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Minus Western propaganda what's the real story on the Ukraine?

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  • Originally posted by Dr. Voodoo Man View Post

    This bloke is nuts. A wall of text for his blocked adversary. Imagine this fark being your lawyer?
    Completely I would say a result of too many craft beers

    If that was my only choice I would represent myself
    Last edited by Andrew Walker; 05-11-2023, 11:20 AM.
    When you trust your television
    what you get is what you got
    Cause when they own the information
    they can bend it all they want

    John Mayer


    • [QUOTE=Rocky Rhodes: "........Please justify how u conclude that our media (MSM) is right wing?..".

      Loath as I am to bring you back to this thread Rocko, I'm somewhat astounded that you seem to think that the MSM is NOT right wing. The electoral success of right wing political parties over generations in Oz, alone, should tell you something. Ask progressive political parties or Left activists if our MSM is right wing. By the way, "right wing" is not confined to Fascism, it relates to conservatism across the spectrum - from dislike of, and discomfort with, change up to outright reaction to it (ie wanting, and working, to turn back time - Gay marriage, abortion). Fox media (News Ltd.) is routinely described as "right wing" and News controls 70% of Oz print media, a near monopoly.

      It should be a concern to all of us that any spark of real journalism (ie objective truth telling as in the case of Assange and the situation in Ukraine and the China bias) is being replaced by propaganda world wide so I append a piece from today's Menadue as a reminder.


      PS. I haven't said anything bad about you apart from the Jaxie comparison which I admit was a bit exaggerated - nobody really compares to the Mouth of Merrylands RSL and I apologise for that but, look, I could have linked you to Heckle or Jeckle.
      Last edited by Paddo Colt 61; 05-11-2023, 01:48 PM.


      • Originally posted by Rocky Rhodes View Post

        Dude, what the fark is wrong with U?

        Not once did i attack or say anything bad against U....if so point it out.

        I mentioned freedom in another thread so why bring that up here??

        And if Freedom offends u...F. off to the Gulag.

        I started in this thread actually defending your right to free speech....and i backed up some of your claims regarding MSM propaganda. And this is my thanks??

        Or is this personal attack just a diversion from the basic question which i asked politely

        "Please justify how u conclude that our media (MSM) is right wing?.."

        Maybe your Sheeple collective leftoid group think tank can find an answer for me. Not holding me breath.

        Oh poor Rhodes has had his feelings hurt


        • I'm happy to crack him, bro


          • Originally posted by Rocky Rhodes View Post

            "Please justify how u conclude that our media (MSM) is right wing?.."
            Here let me help you....


            News Ltd & Nine Entertainment are the 2 biggest print media outlets in every state.


            There's plenty of left wing leaning media outlets but their numbers and exposure aren't as high as the right leaning organisations. It's accurate that MSM is more right leaning than left.

            Then you got your "independents", who should be not biased either way, but realistically that never is quite the case.


            • They can’t let go. They’re still reading.


              • None of this is left versus right anyway. It's just bullshyte pro-China/Russia spam.

                Happy to have some informed political discourse, but screaming as loud as possible that we're all being conned by Murdoch and that China/Russia should be our #1 strategic allies (instead of the USA, UK, Europe, Japan...etc) is neither informed nor useful discourse.

                An unpersuasive argument is being used that if we smoked a heap of weed & all read some opinions blog that is kept alive by a bunch of defectors/apologists/historical revisionists (who are either on the take or stuck arguing irrelevant Whitlam-era geopolitical cr@p, unsuited to our contemporary environment) then we would see the light.

                This is the extent of the argument. We should be an authoritarian dictatorship that embraces China and Russia as our two strategic allies. Only 'right-wing' fools think that being a free market liberal democracy that's aligned more closely with the USA, UK, Europe, Japan...etc (a much larger, more globalised economic / strategic footprint). Nonsense and it's nothing to do with the right or left of politics. There's left, right and out... this opinion is so far out the door that it's not worthy of mainstream discourse.
                Last edited by ism22; 05-12-2023, 10:15 AM.


                • Originally posted by A Country Member View Post
                  They can’t let go. They’re still reading.
                  Not only still reading but still responding. 50 pages now Congratulations to all players
                  When you trust your television
                  what you get is what you got
                  Cause when they own the information
                  they can bend it all they want

                  John Mayer


                  • Is Heckle attributing the content of all that latest rave to me? Talk about putting words into someone's mouth. It would be far better if he and ol' Jeckle took issue with something that I actually wrote.

                    When I had hair I used, for a laugh, to read Australian Post at the barber's (it was just about the only place that it could be found apart from the newsagents). "Post" was my first exposure to the voices of the Sheeple - it was clearly aimed at making money from the lowest common denominator, those bereft of wit with nothing to say yet compelled to say it (as time went on Talk Back, the internet and, dare I say, The Chookpen provided them with other dimensions).

                    Post was the dumbest of a number of right wing magazines replete with racist Jolliffe cartoons and articles without any obvious point beyond sentimentality and Jingoism.

                    There were articles featuring misfits of the era, female Garbos, grinning blokes who ate 20 pies a day and sundry other time wasters - but it was the Letters where the numbskulls actually had their say and where the laughs were to be found. There might be an indignant female protesting along the lines of, "Dear Sir, In last month's AP, Jacko from Merrylands said that all Aussie girls are sluts. Me and my girlfriends aren't and we won't have sex until we're engaged so put that in your pipe and smoke it and pull your head in Jacko. Sally KIngsley, Maroubra" (Not our Jax by the way).

                    Some came from sports fans - "Dear Editor, Bob from Coonabarabran thinks that Collingwood will win the flag this year. He's dreamin' and why don't we send the reffos back they're all Commos anyway plus they don't speak Australian. Up the mighty Poos & Pees. Rocky from Rhodes."

                    There were, regularly, girls in high waisted "Bikinis" with captions that read, "Meet Sally Kingsley of Maroubra. Sally, a shop assistant is a keen beachgoer, South Sydney Rabbitiohs supporter and part time model. Her hobbies are Jazz Ballet and, wait for it ladies, politics. A dyed-in-the-wool Bob Menzies girl, she told our snapper, "I'll be voting for Mr. Menzies because he has such a beautiful speaking voice. Bad luck fellas, Sally is engaged to be married.

                    Why they went to the trouble to pay for the stamp and the touching gormlessness of the opinions amazed me but people read them and probably agreed with the sentiments, as inane as they were, and that thought went a long way to understanding the political paradigm at the time.

                    Not so oddly, the quality of H&J's ravings take me back to those hairy days.
                    Last edited by Paddo Colt 61; 05-13-2023, 11:51 AM. Reason: Updated for better relevance.


                    • Can't read what you're saying but please see above for a complete and thorough rebuttal of the points you are repeating. Thank you.

                      PS - I repeat that none of this is left versus right politics. All you're doing is trying to claim that our established allies should all be dumped in favour of China/Russia. It's a dead argument TBH as it's never gonna happen and would likely require substantial changes to our constitution if we were planning on becoming a dictatorship (which we're not BTW).


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