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Minus Western propaganda what's the real story on the Ukraine?

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  • Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post
    Originally posted by King Salvo
    Really so what is Russia then mmm invade Chechnya twice , Georgia and now Ukraine for what reason......
    Same reason on all counts Kingsley - US interference.
    Aaah Paddo's old argument that 'she was being a b!tch, so of course I hit her'. Makes no sense buddy.

    Last edited by ism22; 02-26-2023, 11:25 AM.


    • Talking about the unreliable msm, I have a football related story.
      A lot of years ago I was at a sharks game in the main grandstand at Endeavour above the leagues club. (my father-in-law was a sponsor).
      There was a minor earthquake. It felt like someone was kicking the backs of the seats. But no one really noticed and were busy watching the game.
      The next day the sunday telegraph ran with "Thousands flee earthquake in middle of game".
      The only mass movement of people that night was when the bar called last drinks.


      • Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post
        To call a "propaganda" site is beyond laughable. Again, I cite it because of the integrity of its contributors. You are obviously addicted to the "repeat the lie often" tactic.

        MR . With great respect your views on what motivates the MSM are touchingly naive. Murdoch's major mastheads have run at a loss for years in Australia but then why does he accept that loss? Could it be that he wants to maintain as much political clout as he can muster - send us off to another US invasion somewhere as he did with his Iraq war mongering cheer squad.

        From what you've said in your last post, I'd imagine that you would say that he runs that loss because he's dedicated to informing his readership at any cost or that the company is hoping for, and working hard at, a turn around in its profits.

        I don't think that your purpose is to obfuscate, it's more that you don't like your comfort zone, your settled ideas, interfered with and that's okay, H&J are exactly the same.
        No I would most definitely not say he was dedicated to informing his readers. The only thing Murdoch cares about is money and power. I find it hard to believe he is not making a profit in Australia. Not saying I doubt you, it just surprises me. I’m not sure if I could be bothered googling about the idiot.


        • [QUOTE=mightyrooster;

          No I would most definitely not say he was dedicated to informing his readers. The only thing Murdoch cares about is money and power. I find it hard to believe he is not making a profit in Australia. Not saying I doubt you, it just surprises me. Im not sure if I could be bothered googling about the idiot.

          I'm referring to his print media especially The Australian". I dare say that Foxtel is in the black though thousands have quit it but I don't know about Sky. I wouldn't think that it is doing too well either given the miniscule audience that it attracts - BB, Jaxie and a few others by the looks.

          I regard you as an honest broker MR. A little miguided at times but honest nonetheless. When you appear to argue that the MSM has no agenda apart from increasing revenue, I think that that is how the majority of Australians also see things (note that I refrained from using "Sheeple).

          We pretty much slavishly follow the giant US news agencies and for the last weeks the big story here, there, and everywhere in the Anglsphere was the Chinese balloons. The coverage was over the top by any measure. Would it enter the heads of ordinary folk that the whole thing [B]was a giant diversion [/B]from, say, the train derailment in Ohio with its mini Chernobyl effect. More importantly America's own Seymour Hersh, a multi award winning investigative journalistic legend broke a story which lays the blame for the Nordstream terrorist action squarely at the feet of the US. Surely such a dramatic report would be as important as a few ballooons wouldn't you think, but nothing - buried everywhere, total focus on those balloons. It it were true it would be an act of war by the US on Russia but it would also fracture the Euro alliance because France and Germany and others are huge investors in the pipeline.

          These Corporations are players and to see them as otherwise is not only naive, it's dangerous.
          Last edited by Paddo Colt 61; 02-26-2023, 04:16 PM.


          • Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post
            I tire of the same old response to just about every post that I make - Commo, go live in Russia, Anti West , paedo, comrade etc, etc with never any attempt to address the issues raised.

            Please tell us all just what you make of the US's global adventuring. What are its motives do you think? Is it a force for good and how do you figure that, given Iraq, Afghanistan and especially the movement of NATO eastward. And what of the hostility towards and baiting of China? Above all, what do you think of US hypocrisy.

            Instead of slinging shit, explain your position and don't throw the focus onto the Soviet Union that was a thing 30 years ago, we've had quite enough of that.
            We are just trying to help you be at peace with yourself as since you despise the west/capitalism so much we feel that you would be much better off migrating to countries that suit these particular views you have for your own peace of mind.

            Nothing you post makes or will make one iota of difference at all as we who love living in the west know that we have the security of various military agreements as well as security arrangements under the 5 eyes to not only protect us as citizens but to protect our sovereign independent nations from the type of military aggression Russia has conducted in more recent times - Chechnya, Georgia, Crimea , Donbas and the full invasion of Ukraine for an example

            We have been over the NATO expansion countless times and I have posted numerous references to the Gorbachev interview in 2014 when he said the question of NATO expansion was never raised nor discussed.

            In any case something you still don't comprehend and neither does your beloved Putin - Independent countries are free to apply to join any organisation they so wish and do not need permission from any country to do so.

            You obviously don't seem to comprehend that the Soviet Union dissolved and no longer could act on behalf of any of these Warsaw Pact countries who made it quite clear they no longer wanted to be part of the Soviet Union/Warsaw pact and controlled by Moscow - the massive majority of voters voted overwhelmingly for independence.

            Putin in an interview in 2002 or so said he respected Ukraine's Borders and had no intention of taking back the Crimea and also in the months leading up to the eventually full invasion of Ukraine that Russia had no intention of Invading Ukraine (which they already had Crimea/Donbas) and the troop build up on the Ukraine Border was purely defensive drills.

            The Soviet Union is very much a part of this as your beloved Putin has said on numerous occasion the collapse of the Soviet Union was the greatest Tragedy of the 20th Century and why he boycotted Gorbachev's funeral as he blames him for it's demise .

            Now your beloved Putin's rhetoric is that Russia has no borders- they have no end and don't end anywhere which is something he first started saying back in 2016.

            It is a good idea to keep China in check as all know if they had the chance they would turn the World Red which was the goal of another of your hero's in Chairman Mao.

            Your are very very much in the minority in the West with your devotion to Communist/Authoritarian and Totalitarian regime ideology including their despot leaders and certainly you are again very very much again in the minority that we should copy such ideology in the Golden West.

            Just have to look at the examples of Democratic Freedoms we have in the West which is something that you take advantage off with your anti-west/capitalism propaganda posts i.e freedom of speech and expression for an example that does not exist under Authoritarian and Totalitarian regimes you admire.

            You would certainly never be allowed to criticise any of those governments whether on line or in public protests as you would end up spending a lengthy period in jail and a harsh one at that as a minimum or an untimely death - shot/poisoned or "fall" out of a window.

            The Australian democracy has at its heart, the following core defining values:
            • freedom of election and being elected;
            • freedom of assembly and political participation;
            • freedom of speech, expression and religious belief;
            • rule of law; and
            • other basic human rights.

            Last edited by King Salvo; 02-26-2023, 04:53 PM.


            • Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post
              To call a "propaganda" site is beyond laughable. Again, I cite it because of the integrity of its contributors. You are obviously addicted to the "repeat the lie often" tactic.

              MR . With great respect your views on what motivates the MSM are touchingly naive. Murdoch's major mastheads have run at a loss for years in Australia but then why does he accept that loss? Could it be that he wants to maintain as much political clout as he can muster - send us off to another US invasion somewhere as he did with his Iraq war mongering cheer squad.

              From what you've said in your last post, I'd imagine that you would say that he runs that loss because he's dedicated to informing his readership at any cost or that the company is hoping for, and working hard at, a turn around in its profits.

              I don't think that your purpose is to obfuscate, it's more that you don't like your comfort zone, your settled ideas, interfered with and that's okay, H&J are exactly the same.
              It's a far left Conspiracy theorist site - pro Russia/China/North Korea etc and Anti-West as well as most likely Anti- Capitalism too.

              Even to the ordinary Citizen that is a propaganda site but of course not to you as you believe it . The B word comes to mind


              • [QUOTE=Paddo Colt 61;n977709]
                Originally posted by mightyrooster;

                No I would most definitely not say he was dedicated to informing his readers. The only thing Murdoch cares about is money and power. I find it hard to believe he is not making a profit in Australia. Not saying I doubt you, it just surprises me. Im not sure if I could be bothered googling about the idiot.

                I'm referring to his print media especially The Australian". I dare say that Foxtel is in the black though thousands have quit it but I don't know about Sky. I wouldn't think that it is doing too well either given the miniscule audience that it attracts - BB, Jaxie and a few others by the looks.

                I regard you as an honest broker MR. A little miguided at times but honest nonetheless. When you appear to argue that the MSM has no agenda apart from increasing revenue, I think that that is how the majority of Australians also see things (note that I refrained from using "Sheeple).

                We pretty much slavishly follow the giant US news agencies and for the last weeks the big story here, there, and everywhere in the Anglsphere was the Chinese balloons. The coverage was over the top by any measure. Would it enter the heads of ordinary folk that the whole thing [B
                was a giant diversion [/B]from, say, the train derailment in Ohio with its mini Chernobyl effect. More importantly America's own Seymour Hersh, a multi award winning investigative journalistic legend broke a story which lays the blame for the Nordstream terrorist action squarely at the feet of the US. Surely such a dramatic report would be as important as a few ballooons wouldn't you think, but nothing - buried everywhere, total focus on those balloons. It it were true it would be an act of war by the US on Russia but it would also fracture the Euro alliance because France and Germany and others are huge investors in the pipeline.

                These Corporations are players and to see them as otherwise is not only naive, it's dangerous.
                More Phoney Baloney Propaganda posted by Comrade Paddo - The Sky is Falling

                A Pulitzer-winning journalist, Hersh has in recent years developed a reputation for questionable reporting. Now he once again produced an exclusive that was full of holes: he made scandalous allegations, but based them on a single source. He told a coherent story, but lacked a smoking gun. The verdict was clear: Hersh’s explosive investigation was self-published, because it would never get past an editor

                THE BIG PICTURE

                We may never know all the details that led Hersh down this particular path. What led Hersh from being a hero of American accountability journalism to being a darling of dictators and their propaganda channels.

                Last edited by King Salvo; 02-26-2023, 06:30 PM.


                • OMG, who knew? Seymour Hersh is a commie. Kingsley knew, he was right onto it.

                  How many single sources with no evidence do we see in reporting on Ukraine? Doesn't stop the "win the war" MSM from publishing with gusto but Seymour is onto something damning to the "allied cause" so that couldn't be covered. Oh no forget that.

                  The Western war "reporting" is nothing less than bullshit US propaganda and, increasingly, people are seeing it (not everyone of course).


                  • Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post
                    OMG, who knew? Seymour Hersh is a commie. Kingsley knew, he was right onto it.

                    How many single sources with no evidence do we see in reporting on Ukraine? Doesn't stop the "win the war" MSM from publishing with gusto but Seymour is onto something damning to the "allied cause" so that couldn't be covered. Oh no forget that.

                    The Western war "reporting" is nothing less than bullshit US propaganda and, increasingly, people are seeing it (not everyone of course).
                    Of course you fail to see the truth as you are totally consumed by Anti-West /Capitalism propaganda which is clearly and continually clouding your judgement and why you seek refuge in Menadue with other like minded loony far left types

                    Keep enjoying your West Tax Payer provided superannuation though - SSS

                    Time to go Old Comrade Paddo - Russia/China/North Korea are calling you to join them in their Anti-West/Capitalism crusade

                    The CIA/ASIO/MI5 know where you live as they track Pro Russian , China and North Korean types on line so best to leave whilst you can


                    • Obsession, especially the irrational kind, is a pitiful thing to witness. There is a point when the observer feels that the rambling is really just a joke but then, when things are repeated over and over again, the reality of the situation becomes more and more undeniable. It's very much like watching a tragedy unfold. Just think, you could be like Andy , a lover of life, but instead you choose the morose path making everyone around you miserable. YOLO my friend, YOLO.


                      • Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post
                        Obsession, especially the irrational kind, is a pitiful thing to witness. There is a point when the observer feels that the rambling is really just a joke but then, when things are repeated over and over again, the reality of the situation becomes more and more undeniable. It's very much like watching a tragedy unfold. Just think, you could be like Andy , a lover of life, but instead you choose the morose path making everyone around you miserable. YOLO my friend, YOLO.
                        Comrade Paddo you must be oblivious to what you post as even when it's on the football area of this site you still insert an anti west/capitalism statement which has naught to do with the topic.

                        Your anti-west/capitalism obsession has been permanently imprinted on your brain and is permanently in your thoughts 24/7/52.

                        Take a holiday Comrade Paddo and go to a place that doesn't have the internet

                        Andrea has given you the flick and he's back in the West


                        • This morning on is a discussion of China's Ukraine peace proposal initiative. What do readers think of it? It is very clear that the US is uninterested and continues to provide the weaponry to prolong the conflict but what of China's suggestions?


                          • Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post
                            This morning on is a discussion of China's Ukraine peace proposal initiative. What do readers think of it? It is very clear that the US is uninterested and continues to provide the weaponry to prolong the conflict but what of China's suggestions?
                            I have some work to finish off then I am off to the gym and a Pilates class then off to the beach First thing I will do once I’m set up down there is find the article and read it.

                            In fact I kindly ask could you post a link to it here to make this a little easier for your fellow chookpen compadre
                            When you trust your television
                            what you get is what you got
                            Cause when they own the information
                            they can bend it all they want

                            John Mayer



                              Geez this seems bloody rough! Can the Kremlin be so cruel?

                              I can only hope that because it wasn't reported by then it cannot be true.....and everything reported by Reuters is fake news!

                              The Reds are really dragging the chain in Ukraine. It's got me thinking that they may be waiting for the Agent Orange to topple Sleep Joe in he will withdrawal the US from NATO and stop the Ukraine support. In the interim Lil Donny Moscow is busy holding a rally in Waco and glorifying the Jan 6 insurrection by showing the " highlights" of the day on the big screen.

                              World has gone totally mad


                              • doesn't "report" anything Randy. It is a comment and opinion site. A variety of contributors, many of them highly credentialed in our public space, discuss matters close to their areas of expertise. Reuters is a US news source. No question about which one I trust.

