fact - govts around the world, including ours with the nationals (who aren't greenies), accept that. that's why everyone's committing to reducing emissions by 2050.

                        A spurious argument I fear mate, but has attracted many believers sadly. The joints got unseasonably colder and wetter in many parts of the world too but doesn't get the same airplay from media and big vested interests.
                        #We Stand with ourJewish community#


                        • #13
                          Yeah right! So cold in fact that the glaciers are melting - google it. You weren't that bloke up at Byron who used to swim every day were you Jax - Hadley's mate?


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by zac View Post
                            most of the hottest years on record have occurred recently. global warming is an accepted fact - govts around the world, including ours with the nationals (who aren't greenies), accept that. that's why everyone's committing to reducing emissions by 2050.

                            Zac I do believe in global warming but think its mostly a natural thing that is a continuing cycle that has in fact happened many times in the past without human help. I do agree pollution of any kind especially plastics should be stopped as much as possible as we should all do whatever we can to make and leave the planet better .. Global warming is indeed a fact , much as the millennium bug of not so long ago that government around the world accepted to prevent many years ago and we all know what happened with that . Were there is a dollar to be made Government and big corporations will be right there with the facts.


                            • #15
                              i'm not a scientist but i'm willing to believe the mainstream of scientists on this one.

