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Lost track wth what's happening with Covid? This is the current situation.

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post
    What a humiliating situation for the "Government". The big Oz Open diversion comes a gutser and with International eyes on us again. First that ludicrous trip to Glasgow with that laughable "plan' and then, in front of millions, "I don't think, I know". Of course they'll consider the heavy artillery now - the Ministerial override, but that will cause even more embarrassment. What a bunch of lightweights. How can they still be any chance of winning the coming election? The answer of course is that this is Australia, peopled by low education sheeple in thrall to a near media monopoly owned by an American national who has already caused political dysfunction in his own country.

    For me the sad part is the seeing Novak's fellow detainees, one of whom has been confined for 9 years. It's our national shame because base political motives determine it and we the Sheeple give it not a thought. Shame.
    They were boat people held on Nauru, who were offered money to go back home but refused?
    They were only transferred to that detention hotel in 2020 in that 'urgent medical treatment' policy.
    On Nauru detainees are free to mix with the locals, swim, fish, relax on the sands, shop, and return to the centre at dusk.
    Some were photographed clinging to the wire fence like they were in a concentration camp, when a few metres away was the open gate they could walk out of and roam the island.

    Came 9 years ago?
    Maybe they paid people smugglers and arrived after Rudd drew his line in the sand stating that anyone else who arrived via people smuggling boats would never be settled in Australia.
    If our govt gives in...the minute it caves, the people-smuggling boats will immediately start arriving again.

    If the conditions in that immigration detention hotel are as bad as detailed, the govt needs to fix it, now.
    Last edited by bondi.boy; 01-13-2022, 09:43 PM.


    • #17
      Yes I'm telling you that any and every corporate media outlet is right wing and I don't think.....I know! Peter Costello heads up 9 Media, Stokes (the defender/financier of our VC war criminal) owns 7 Media. I'm not sure about the Catholic Weekly but I'm willing to bet......

      Just google Micael West Media for a video refresher look at this "government" (MW is a respected professional formerly at the SMH).
      Last edited by Paddo Colt 61; 01-14-2022, 04:15 PM.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post
        Yes I'm telling you that any and every corporate media outlet is right wing and I don't think.....I know! Peter Costello heads up 9 Media, Stokes (the defender/financier of our VC war criminal) owns 7 Media. I'm not sure about the Catholic Weekly but I'm willing to bet......

        Just google Micael West Media for a video refresher look at this "government" (MW is a respected professional formerly at the SMH).
        SMH...why am I not surprised.


        • #19
          Possibly because you seem to be one of the ever dwindling minority who believe that the Tele has any credibility mostly because it confirms your biases. Media polling over a number of years indicates that the Tele is the least trusted publication in the country and that the ABC is the most trusted. The SMH, though not enjoying the ABC's level of trust, is way more credible than the Tel according to the polling. Google it.


          • #20
            Originally posted by bondi.boy View Post

            SMH...why am I not surprised.
            The Channel 9 newspapers....Greens inspired luvvies. Abort, abort..

            Used to love the ABC but no more. They are definitely left and tending to the luny extremes. I would also dispute that their reputation for solid research is justified these days. Like most leftist ideologues their journalists don't let facts get in the way of a bit of Chardonnay socialist propaganda. Bring back James Dibble! We shouldn't pay for their platform anymore.

            At least at Sky they have commentators from both ends of the political spectrum, albeit most tending right in ideology. At QNA conservatives are bashed up shamelessly by the other panellists and greeny rent a crowd. Ever seen Sky's political chief reporter Andrew Clennel? Bashes the conservative pollies bigtime. ABC should sign him up for the team.
            #We Stand with ourJewish community#


            • #21
              What began as a "No don't look over there at the Covid let it rip inferno, look over here at me crucifying a sports star that yez all don't like much!" soon went south over a basic procedural oversight highlighting what we've all seen as Government ineptitude in the past and, at the same time undoing all of the Government/Corporate TV celebration of the "professionalism" of Border Force.

              What panic it must have caused - another own goal. Immediately Border Force and News Ltd were on the counter attack and within two days of nit picking documentation and investigation back in Serbia (no expense spared) reports of "bad behaviour" were deployed to obliterate the District Court decision and prepare the ground for Ministerial override of that decision. "A threat to public order" - gimme a break!!

              The Libs have big form as far as such tactics are concerned. Just after Macron's devastating rebuke (devastating everywhere but here - imagine if the accusation had referred to a progressive Australian leader?) the Libs released a text of private conversation claiming to refute what the President had said. It did no such thing and at what cost to our World standing?

              Now 71% are said to be with the Government on the deportation of someone whom it and News have turned into a hate figure all the while ignoring the original fcuk up exposed by the District Court. This is the "value" of a complicit media as well as the threat.
              Last edited by Paddo Colt 61; 01-16-2022, 09:25 AM.


              • #22
                Given the myriad reasons that allow a Minister to cancel a visa (all Lib measures designed to stymie asylum seekers) Djokovic's appeal on administrative grounds was never going to be successful. Seeing that they dumped the "border protection" bullshit (they had, after all granted him a visa in the first place) in favour of "threat to public health", the Court had no real choice because that ground is legislated.

                What is breathtaking is the hypocrisy aided abetted and promoted by the media cheer squad. Will we read some protest in the Tele that the Government's own George Christensen, the Catholic loon from North Queensland (where else?) is allowed to vehemently incite anti vax rebellion along with his mate Craig Kelly, a regular on Sky. Probably a waste on print when the bloke spent most of his time in the Philippines before the last election and still increased his majority.

                Controversy over the decision will now do what was always intended - divert attention from the kilometres of empty supermarket shelves and the supply chain fcuk up (RAT tests in particular). Egregious underlying incompetence and hypocrisy will be ignored and "borders" highlighted - always a winner with the 85% who know fcuk all and think even less if that's possible.

                The Aristocracy in the UK avoided revolution in the 18th century because the bourgeoisie had gradually infiltrated it gaining political power for themselves and, in return, bringing wealth to a class on the decline. As a result a number of Reform Bills throughout the 19th Century established bourgeois "democracy" over time. One of the last reforms proposed in the 1880s was to extend the franchise to the unskilled and propertyless classes (the majority). The Whigs (the old name for Libs) balked at it seeing a risk to the political order but the Tories (ultra Conservatives whose power rested in land ownership) had no such qualms - "We've known and lorded over this ignorant, frightened and supplicant lot for a thousand years" was their rationale. They weren't wrong.


                • #23
                  The Covid Reaper killed another 49 people in NSW yesterday.
                  "Covid is just like a cold". LOL


                  • #24
                    The Covid Reaper killed 52 people in NSW yesterday.

                    13,500 new cases of Covid in NSW yesterday.

                    Booster vaccination numbers have stalled.
                    "Covid burnout" is being blamed.

                    Oh well, looks like I watch our games on tv this year as well.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post
                      Given the myriad reasons that allow a Minister to cancel a visa (all Lib measures designed to stymie asylum seekers) Djokovic's appeal on administrative grounds was never going to be successful. Seeing that they dumped the "border protection" bullshit (they had, after all granted him a visa in the first place) in favour of "threat to public health", the Court had no real choice because that ground is legislated.

                      What is breathtaking is the hypocrisy aided abetted and promoted by the media cheer squad. Will we read some protest in the Tele that the Government's own George Christensen, the Catholic loon from North Queensland (where else?) is allowed to vehemently incite anti vax rebellion along with his mate Craig Kelly, a regular on Sky. Probably a waste on print when the bloke spent most of his time in the Philippines before the last election and still increased his majority.

                      Controversy over the decision will now do what was always intended - divert attention from the kilometres of empty supermarket shelves and the supply chain fcuk up (RAT tests in particular). Egregious underlying incompetence and hypocrisy will be ignored and "borders" highlighted - always a winner with the 85% who know fcuk all and think even less if that's possible.

                      The Aristocracy in the UK avoided revolution in the 18th century because the bourgeoisie had gradually infiltrated it gaining political power for themselves and, in return, bringing wealth to a class on the decline. As a result a number of Reform Bills throughout the 19th Century established bourgeois "democracy" over time. One of the last reforms proposed in the 1880s was to extend the franchise to the unskilled and propertyless classes (the majority). The Whigs (the old name for Libs) balked at it seeing a risk to the political order but the Tories (ultra Conservatives whose power rested in land ownership) had no such qualms - "We've known and lorded over this ignorant, frightened and supplicant lot for a thousand years" was their rationale. They weren't wrong.
                      ScoMo has reportedly told Kanye West he won't be allowed into Australia for his planned tour if he's not vaccinated.

                      Gotta enforce our laws.
                      Keep up the good work, ScoMo.
                      Last edited by bondi.boy; 01-30-2022, 10:54 AM.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by bondi.boy View Post
                        The Covid Reaper killed 52 people in NSW yesterday.

                        13,500 new cases of Covid in NSW yesterday.

                        Booster vaccination numbers have stalled.
                        "Covid burnout" is being blamed.

                        Oh well, looks like I watch our games on tv this year as well.
                        You really enjoy the fear pron don't you bongdi child? You must also enjoy the constant shifting of the goalposts. You want a LOL? Try these on for size:
                        • Two weeks to flatten the curve.
                        • Get vaccinated and get your freedoms back.
                        Isn't the definition of insanity repeating the same actions whilst expecting different results?

                        Engage your brain, use your logic, and test your thinking by considering a differing view. The truth will set you free.
                        "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."

                        Thomas Jefferson


                        • #27
                          [QUOTE=Jacks Fur Coat; Used to love the ABC but no more. They are definitely left and tending to the luny extremes. I would also dispute that their reputation for solid research is justified these days. Like most leftist ideologues their journalists don't let facts get in the way of a bit of Chardonnay socialist propaganda. Bring back James Dibble! We shouldn't pay for their platform anymore.

                          Oh dear, the ABC must be shattered to hear that it's broken faith with a previously rusted on stalwart such as your good self Jax. But I know what you mean, not enough focus on ANZAC and love of country (though you might make an exception for Macca on a Sunday morning in that regard). On the other hand that Climate Change piffle gets far too much oxygen - precious airtime that could be given over to Rugby League, Freedom loving or just making things up.

                          Oz corporate media is plainly tabloid. The founder of the BBC, Lord Reith famously said, in 1921, at the birth of public broadcasting,"Entertainment has its place but we can over entertain".

