What's happening with the pandemic? Why did we have those painful lockdowns only to see the current disaster evolve?
First the lockdowns and the current situation are pretty much unrelated. Morrison's preference since the get go was/is to prioritise business and commerce over public health concerns. We see this in the lackadaisical acquisition of vaccines by the Commonwealth and the consequent protests that it wasn't "a race". But of course, it was a race and the lockdowns were designed to buy time to vaccinate the population against Covid and its more virulent relative Delta. Our PM left the roll out of all of that to States by the way.
When 90%+ vaccination of the population was achieved the well grounded epidemiological theory was that most of us would be spared the worst ravages of the pandemic and so "normality" might return. Normality would mean no more lockdowns and a public health switch to "living with Covid" - it would now just become endemic not pandemic. Immunisation would reduce the risks for all who were vaccinated.
"Opening up", however, did not envisage the arrival of a new variant of the pathogen - one that was pretty much impervious to the double vax. For Scotty and the Libs the dream is now fast fading and though the evidence seems to be that Omicron is less devastating, it is evidently far more virulent and the public health path ahead is now more and more uncertain. More lockdowns are highly unlikely, we are committed to seeing this stage through in the hope that boosters will come to the rescue. Let's hope that the orders are in, unlike the RAT tests we are camouring for. Can do Capitalism anyone? Can do all right - a price gouging cash in on community fear.
First the lockdowns and the current situation are pretty much unrelated. Morrison's preference since the get go was/is to prioritise business and commerce over public health concerns. We see this in the lackadaisical acquisition of vaccines by the Commonwealth and the consequent protests that it wasn't "a race". But of course, it was a race and the lockdowns were designed to buy time to vaccinate the population against Covid and its more virulent relative Delta. Our PM left the roll out of all of that to States by the way.
When 90%+ vaccination of the population was achieved the well grounded epidemiological theory was that most of us would be spared the worst ravages of the pandemic and so "normality" might return. Normality would mean no more lockdowns and a public health switch to "living with Covid" - it would now just become endemic not pandemic. Immunisation would reduce the risks for all who were vaccinated.
"Opening up", however, did not envisage the arrival of a new variant of the pathogen - one that was pretty much impervious to the double vax. For Scotty and the Libs the dream is now fast fading and though the evidence seems to be that Omicron is less devastating, it is evidently far more virulent and the public health path ahead is now more and more uncertain. More lockdowns are highly unlikely, we are committed to seeing this stage through in the hope that boosters will come to the rescue. Let's hope that the orders are in, unlike the RAT tests we are camouring for. Can do Capitalism anyone? Can do all right - a price gouging cash in on community fear.