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Minus Western propaganda what's the real story on the Ukraine?

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  • Originally posted by A Country Member View Post
    I’d rather sip my beer than get dragged into a bar fight
    Sometimes you gotta...stand up to bullies.
    #We Stand with ourJewish community#


    • Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post
      It would appear that our MSM's role is sheer propaganda and the preservation of Western power.
      It would appear that the Chinese media still bans discussion about the Tiananmen Square Massacre and the Russian media is still using terms like 'special operation' to describe their illegal attempt to conquer Ukraine.

      Glad I'm not living in your fantasy world where this is more objective than reading news from reputable, independent media outlets.


      • Well the Chinese wouldn't want US propaganda propagated would they? After all, we don't talk about Seymour Hersch's Nordstream 2 report do we?

        And Kingsley, words can be overused to the point of becoming oral wall paper. "Brainwashed" is one such. It has initial shock value but after 50 or so mentions it is meaningless. And why does it not apply to you anyway? Is truth an exclusive preserve of yours?


        • Originally posted by Conspiracy theorist 61
          Well the Chinese wouldn't want US propaganda propagated would they?
          You falsely call all news in Australia 'US propaganda' while being cool with the fact that fascists don't allow anything that disagrees with their official line (while using aggressive enforcement against anybody who dares speak against them). Then, you suggest that people who speak against fascist regimes are CIA puppets as opposed to brave dissenters.

          Sorry but your logic doesn't add-up. If Australia was run by fascists then John Menadue woulda disappeared long ago. The fact we allow such cr@p in the public domain (and people can portray Assange as being a hero) is part of why I'm not moving to China any time soon.

          The fact our mainstream media ignores all the random conspiracy theories that get you buzzing isn't a conspiracy. Rather, it's because there's no factual basis behind such theories.


          • Originally posted by ism22 View Post

            You falsely call all news in Australia 'US propaganda' while being cool with the fact that fascists don't allow anything that disagrees with their official line (while using aggressive enforcement against anybody who dares speak against them). Then, you suggest that people who speak against fascist regimes are CIA puppets as opposed to brave dissenters.

            Sorry but your logic doesn't add-up. If Australia was run by fascists then John Menadue woulda disappeared long ago. The fact we allow such cr@p in the public domain (and people can portray Assange as being a hero) is part of why I'm not moving to China any time soon.

            The fact our mainstream media ignores all the random conspiracy theories that get you buzzing isn't a conspiracy. Rather, it's because there's no factual basis behind such theories.
            Old Comrade Paddo wouldn't last under any of these previous and current Authoritarian and Totalitarians regimes.

            The old saying of talk the talk and walk the walk comes to mind in summing up Comrade Paddo and why he still lives in the West as he could never walk the walk. i.e migrate to any of these countries who share his anti west/capitalist views.

            I will look for those doco's on western folk who defected to North Korea as when all the fanfare died down about their defection they were placed in apartment blocks under 24/7 security with other defectors and folk kidnapped from other countries by North Korean Agents and were not able to leave the apartment blocks or mingle with ordinary North Korean Folk.

            Two of the Americans defectors for an example had arranged marriages one to a Thai Woman and one to a Romanian Woman who were both kidnapped and taken to North Korea i.e to teach their languages and customs etc to North Korea Security folk.

            Neither of these American Defectors ever thought it would be like this and very much regretted the choice they made to defect.

            Not sure why they wouldn't though as North Korea was known as a Stalinist state which would give one a pretty fair indication of what it would be like.

            Last edited by King Salvo; 02-25-2023, 04:07 PM.


            • Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post
              Well the Chinese wouldn't want US propaganda propagated would they? After all, we don't talk about Seymour Hersch's Nordstream 2 report do we?

              And Kingsley, words can be overused to the point of becoming oral wall paper. "Brainwashed" is one such. It has initial shock value but after 50 or so mentions it is meaningless. And why does it not apply to you anyway? Is truth an exclusive preserve of yours?
              Only applies to you Comrade Paddo as you are brainwashed and are attempting to brainwash others who are susceptible to such propaganda as you were.

              The same old same old anti-west and capitalism propaganda that was prevalent in the Soviet Union and in Mao and Kim's etc times and which of course still continues in North Korea today under the latest despot Kim and in Russia and China.

              Kremlin controlled Russian TV is full of Kremlin aligned hosts on these so called discussion shows or propaganda shows - resurrecting the anti-west Soviet Union propaganda every chance they get.

              Not once have you ever said that Commo regimes and their leaders have ever done anything wrong and in fact you continually have praised these and other authoritarian and totalitarian regimes from the past and now right through to the present ones.

              You're only response is that it is just west propaganda to undermine these regimes and their leaders as none of these things ever happened in the so called "workers paradise" and the leaders were and are so popular

              If that is not an example of someone who has been brainwashed then I don't know what is
              Last edited by King Salvo; 02-25-2023, 04:16 PM.


              • I do see what you mean by the media Paddo. BUT I also think it’s just part and parcel of today’s penchant for sensationalism and not necessarily always propaganda. It’s all doom and gloom. China this Putin that. Earthquakes, floods, record heatwaves or cold snaps. We’re all going to die, go bankrupt, die of a new disease, pig flu, bird flu, monkey virus. Cost of living. Everything is just way over the top in the mainstream media.


                • Originally posted by Jacks Fur Coat View Post

                  Sometimes you gotta...stand up to bullies.

                  I agree. However I see the bullies as the US.

                  Wherever there is war around the world, you’ll find US involvement. And it seems as though theyre making moves to get us to fight another war for them in an attempt to continue their imperial ways.

                  And here’s one for you Deac’
                  Last edited by A Country Member; 02-25-2023, 07:13 PM.


                  • I tire of the same old response to just about every post that I make - Commo, go live in Russia, Anti West , paedo, comrade etc, etc with never any attempt to address the issues raised.

                    Please tell us all just what you make of the US's global adventuring. What are its motives do you think? Is it a force for good and how do you figure that, given Iraq, Afghanistan and especially the movement of NATO eastward. And what of the hostility towards and baiting of China? Above all, what do you think of US hypocrisy.

                    Instead of slinging shit, explain your position and don't throw the focus onto the Soviet Union that was a thing 30 years ago, we've had quite enough of that.


                    • Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post
                      I tire of the same old response to just about every post that I make...
                      Maybe you should stop making the same old posts over and over then?


                      • Originally posted by ism22 View Post

                        Maybe you should stop making the same old posts over and over then?
                        Hehehe….funny that.


                        • Originally posted by A Country Member View Post

                          I agree. However I see the bullies as the US.

                          Wherever there is war around the world, you’ll find US involvement. And it seems as though theyre making moves to get us to fight another war for them in an attempt to continue their imperial ways.

                          And here’s one for you Deac’
                          Really so what is Russia then mmm invade Chechnya twice , Georgia and now Ukraine for what reason.

                          Not even my Wife's Parents agree with any of these Invasions and they are Russian but lived in Ukraine (Chernivtsi and Uzhhorod) and had no problems living in these areas where Ukrainian was the majority spoken Language and are certainly not alone in this view and these views will never been seen on main stream Kremlin Controlled Russian TV or Russian Social Media.

                          Something you and Comrade Paddo etc fail repeatedly to understand as you can get on this site or any other site and even protest in Public about the West/Capitalism/NATO etc but you try protesting about Governments in those countries you adore but can't find it in yourselves to migrate too such as Russia, China and North Korea and see how you get on.

                          The ignorance of people who have never been to any of these countries or have some understanding of the politics and solely rely on propaganda sites to form their view baffles me as does those dishing the West/Capitalism who don't have the bollocks to follow their convictions and migrate to any of those countries to be under the regimes and ideology they so adore.

                          You lot (Comrade Paddo/Country Practice/Andrea/Closet Red ) are just pissing in the wind - phony and fakes


                          • To call a "propaganda" site is beyond laughable. Again, I cite it because of the integrity of its contributors. You are obviously addicted to the "repeat the lie often" tactic.

                            MR . With great respect your views on what motivates the MSM are touchingly naive. Murdoch's major mastheads have run at a loss for years in Australia but then why does he accept that loss? Could it be that he wants to maintain as much political clout as he can muster - send us off to another US invasion somewhere as he did with his Iraq war mongering cheer squad.

                            From what you've said in your last post, I'd imagine that you would say that he runs that loss because he's dedicated to informing his readership at any cost or that the company is hoping for, and working hard at, a turn around in its profits.

                            I don't think that your purpose is to obfuscate, it's more that you don't like your comfort zone, your settled ideas, interfered with and that's okay, H&J are exactly the same.
                            Last edited by Paddo Colt 61; 02-26-2023, 09:07 AM.


                            • [QUOTE=Jacks Fur Coat; As long as the US check-in to Darwin before China....slightly preferable for Australian life I would think.

                              Jeez Jax, you're way outta touch, hasn't Sky mentioned that the Chinese are already there in Darwin. The Libs gave 'em a 100 year lease and as far as one can see "Australian life" is, so far, pretty much unaffected. But I could be wrong of course.


                              • [QUOTE=King Salvo: Really so what is Russia then mmm invade Chechnya twice , Georgia and now Ukraine for what reason......

                                Same reason on all counts Kingsley - US interference. It has a history of supporting Islamic dissidence while at the same time denouncing it. The US has supported the caliphate in Syria fgs and all because Syria has close links with Russia.

