Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61
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- Hong Kong (paramilitary police have been deployed & protesters are sent to China... the Hong Kong government is now stacked with whoever the CCP wants).
- Taiwan (their airspace and waters constantly have Chinese military 'just passing by'... further, the CCP has made many attempts to try and stack their government with CCP figures so they can do a soft take-over).
- Russia (believe it or not). My father's wife is 'Russian Chinese'... Mao drew a line at one point in time and decided her Russian village was 'China' (hence why they farked off to 'Straya). Everybody living there is white, they speak Russian, they eat Russian food, they have relatives in Russia, they're 'on the border' and if it was more than a few cr@ppy little towns (plus Russia was minded to challenge China on border issues), they'd probably be like 'hey that really is part of Russia ay' rather than sending troops into Ukraine. I mean use your head... why is Russia trying to steal Ukraine rather than sending troops into these parts of China to say 'your mother is here to take back her children'.
- Mongolia - try going there! Try. It's blocked because there's constant protests in which the military and paramilitary police arrest all protesters (a bunch of YouTubers got banned from China for filming Mongolian culture & had to escape using clandestine means). Local governments are stacked with CCP figures rather than true locals... it's a mess.
- Tibet... same situation as Mongolia.
- East Kyrgyztan... millions of people have been sent to concentration camps for 're-education', they're made to do forced labour and the CCP forces them to create seriously awkward looking 'everything is okay... we just want the west to stop interfering' videos at gunpoint.
Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61
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- There is a token vote where the leader wins 100% of the votes (or thereabouts).
- The leader is like a God... you will be arrested and tortured (again, electric wires on your gonads) if you disagree. Thus, you don't publicly disagree unless those gonads are particularly large (and they won't be after electrocution).
- The name always has to be some frigging longwinded waffle about the people and democracy rather than just 'Australia'. They then use this on the international scene by saying 'we won't turn up if you call our neighbours what they call themselves... all our neighbours HAVE to have "China" in their name and our name for them or we're not turning up'. In short, they're trolls who try to manipulate language to the max rather than just calling a spade a spade. Thus, their names for shyte are meaningless and should be not be accepted at face value.