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Minus Western propaganda what's the real story on the Ukraine?

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  • Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post
    a cursory run down of contributors to Menadue would indicate to even the most irredeemable dimwit that the site is credible and not in a bull’s roar of far left. Also most communities respect the opinions of elders.

    immigrants, contrary to popular opinion are generally not Left or even Democratic. Mostly they emigrate to better themselves materially. In that pursuit they pretty much vote Conservative unless of course the ham fisted Tories insult them. Our “conservatives” however, thrive on divisiveness and always have done. You see the interests of the rich are shared only by 15% top. They, therefore, rely on fear and loathing to get to the 51%. And that’s the job of their fellow rich media moguls.
    Why do they need 51 percent Didn’t Labor win the last election with a little over 30 percent of the primary vote
    When you trust your television
    what you get is what you got
    Cause when they own the information
    they can bend it all they want

    John Mayer


    • Originally posted by ism22 View Post
      I'm so confused. Really not sure why we're getting told that authoritarian regimes are... oh sod it! WE ARE GOING AROUND AND AROUND IN CIRCLES FOR NO REASON!!!

      What is your point Paddo? Long story short, your strawman portrayal of all non-CCP/Kremlin approved news as being 'propaganda' has failed to convince me that I'm being swindled by 'the west'.

      I live in Australia because I like it here. My wife is from Vietnam originally and has chosen to live here. Our mutual friends include various people in similar situations. Believe it or not... people who've lived under authoritarian regimes often view Australia as being far more 'free'. Something about being able to say whatever you like without being arrested!

      We can go through a process of faux 'intellectual' masturbation forever and ever. Fact is... lived experiences are more valuable than the opinions of outcasts who post on anti-western blogs. Think for a minute. Why are all the contributors old white people on Australian government pensions? Why aren't lotsa young Asians/Russians 'bravely' posting there. Hmmmmm!!! Maybe you should befriend some and ask?
      Marxist brainwashing has a lot to do with the way Comrade Paddo thinks and presents himself here as an anti-West capitalist.

      If he were so committed to the Marxist cause, he would have at least visited countries that were the home of this idealism and may have migrated to one of these as well.


      • So-called contributors to Menadue's Malarkey web site all share the same imposition of being irrelevant.

        To their dwindling like-minded supporters, such as Comrade Paddo, they may be considered some sort of god from a bygone era, but their relevance in the modern world is akin to someone advocating for the horse and cart to replace the motor vehicle.

        Marxists are far from the sharpest tools in the shed, and they follow anyone they deem a leader without question.

        The constant brainwashing diminishes their ability to think for themselves, and they have to be told constantly how to and what to think.


        • Originally posted by Andrew Walker View Post

          Why do they need 51 percent Didn’t Labor win the last election with a little over 30 percent of the primary vote
          Nice try Loki. I’m not sure whether your No inclination or your inclination to some sort of witch doctor curing power has diminished your critical faculties but government is formed by the party which wins the most seats. A seat is won when a candidate accumulates at least 51% of the votes cast. Often, to get to that percentage, the candidate must rely on preferences. Both parties have low primary votes these days and are voters’ second or third choices.

          Viva Dan the Man - 51% +++


          • Originally posted by Andrew Walker View Post

            Why do they need 51 percent Didn’t Labor win the last election with a little over 30 percent of the primary vote
            That's how the Libs win elections I think you'll find. Hence why they always get held ransom by the far-right (Nationals).


            • Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post

              Nice try Loki. I’m not sure whether your No inclination or your inclination to some sort of witch doctor curing power has diminished your critical faculties but government is formed by the party which wins the most seats. A seat is won when a candidate accumulates at least 51% of the votes cast. Often, to get to that percentage, the candidate must rely on preferences. Both parties have low primary votes these days and are voters’ second or third choices.

              Viva Dan the Man - 51% +++
              I thought you may answer that way, but witch Drs are not my thing although I’d trust them before a company like Pfizer who have a record of being fined for bad practices ( for want of a better way to put it ) Beneath I append a list of their record


              Preferences are very important these days and it is why when I vote the major parties last I make sure I know who the other parties are giving their preferences to. The sheeple generally have NFI of where their preferences are going.
              Last edited by Andrew Walker; 09-30-2023, 10:14 AM.
              When you trust your television
              what you get is what you got
              Cause when they own the information
              they can bend it all they want

              John Mayer


              • [QUOTE=Paddo Colt 61;n1030968]
                Originally posted by King Salvo; Ah yes, Russia doesn't mind countries having their own governments as long as they pick who they are, remain pro-Russian, are controlled by Moscow, have no dealings with Western governments, or wish to join any West Organisation.

                Sounds more like the US that actually changes regimes that it doesn’t approve of. Cuba is still being strangled and the Us has the gall to claim that Socialism there is a failure.

                Actually there is some kind of tactic here where the terms are switched around either to confuse or, more likely, out of plain ignorance. Randy lambasted me recently claiming hypocrisy but he had me as fascist and the rich as left wing. It was as though he had no idea of Left and Right as political concepts and disconcerting to say the least even allowing for the. [B
                Year 10 thing which is a load to bear admittedly.[/B] Jaxie, alone to my knowledge, bears it with pride parroting Murdoch without one hint of embarrassment and, of course, Kingo is something of an exemplar in presenting ignorance as truth.

                I didn't even finish year 10 but there really was nowhere to go after getting booted from Bankstown Boys High!! My two children graduated from Kambala and Scots College, their ages, I had already worked two years at the old man's factory, sweeping up metal scraps from the floor.

                You are a fascist? All I was saying was that mega Putin fanboy Russian Cossack Simeon Boikov's NO rally in Hyde Park would have been a day of conflict for someone like yourself. I don't have you down as anything because I can’t figure you out!


                • I’m just impressed that Paddo is starting to work out how to quote properly some of the time.


                  • Australia is one of a few countries that have preferential voting as the majority have first past the post.

                    An example

                    30 voters

                    King Salvo - 11 votes
                    JFC - 7 Votes
                    MR- 6 Votes
                    RR- 5 Votes
                    CP - 1 Vote

                    No one has received 50% plus 1 vote to be elected i.e 16 votes are required

                    CP with the lowest vote of 1 is eliminated so the second choice/preference on that ballot paper is allocated to the remaining candidates which is MR who is allocated 1 vote as a result of the preference

                    Thus the new vote count is

                    King Salvo - 11 Votes
                    JFC - 7 Votes
                    MR - 7 Votes
                    RR - 5 Votes

                    Still no one has the required 16 votes to be elected

                    RR is then the lowest ranked candidates as per votes with 5 and is eliminated

                    PR's second choice/ preference on those ballot papers are then allocated to the remaining candidates - MR get's 3 votes and JFC and King Salvo 1 vote each

                    Thus the new count is

                    King Salvo - 12 Votes
                    MR - 10 Votes
                    JFC - 8 Votes

                    Still no one has the required 16 votes

                    JFC is then the lowest ranked candidate with 8 votes and is eliminated so the second choice/preference on those ballot papers are allocated to the remaining candidates

                    MR receives 6 second choice/preference votes and King Salvo receives 2 second choice/preference votes

                    Thus the new Count is then

                    MR - 16 Votes
                    King Salvo - 14 votes

                    MR is thus elected having received 16 votes - 50% plus 1 vote (16)

                    King Salvo has asked for a recount though


                    • The above is a simple way to explain preferential voting but if after the allocation of 2nd choice/preferences no candidate has 50% plus 1 vote all candidates are back in the mix and the 3rd choice/preferences are allocated in a similar way with 4th choice/ preferences then allocated from candidates with the lowest votes who have been eliminated and so on

                      I do scrutineering at council/state and federal elections around different electorates so it can be very time consuming the more choices/preferences that are required for a candidate to receive the 50% plus 1 vote to be elected.

                      One election there was large field of candidates as follows for the electorate I was one of the scrutineers for - they had to go down to 5th choice/preferences for a candidate to receive the 50% plus 1 vote to be elected

                      Liberal Party
                      National Party
                      Several somewhat popular Independents

                      Note sure if some folk actually read what they are required to do when voting as quite a few voting papers had crosses for each candidates instead of numbers/ multiple crosses for their candidate of choice and those with interesting comments about certain candidates and the Government of the day.

                      Also the way the voters record numbers - a 7 could look like a 4 for those that use a line through the 7 - the slashed 7 which starts a debate about what the number is between the scrutineers and counters


                      • Originally posted by King Salvo View Post
                        Australia is one of a few countries that have preferential voting as the majority have first past the post.

                        An example

                        30 voters

                        King Salvo - 11 votes
                        JFC - 7 Votes
                        MR- 6 Votes
                        RR- 5 Votes
                        CP - 1 Vote

                        No one has received 50% plus 1 vote to be elected i.e 16 votes are required

                        CP with the lowest vote of 1 is eliminated so the second choice/preference on that ballot paper is allocated to the remaining candidates which is MR who is allocated 1 vote as a result of the preference

                        Thus the new vote count is

                        King Salvo - 11 Votes
                        JFC - 7 Votes
                        MR - 7 Votes
                        RR - 5 Votes

                        Still no one has the required 16 votes to be elected

                        RR is then the lowest ranked candidates as per votes with 5 and is eliminated

                        PR's second choice/ preference on those ballot papers are then allocated to the remaining candidates - MR get's 3 votes and JFC and King Salvo 1 vote each

                        Thus the new count is

                        King Salvo - 12 Votes
                        MR - 10 Votes
                        JFC - 8 Votes

                        Still no one has the required 16 votes

                        JFC is then the lowest ranked candidate with 8 votes and is eliminated so the second choice/preference on those ballot papers are allocated to the remaining candidates

                        MR receives 6 second choice/preference votes and King Salvo receives 2 second choice/preference votes

                        Thus the new Count is then

                        MR - 16 Votes
                        King Salvo - 14 votes

                        MR is thus elected having received 16 votes - 50% plus 1 vote (16)

                        King Salvo has asked for a recount though

                        I musta should on the wrong platform....but congrats to MR, I look forward to convincing you of the benefits of conservative policy making.
                        #We Stand with ourJewish community#


                        • Anybody up for a glass of limoncello?


                          • * Andy I hope that you don’t dismiss modern medicine on the basis of misbehaviour of some Capitalist corporations. The fact that you have documentation says that regulation is effective.
                            ‘And, yes. The Sheeple, or many of them, don’t have any interest in the system whatsoever. They don’t know we have a Constitution or even what it is. They don’t know what the Senate is let alone how it is constituted and they wouldn’t care what the character of government is, it doesn’t affect them. Capitalism excludes them for the most part yet they are mostly happy with their lot. Only those who think that they have something to lose or feel that their interests somehow align with the rich are politically aware - to a point, a pretty low one.

                            * Hey Randy, my son and daughter went to Kambala and Scots too. I have written about the library photo display of the gels going on a cruise and lounging around the tennis court s at the height of the Great Depression. My former in-laws were Serb migrants come good big time but I was a Paddo boy whom their daughter met at University and was, quite naturally, fascinated by.

                            * Kingo. I taught preferential voting in the same way in high schools. The. Cla ss voted and the preference allocations were then distributed. The upper forms got if, the others could hardly keep their eyes open.

                            * and Izzy, here’s me thinking that you’re a Hansonite when you’re right wing ALP.? Not so good but not as bad.
                            Last edited by Paddo Colt 61; 09-30-2023, 04:53 PM.


                            • Originally posted by mightyrooster View Post
                              I’m just impressed that Paddo is starting to work out how to quote properly some of the time.
                              As I’ve explained oh Mighty One. I mostly prefer to edit the posts to which I reply. Why reprint bulk nonsense? But it’s comforting to have you on my case.


                              • Originally posted by King Salvo View Post
                                Australia is one of a few countries that have preferential voting as the majority have first past the post.

                                An example

                                30 voters

                                King Salvo - 11 votes
                                JFC - 7 Votes
                                MR- 6 Votes
                                RR- 5 Votes
                                CP - 1 Vote

                                No one has received 50% plus 1 vote to be elected i.e 16 votes are required

                                CP with the lowest vote of 1 is eliminated so the second choice/preference on that ballot paper is allocated to the remaining candidates which is MR who is allocated 1 vote as a result of the preference

                                Thus the new vote count is

                                King Salvo - 11 Votes
                                JFC - 7 Votes
                                MR - 7 Votes
                                RR - 5 Votes

                                Still no one has the required 16 votes to be elected

                                RR is then the lowest ranked candidates as per votes with 5 and is eliminated

                                PR's second choice/ preference on those ballot papers are then allocated to the remaining candidates - MR get's 3 votes and JFC and King Salvo 1 vote each

                                Thus the new count is

                                King Salvo - 12 Votes
                                MR - 10 Votes
                                JFC - 8 Votes

                                Still no one has the required 16 votes

                                JFC is then the lowest ranked candidate with 8 votes and is eliminated so the second choice/preference on those ballot papers are allocated to the remaining candidates

                                MR receives 6 second choice/preference votes and King Salvo receives 2 second choice/preference votes

                                Thus the new Count is then

                                MR - 16 Votes
                                King Salvo - 14 votes

                                MR is thus elected having received 16 votes - 50% plus 1 vote (16)

                                King Salvo has asked for a recount though
                                Haha..thanks Salvo. And LOL it took me a while to work out who CP was.

