Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61
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I'm not Japanese... I'm not Vietnamese either. And yet, I've lived in both countries. Heck I was born an Italian citizen (still am) and have family visas to live in both Japan and Vietnam for as long as I like. People are allowed to move around, mate! Quit making bullshyte excuses for you having zero desire to live in a dictatorship.
Ever heard of going outside rather than staying inside, hitting the dakka and reading johnmenadue.con (while ironically calling everybody else stupid)? I hear you can learn stuff that way!
FWIW as this is about Russia...
- My half brother is half Russian and I was partly raised by his mother (so I actually speak a little Russian and have a 'connection'). None of us wanna live in Russia.
- I work as an M&A lawyer. Straight outta uni a friend who's well connected offered me a $$$ job in Russia that involved setting up shell companies on the UK/Australia (common law jurisdictions) so that oligarchs could hide their money. BIG money on offer mate... I turned it down as he advised that 'accidents happen in Russia, you don't just go out at night or walk the streets, you have to be vigilant the whole time, including about what you say to people'. Despite the money on offer, he's now moved on from that role.
So yeah... opportunities exist if you're that way inclined. There's big money on offer for white monkeys who wanna defect to Russia/China - isn't hard.
Why don't I defect then? Oh right because I enjoy the freedom of living in a democracy and am not what did you call them... a 'sheeple', like 1/2 your johnmenadue.con defectors who will say anything for the right price (usually not that much).