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Minus Western propaganda what's the real story on the Ukraine?
Seems to be a growing resentment from ordinary Russians towards Putin it on's regime and the state of the economy.
The Russian Duma say the average salary in Russia is wait for it - $791 US a month which is $ 1250.06 AUD. Some receive as low as $ 216 USD per month - $ 341.24 AUD - In AUS the Job Seeker payment(Single) is $ 778.00 per fortnight - that's $ 1556.00 a month.
AUS Pension is $ 1144.40 per fortnight - $ 2288.80 per month irrespective of where you live. The Average Russian pension is $233 USD per month - $ 368.19 AUD. - some only receive $117 US per month - $ 184.88 AUD
Interesting Story about the Russian Gold reserves -mmm where did it go to I wonder?
More than 100 tons of gold have disappeared from Putin’s “piggy bank” — the Russian National Welfare Fund — The Moscow Times. Last year, gold reserves in the NWF decreased by 171.2 tons, although only 58.9 tons were officially announced for sale. The Russian Ministry of Finance did not explain where the other 100 tons of precious metal went. At the beginning of 2025, the Fund had 187.7 tons of gold left (at the beginning of last year — 358.9 tons). Over the year, the “gold reserve” decreased by 171.2 tons (48%).
Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View PostGood post Randy though you misrepresent me at times. Clearly, whether it's a hatred of big government (as neocons see it) or not, he has that "drain the swamp" promise and, clearly, MAGA involves cutting Gov spending and "waste" and that seems to apply to "security" commitments. It is clear too that, short of WW3, there is no realistic prospect of a Uke win - they're out of guys and it's an endless money black hole. It might, under normal circumstances drag on to a "peace with dignity" but his bulldozer ebullience has gone down well so far at home so why bother.
And why not a detente with Russia? More money saved and he doesn't want Russia in China's camp. The interesting thing will be his contest with the deep state - the military and intelligence agencies. He seems to be weakening any bureaucracy that might be oppositionist.
I have no idea what the grand plan is nor does anyone else but it's interesting that he appears determined to shake up the existing paradigm. Whatever, it won't turn out well. Again the whole future direction is based on US exceptionalism.
I need some help understanding a few posts here....
Sal seems to think Putin is losing his grip on Russia. This is a odd time to bring it up. Now he has the US on side Putin holds (pardon the pun) all the trumps. You may have to accept the reality that the conservative right wing Republican has sold out to Putin. If the Dems got in again the pressure would have been on Putin. After all, Russia have only conquered a whole 20% of Ukraine in 3 years- thats not great exchange rate when its estimated by Russian news outlet Mediazona that the death toll for Russian soldiers stands at 95,000. Now it's over to Europe, who are preparing for the US to leave NATO in the ultimate act of betrayal- maybe second to the way the US has treated Canada!
Then i'm a bit lost with Paddo, who has mentioned quite a few times in this earlier thread that Ukraines demise was imminent and they were running low on troops. Yet 3 years on and they still were hanging on, boosted by North Korean troops to help them with the numbers, or was that Russia that needed boosting? Now apparently its a case that Trump is some sort of revolutionary leader that can see the bigger picture of why Russia had to invade Ukraine. He will at some point claim he is the instigator of peace and nominate himself for the Nobel Peace Prize....and sit back at Mar-A-Gaza and lament when he doesn't rate a mention.
Where are the Aussie Trump supporters gone as his administration has frozen foreign aid, threatened to take control of other countries’ sovereign territory, exited key international bodies and alienated Europe and embraced Russia? Too busy complaining about China's war ships getting too close to home? Maybe calling 2GB and complaining we shouldn't send aid to our pacific neighbours, but then say we need to be tough on the Chinese when they signal they are quite happy to help out these neighbours should we decide not to. Seems like the "New World Order" everyone was going on about when Biden won the 2020 election is about to take off, because the world is changing fast, really fast.
> Now he has the US on side Putin holds (pardon the pun) all the trumps.
That's the hilarious part about Trump fans thinking he's some awesome master of doing deals. The guy's literally the president of the USA and is bowing down to a country with an economy that's comparable to the size of Australia's (but poorer as it has a lot more mouths to feed, is less developed and spends all its money on building things like space programs & military as a flex of its might).
Trump inherited billions, lost it all and Russia bailed him out (as part of a direct plan by the KGB to cultivate him as an asset). I dunno if he's willingly cooperating with them but I'd suggest that he's driven by ego (i.e. needs to be the big man in the room) and believes he's successful/powerful rather than a puppet of a far less powerful country's leader.
As I've maintained (logically and factually)... the whole invasion of Ukraine is all about Vlad's desire to somehow reunite the USSR and discredit NATO. He sees the fall of the USSR as being wrong and unfair... in his mind it was never a valid historic event. This is how expansionary dictators operate!
It's scary times because this is not principled, left/right politics. This is foreign interference from Russia (no doubt seconded by China) attempting to reverse the status quo of stable, principled, rules based decisions being made.
Vlad's done extremely well to not only prop up Trump, but to seed support within right-wing voters and get the guy elected not once... but also a second time after most assumed his violent insurrection woulda made him completely unelectable.
The US is cooked. Things will improve but this is a farking weird point in history. Trump's term can't end sooner IMO. It's times like these where we certainly don't need a corrupt ex-cop at our helm who opportunistically uses commercially sensitive information to make ridiculous personal profits. It's becoming more and more unlikely, but one of our biggest protections will be if Albo can score another term as a stable, principle-based leader with an eye for social justice.
I just wish the world could be more loving and progressive. I get that all the lockdowns cooked people's mental health but the world just seems to be full of these dense as fark, broken individuals right now who can't use their heads. They buy into conspiracies and blame any form of social progression for their plight... which is literally nothing. Like what can I say to the cookers who park their vans/utes around my running tracks 24/7 and sit around complaining about 'vaccine mandates' and all sorts of conspiracy shyte? Some have VERY expensive, elaborate vans with stacks of weird@rse propaganda on it.
They are completely cooked! Meanwhile I'm just enjoying my runs, maximising my time with my family, travelling and plugging away at my 9-5 job (while investing in properties and stuff so that we can get ahead long-term). Just chiselling away at life and staying happy. Why are people so angry and delusional? I can only soend so much time wondering as it takes away time that could be spent loving my family & fixing arcade machines!!!!
Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View PostAn impeccable source no doubt. So the KGB is still around doing its evil work? Still knocking on those doors at midnight and tearing children from their mothers? No surprises there, they've been at it since 1917.
mmm under Brezhnev people were still being locked up if that is what you were asking - Brezhnev reversed most of Khrushchev's Liberalisation reforms (Denunciation of Stalin /Rehabilitation of the Victims of Stalin's Gulags/executions and purges etc) and liberalisation of Soviet intellectual and cultural policy.
The USSR reverted back to Authoritarian/Totalitarian mode under Brezhnev and the KGB under Andropov regained most of their powers it had under Stalin - Andropov presided over the "Persuasive Crackdown" under Brezhnev's regime. - The old all Roads lead to the Kremlin and "dissidents" locked up.
As Mrs Salvo said there was not many saddened by Brezhnev's demise despite the staged funeral . - Boring Brezhnev "Era of Stagnation" under his rule 1964 to 1982.
Brezhnev certainly had a thing for another commo despot - East Germany's Honecker
Last edited by King Salvo; 02-27-2025, 07:31 PM.
Wow Trump didn't get his arse kissed by Zelensky and out went the toys from the cot.
Paddo is sitting back and watching the US decline in fast forward and having a good old laugh. Europe has realised its time to move on, Canadians are boycotting anything American, Mexicans have gone from a 77% favourable view of the US in 2023 to 43% today. Dont need to say how the Middle East feel about the US—besides Israel, of course.
At least Australia is (maybe, for now) in the good books, even if Trump didn't know what AUKUS was when questioned about it yesterday. Luckily he did say he has a great relationship and has a lot of respect for President Xi, much like his relationship with Putin. Maybe if China make a move on us Trump can get in and make a deal to protect us- they will probably ask for West Australia since they like fertile mineral rich land. Plus the sandgropers keep on voting in rubbish Labor governments that are sending the state broke- i know because Ross Greenwood said so on Sky News- so it wont be much of a loss
The White House clash is hilarious (Is that what you refer to Randy?) not so much in bewildered Zel trying to talk logic to a pair who didn't want to listen but in the popular reaction on X. Just days ago their masses (and ours) were firm in their misguided belief that this war was good v evil writ large - Russia was evil full stop. The Randy/MR/08/Salvatore/Issy line. Now the American X posters and the masses I would suggest have turned 360, turning on the hapless Nazi Uke leadership who were duped into sacrificing their young people on the basis of US ambitions and false promises. We now need to see Zelenski as the bad guy which he is in fact and the sheeple will instantly fall into line. Confused maybe but happy to reset their "opinions". It's a difficult one for our msm.
What is surprising is that the Euros want to continue war mongering when peace is offered. It's a good line from Trump.
Paddo it obvious you can't get your head around the fact that Trump and the USA is trying to gift Russia a victory. The Europeans, Canada and even Australia have overnight backed Ukraine. I'm still waiting for you to reveal the 90% of the countries that back are backing Russia. Maybe its you who is influenced by the very organisations you think others are a slave to, that being right wing media?? Now they are barraging the airwaves with Trump wants peace and anyone who says the opposite is a war monger that supports WW3. You should join Tucker Carlson on his next holiday to Russia- you may even fall in love!
Its a land of confusion for others in here who cant acknowledge that a right-wing Republican party and Trump is bowing down to Russia. I can feel a rant about Lenin, Marx,Trotsky and Stalin coming on, which of course means shit about the Russia-Ukraine war
So we can now sit back and watch the Donny & Vladdy Show play out…..
Public opinion in the Global South sympathises with Russian rationale re the war - that it is the result of an existential crisis brought on by the spectre of US/NATO military expansion to the Russian border. Russia is/was simply defending the status quo and the people of the GS see that.
Your simple UN head count of support is iffy and lacks nuance to say the least. Each South nation's official position is not clearly condemnatory of Russia. Many went along with the UN "motherhood" resolution, after all the US is a world hegemon, but they did not condemn, mirroring the public opinion in their countries. The only lot who are balls deep are Western vassal states of the US and they (including OZ) now look like egregious fools. Whipped into line originally only to have the rug pulled out now.
Your claim is a "looks like" proposition based on official numbers. It's not unlike the proposition that the US is the champion of "freedom". To many it "looked like that" but clearly wasn't.
Really, in this country the grievous embarrassment is the Libs/MSM fault. Since way back, the ALP has been wedged over National Security. It's a complete beat up as I've explained in the past but it has a long history as an electoral plus because Mugsville buys it and always has. When in gov, the ALP attempts to restrict "Defence" spending (or did once) but the risk in doing that is serious given our mendacious right wing media's reach, so on major issues it seeks, or is wedged into, uniformity with the Right.
What Trump has done is lifted the benign mask off the face of Empire, showing the world its true colours and leaving the media/Libs with no clothes on. The realisation should at least upset our internal mania with defence exposing, as it does, the total hypocrisy of Uncle Sam. But it probably won't.
Already media hacks are calling for greater defence spending here at the bottom of the World in the absence of any US guarantees - a sort of go-it-alone derring do, middle finger reaction in the face of US perfidy. Little Ozzy punching above its weight again. A sentiment that Jaxie, 08 and Sal might applaud seeing they'd never have to fight - intelligence issues would prevent them enlisting. Anyway, best to leave the rough stuff to John Wayne who, at this moment is hopefully being thawed at some Cyronics warehouse. Come the moment, come the man eh Jax.Last edited by Paddo Colt 61; Yesterday, 04:04 PM.
Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View PostThe White House clash is hilarious (Is that what you refer to Randy?) not so much in bewildered Zel trying to talk logic to a pair who didn't want to listen but in the popular reaction on X. Just days ago their masses (and ours) were firm in their misguided belief that this war was good v evil writ large - Russia was evil full stop. The Randy/MR/08/Salvatore/Issy line. Now the American X posters and the masses I would suggest have turned 360, turning on the hapless Nazi Uke leadership who were duped into sacrificing their young people on the basis of US ambitions and false promises. We now need to see Zelenski as the bad guy which he is in fact and the sheeple will instantly fall into line. Confused maybe but happy to reset their "opinions". It's a difficult one for our msm.
What is surprising is that the Euros want to continue war mongering when peace is offered. It's a good line from Trump.
Demented! And he's totally bought the flotilla "threat". Why would you admit to that kind of infantile thinking?Last edited by Paddo Colt 61; Yesterday, 05:55 PM.