What are China's "incursions" exactly? China calls itself a Democracy and in one sense it is (see my earlier reference to Chinese Democracy) and so does Russia which has elections. Not good enough you say? Putting our model up as an exemplar? Or the US and Britain? Plutocracies all. Compared to what the Chinese model has achieved in such a short time might you not think that the Plutocracies might want to shut it down lest the unflattering comparison reflect on them badly which should be the case. The Chinese model cuts out the sheeple and privately owned media - re the former (we have an amazing 85% who confess to no interest in politics) why should they vote and be guided in that unwanted duty by a American war mongering ego maniac? The Chinese voters are the 93 million members of the CCP all of whom gain membership on a proven record of public service and activism. In short, they are interested in politics.
So numerous US invasions over the decades are on the right side of history? A privileged life usually means a deeply inculcated sense of conformity to conservative thinking. You're a prime example. You think name calling and mock incredulity mixed with a poor grasp of history (an exclusively Western one) qualifies you as someone to be listened to - wrong. We can read all that tosh in the Telegraph or watch it on Sky.
So numerous US invasions over the decades are on the right side of history? A privileged life usually means a deeply inculcated sense of conformity to conservative thinking. You're a prime example. You think name calling and mock incredulity mixed with a poor grasp of history (an exclusively Western one) qualifies you as someone to be listened to - wrong. We can read all that tosh in the Telegraph or watch it on Sky.