While we're talking about Climate misinformation let's spread the net a bit further. Smoko's been trying out a few slogans ("Can do Capitalism/Can't do Government", "The Australian Way") all of which have been hastily dropped except for the perennial Newscorp and Lib "Best Money Managers" which, apparently, is widely believed and is the corollary of "Who do you trust?" - should of course be "whom" but our education system is probably too far gone for grammatical pedantry.
The truth, as it turns out, is is the opposite of their claim and the truth can be found after just a quick google. Government money management is measured by looking at government expenditure as a percentage of GDP, it's objective rather than just Murdoch's (or the bloke's down the pub) opinion. The winner of the most profligate Government in Strayan history is...you'll never credit it.... the best PM ever.....Little Johnny Howard and his whiz kid treasurer P. Costello (now CEO of 9 Media - How could we ever credit its opinion going forward?). The IMF has gonged the pair TWICE. Look it up!
Who might be the best money managers then I hear you ask. Never broadcast on our free speech media, (maybe not enough room after the car accidents, lost cats and family stories on our "News" reports) but the same IMF lists the Rudd/Gillard governments as the best, most prudent and value for money Government since the War. Again a quick google would indicate that you are being lied to systematically - The Tele gave Smoko an A for overall performance last week - WTF!! Talk about a parallel universe.
The truth, as it turns out, is is the opposite of their claim and the truth can be found after just a quick google. Government money management is measured by looking at government expenditure as a percentage of GDP, it's objective rather than just Murdoch's (or the bloke's down the pub) opinion. The winner of the most profligate Government in Strayan history is...you'll never credit it.... the best PM ever.....Little Johnny Howard and his whiz kid treasurer P. Costello (now CEO of 9 Media - How could we ever credit its opinion going forward?). The IMF has gonged the pair TWICE. Look it up!
Who might be the best money managers then I hear you ask. Never broadcast on our free speech media, (maybe not enough room after the car accidents, lost cats and family stories on our "News" reports) but the same IMF lists the Rudd/Gillard governments as the best, most prudent and value for money Government since the War. Again a quick google would indicate that you are being lied to systematically - The Tele gave Smoko an A for overall performance last week - WTF!! Talk about a parallel universe.