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The Sydney rail Strike. A political gee up?

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  • The Sydney rail Strike. A political gee up?

    Our MSM is going in boots'n'all on the "Strike" which is predictable just as the recent security scares are but what is the real situation?

    First, it is well nigh impossible for Unions to strike in Neo Con Oz these days. Any industrial action needs to be "protected" or approved under the ironically named Fair WorkAct and protection requires 5 steps to be taken including notice of intention well in advance and a secret ballot overseen by the AEC (Electoral Commission). Employers, on the other hand, need not go through this process to lock out a workforce in the face of industrial dispute.

    In this instance the transport union followed all the protection steps intending a limited action which would not affect commuters but the NSW government responded by cancelling all services. The MSM is not giving us an accurate picture. Nothing to do with an upcoming election of course.

  • #2 are par right with the political motives and upcoming elections, but its different to what you think.

    Deal was struck and agreed to Sat night by all parties incl Union. Sunday rolls in and the political mates and rabble rousers bends the Union to propose an alternate unworkable timetable and instructs employees to turn up Monday to that revised unagreed schedule. By failing to adhere to the previously agreed terms and work to their own timetables/rosters (or not at all) was effectively a 'strike' by all means but the traditional sense.

    There are many political games being played now by the desperates, and no regard for hurting Joe Public in their quest. I've lost all respect for that Union, there are some decent employees in State Rail being used as guinea pigs. Cnuts.
    #We Stand with ourJewish community#


    • #3
      That's neocon Perrotet's story. Let's see if it stands up to critical analysis.


      • #4
        Nah, looks like Perrottet, Scomo and ex copper Elliot, the NSW Transport minister, were seeking to mislead us about Unions and their motives with the connivance of their media mates, I know that might be hard to believe but it's true enough. The Government dropped its proposed and ballyhooed Court action very soon (one hour in fact) after the Union subpoenaed the risk assessment that led to the Government's decision to shut down the network.

        Elliot who had screamed "Terrorism!!" last week is now "unhappy" with his Department. All well and good but, still, many people would still think that the Union was the culprit because the Government and media "got in" first with their anti Union slander.

        Unforch Jaxie, this inconvenient development means that you are wrong yet again and despite claims to being an ex Union stalwart, and an ex devotee of the ABC and the ALP, you are not much more than a parrot for right wing opinion in any circumstance.

